Recommendation Letter Essay

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I am composing this missive at the petition of Mr. Sayed Elyas Kawish and his desire to use for British Chevening Scholarships for the Construction Management MSc Postgraduate Taught Program. Though many pupils inquire me to do this petition on their behalf. I merely recommend pupils whom I feel are well-suited for the plan of their pick. Mr. Kawish is one of those pupils and hence. I extremely recommend that he be given the chance to go to this plan. As professor of the Civil Engineering Department at Herat University. I work with many pupils who have significant cognition of Construction Management. Mr. Kawish has systematically shown such a strong desire to larn the different direction facets of building undertakings that I merely could non turn down his petition for a recommendation.

I foremost met Mr. Kawish in my Construction Management class during the Spring 2011 semester. Compared to the category norm of 70. Mr. Kawish earned an 82 in the category. Mr. Kawish was evaluated on midterm trial. class undertaking and concluding test in which he performed really good. Elyas is an outstanding person with a strong character. He has the ability to bring forth impressive consequences in a broad assortment of countries. Elyas is organized. motivated. difficult work and has good communicating accomplishments. Additionally. he has a really positive attitude and genuinely embracings larning all there is to cognize about basket weaving. Though Stu has systematically exceeded in all countries of his coursework. the best illustration of his intelligence shone through a [ paper/presentation/project/etc. ] on theories of basket weaving.

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The work clearly showed his ability to present a clear. concise. and well-thought presentation with a new position by showing [ embellish here ] . In add-on to his coursework. Stu besides dedicated some of his ] clip volunteering at [ Club or Organization Name ] . His place required him to [ list of undertakings ] . He felt volunteering was an of import leading function. in which he learned [ list of accomplishments ] . The accomplishments acquired through volunteering will be good to all of Stu’s future enterprises.

Stu has the ability to pull off and form his clip and agenda about different activities without holding them interfere with his work. school. I believe Stu is destined to be a leader in basket weaving. and hence is an first-class campaigner for your school. I extremely recommend that you see his application. as he will be a great plus to your plan. I’m certain you will happen him to be a pupil whose endowments will merely turn. If you would wish farther information. delight experience free to reach me.

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