Racism and Prejudice Essay

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Camara Harell’s extract. “The Meaning and Impact of Racism. ” addresses the distinguishable difference between bias and racism. Many people have a misconception of what racism is. and repeatedly utilize the two words interchangeably. Harell has provided a model that explains the true definitions. and besides explains what it takes to be labeled. by definition. a “racist. ”

Peoples by and large confuse the significances of bias and racism. and do non to the full understand how to utilize each word in the proper mode. However. there is a immense difference in what each word means. Social psychologist. James Jones. depict bias as a “negative attitude toward a individual or group based upon a societal comparing procedure in which the individual’s ain group is taken as the positive point of reference” ( Jones. 1991 ) . Prejudice is holding preconceived judgement and an irrational ill will towards a group without holding just concluding or equal cognition ; it is a idea and sentiment. and non needfully an action upon that person or group. Harell argues that it is “inappropriate to utilize the footings racism and bias synonymously” ( 1999 ) . Racism is defined as utilizing a force of power against an “inferior” racial group with the assistance of an full civilization ( Harell. 1999 ) . It is neither an thought or impression. but instead the power and act upon stamp downing a racial group.

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Harell and Jones provide enlightening. rational logical thinking that differentiates bias and racism. The chief difference being that bias is largely a idea and sentiment. while racism is a verb and is the act of repressing a group.

Plants Cited

Harell. Camara. ( 1999 ) . The Meaning and Impact of Racism. Manichean Psychology: Racism and the Minds of African Descent. pages 1-14. Jones. James. ( 1991 ) . Racism: A Cultural Analysis of the Problem. In Black Psychology. 3d erectile dysfunction. . erectile dysfunction. R. Jones. 609-36. Berkeley: Cobb and Henry.

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