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Chapter I: Scotland as an original state

1.1. Some words about General information

1.2. Tragic history of Scotland

1.3. Symbol of Scotland

Chapter II: Scotland pride

2.1. The chief Scotland metropoliss

2.2. World history is full of Scots names

Chapter III: The Scots

3.1. Peculiarities of Scots character

3.2. Clans and plaids

3.3. Customss and traditions

Chapter IV: The Practical portion

4.1. The research on Scots and Russian traditions




You know that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consist of four parts, of four states. There are four different states: the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish. Every state has its ain alone civilization, history, literature and even linguistic communications. These people have different imposts and traditions and even nutrient alterations from part to part.

Having studied makes English-speaking states instead profoundly we became interested in civilization of non so big state but besides really rich of its traditions is Scotland. The cognition about it is non full plenty among Russian students. That & # 8217 ; s why the subject of this research is the followers: & # 8220 ; Scotland. Its imposts and traditions & # 8221 ;

The object: The research of Scots imposts and traditions, their manner of life.

The topic: The find of influence of cognition about imposts and traditions of one of the states on the formation of regard to other states.

The purpose: To seek and to systematise the stuff about Scots character and traditions of this state.

Coming from the purpose, object and capable we put frontward the hypothesis:

If the cognition about civilization, history, imposts and traditions of the state are systematized we can accomplish:

& # 183 ; The formation of deep apprehension of the state & # 8217 ; s character

& # 183 ; The betterment of common apprehension between different states

& # 183 ; The increasing of the cultural degree

Our purpose can be achieved and the hypothesis can be checked up by utilizing the undermentioned methods of research:

& # 183 ; Analysis of information from different beginnings

& # 183 ; Abstraction

& # 183 ; Compilation the charts

Practical significance:

& # 183 ; The gathered stuffs make it possible to increase the involvement of analyzing English at school, to broaden the mentality, to understand the distinctive features of Scots character

Chapter I: Scotland as an original state

Some words about General information

He who has non seen Scotland

does non truly cognize Great Britain

Scotland is a land of paradox. A little state, its presence is felt all over the universe. It is a state of sermonizers and poets, warriors and dreamers, discoverers and adventurers. This is the land of plaids and all right whiskey, of romantic palaces and the tunes of bagpipes. Scotland besides has a rich cultural heritage. The entreaties of Scotland are undoubtedly alone and the cordial reception of the Scots people will do your visit one to be remembered. Scotland is a state in the United Kingdom to the North of England. Its symbol is a thistle, its frequenter saint is St. Andrew. The state is dwelling of the Highland & # 8211 ; a northern country with a rough clime and the Lowlands & # 8211 ; an industrial part with about three quarters of population.

Tragic history of Scotland

The fusion of England and Scotland showed that spiritual differences were now more of import than old national 1s. England and Scotland remained separate during the 17th century, except for a period under Oliver Cromwell. In 1707, both states agreed on a individual parliament for Great Britain. Scotland retained its ain system of jurisprudence and the church.

Some facts from Scots History.


Scotland was united with England and Welsh although it kept its ain parliament.


England and Scotland were joined by an Act of Union

1715 and 1745

Rebellions by & # 8220 ; Jacobites & # 8221 ; who wanted a Catholic King. In 1745 the Jacobite hope was Prince Charles Edward Stuart & # 8220 ; Bonny Prince Charlie & # 8221 ;

My Bonny

A common people vocal

1. My Bonny is over the ocean,

my Bonny is over the sea.

My Bonny is over the ocean.

Oh, conveying back my Bonny to me.

Chorus: Bring back, bring back,

Bring back my Bonny to me, to me.

2. Oh, blow ye winds over the ocean,

Oh, blow ye winds over the sea,

Oh, blow ye winds over the ocean,

Oh, conveying back my Bonny to me.

3. Last dark as I lay on my pillow,

Last dark as I lay in my bed.

Last dark as I lay on my pillow,

I dreamed that my Bonny was dead.

4. The air currents have blown over the ocean,

The air currents have blown over the sea,

The air currents have blown over the ocean,

And brought back my Bonny to me.


Prince Charles was eventually defeated and the people of the Highlands were forced to emigrate.

Symbol of Scotland

The thistle has nil pleasant in it, particularly if you carelessly touch its irritants. But it has an of import significance for the people of Scotland. It is the Scots national emblem. Scotland, as you may cognize, is now portion of Great Britain. Why did the Scots people choose this thorny works as the national emblem of their state? The reply is interesting, and it can be found in the history of Scotland. The people of that state chose the thistle as their national emblem because it saved their land from foreign encroachers many old ages ago.

A fantastic manner to try the spirit of Scotland is so to follow the Malt Whisky Trail which takes you through the Grampian Highlands. The charming combination of pure snow-melt H2O from the Highlands and carefully matted barley has produced the unique, basically Scottish gustatory sensation which no other state can fit.

The most of import musical instrument of Scots is a alone bagpipe. It appeared in the Highland in the XVI-XIX centuries. The bagpipe is a loud instrument. Its sounds spread fairways to two stat mis about. For doing the instrument function a leather tegument, a blander ( bull or Equus caballus ) and reed ( or any other hollow tubings ) are needed. In Scotland people say, that sounds of bagpipes must incorporate sound of adult male and sound of animate being.

Chapter II: Scotland pride

2.1. The chief Scotland metropoliss

Edinburgh, the capital metropolis of Scotland, is associated with scientific discipline, jurisprudence and disposal. It is internationally celebrated excessively as one of the most beautiful metropoliss in Europe and is popularly known as & # 8220 ; the Athens of the North & # 8221 ; . In the old town houses with narrow Windowss are mounting up by narrow streets towards the antediluvian Edinburgh Castle in the center of the metropolis. This celebrated fortress overlooking the town from the 150 metres high Castle Rock is one thousand old ages old. As Scots say, St. Petersburg and Edinburgh are the lone metropoliss in the universe with such a splendid layout.

Manchester is the 2nd biggest metropolis. Manchester was the first metropolis in England to construct its ain airdrome in 1919. The metropolis is an of import cultural Centre, celebrated for printing books and magazines. It is besides noted for its first-class libraries, magnificent museums and humanistic disciplines.

Glasgow is its largest and busiest town. Glasgow is the he

art of industry. It is a Centre of concern and trade. It is a really busy, comfortable, dirty in some portion and smart in others, it is beautiful and ugly with its big port and busy streets.

2.2. World history is full of Scots names

In Scotland were born many people, became celebrated in the hereafter.

Sir Walter Scott ( 1771-1832 ) & # 8211 ; author and poet, one of the greatest historical novelists, whose favourite topic was his native Scotland.

Robert Burns ( 1759-1796 ) & # 8211 ; Burn & # 8217 ; s poesy falls into two chief groups: English and Scots. His English verse forms are, for the most portion, interior specimens of conventional 18th century poetry. But in Scots poesy he achieved victory of a quite extraordinary sort.

My bosom & # 8217 ; s in the Highlands, my bosom is non here,

My bosom & # 8217 ; s in the Highlands a-chasing the cervid,

A-chasing the wild cervid and following the roe & # 8211 ;

My bosom & # 8217 ; s in the Highlands, wherever I go!

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,

The place of birth of heroism, the state of worth!

Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,

The hills of the Highlands for of all time I love.

Farewell to the mountains high screen & # 8217 ; vitamin D with snow,

Farewell to the straths and green vales below,

Farewell to the woods and wild-hanging forests,

Farewell to the downpours and long-pouring inundations!

There are many Scots names it can state:

David Livingstone ( 1813-1873 ) & # 8211 ; celebrated Scots adventurer.

Alexander Graham Bell ( 1847-1922 ) & # 8211 ; discoverer of the telephone.

Robert Louis Stevenson ( 1850-1894 ) & # 8211 ; celebrated Scots author.

Chapter III: The Scots

3.1. Peculiarities of Scots character

The Scots, peculiarly the & # 8220 ; Highlanders & # 8221 ; from the cragged North, attempt to keep their separate individuality. They object to being called & # 8220 ; English & # 8221 ; . Their earliest known ascendants were the Celts and the Gaelic linguistic communication, still spoken in remote parts, comes from the ancient linguistic communication of the Celtic folk. The Scots have a repute for being imaginative, hardworking, serious minded and cautious with money. In the yesteryear they were pioneer colonists and imperium builders in topographic points like America, Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand. They have besides provided the British Army with some of its most celebrated regiments. Over the centuries, enemy military personnels have frequently been terrified at the sight and sound of Highlanders in Kilts processing into conflict accompanied by the blood-curdling music of the bagpipes. Some even nicknamed the Scottish soldiers & # 8220 ; Satans in skirts & # 8221 ; and besides & # 8220 ; ladies from snake pit & # 8221 ; .

3.2. Clans and plaids

The Scots Highlander considers himself the & # 8220 ; true & # 8221 ; Scot and he wears his national frock, the & # 8220 ; kilt & # 8221 ; , with pride. Kilts, the pleated skirts made of the stuff with a squared, colored design called a plaid, likely derive from the costume of the Roman vanquishers. Each Scots kin ( a Gaelic word for & # 8220 ; tribe & # 8221 ; or & # 8220 ; household & # 8221 ; ) has its ain plaid with specific colourss and design and lone members of that kin are entitled to have on it. Clans, the traditional anchor of Scots society, are no longer powerful. Originally, the kin, a grouping of an full household with one caput, or laird, was besides of import as a contending unit. The solidarity associated with kin rank has been expanded into a strong national pride. The Black Watch plaid and the Royal Stewart plaid are the most popular plaids. They are more popular with tourers than with the Scots. If your name is Mac-something you likely descend from clanswomans. & # 8220 ; Mac & # 8221 ; is portion of a great many Scottish family names, and its significance is & # 8220 ; boy & # 8221 ; . It is sometimes spelt & # 8220 ; M & # 8221 ; or & # 8220 ; Mc & # 8221 ; , but it is pronounced merely the same as & # 8220 ; Mac & # 8221 ; . In some topographic points & # 8220 ; boy & # 8221 ; is used alternatively of & # 8220 ; Mac & # 8221 ; : MacDonald, Donaldson. The kin MacDonald is one of the oldest, it dates back to the 13th

3.3. Customss and traditions

They say, Scots are ungenerous and unfriendly people. It is true, but we can understand them, after all during all their history, they had legion wars for autonomy. Like other peoples, Scots badly stick to their traditions. The of import portion of their house is a fire-place, which gives comfort and soundlessness to house. As a necessary ascription in each place must be a checkered cloth, possibly a table-cloth, or a tartan on a couch, or blinds on the wall.

About in every house on the wall there is a knife, which has on the hilt the engraving of a thistle and put a topaz. Scots had the older tradition & # 8211 ; have oning a knife over the right stocking. If a adult male put a knife out on interior side of leg that it means he declared the war. Peaceful people used to have on a knife on the right exterior.

Scottish really like workss. There are many workss in their suites. Behind house there is a little garden. Owners carefully look after all workss, that & # 8217 ; s why Scottishs have good and glorious gardens. In good conditions people like passing a batch of clip in fresh air, in their gardens.

Before the Seventeen century Scottish national frock was as follow a white linen shirt and a 8 metre long tartan, which was fringed over one & # 8217 ; s shoulder, a fastened broach, and clasped it around the waist. In the combat yearss to poron helped to soldiers & # 8211 ; it & # 8217 ; s a large pelt bag. The bag was decorated with caput of animate being & # 8211 ; fox or Wisconsinite & # 8211 ; and long periphery.

Truly, merely people, who lived beside hills, wore a kilt. Inhabitants of field preferable pants. Highlanders wore a kilt and spats. Chiefly because, it was a comfy.

Earlier Scots were divided into: cattle & # 8211 ; breeders and land people. The most of bright heathen jubilations for grain husbandmans was a Midsummer & # 8217 ; s Day ( June 21st
) . On that twenty-four hours there is a fire traveling, around that there are rites. Sheep-breeders celebrated their vacation in June & # 8211 ; they celebrated the terminal of lavation, shearing and branded sheep.

That twenty-four hours the hostess makes a particular pie from barley or oat flour and portions it with kids, who must raise and care for sheep.

Chapter IV: The Practical portion

4.1. The research on Scots and Russian traditions

As a practical portion I chose a comparing Russia and Scotland. This comparing with non many facets, can give us a opportunity to understand the difference between states. To my head these states were united due to thing merely one & # 8211 ; the beginning of ancient traditions. But even in such a conservative state as Scotland, some traditions are forgotten or lost their significances. For illustration we can take into consideration the present Scottish faith.

You can see that presents Scotland has many faiths, that & # 8217 ; s why alternatively of old traditions, new different religious orders have appeared. So to cognize the present state of affairs of Scotland, you must open all secrets of history of Scotland and so, may be you will see that their imposts are typical.


Today Scotland is really popular. Tourists can see and make so much: high hills to walk on, old palaces to see, cryptic lakes to traverse by boat and & # 8230 ; legendary monsters to look out for! Scotland is celebrated for people from all over the universe come at that place to look up to it.


1. & # 1040 ; & # 1092 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1089 ; & # 1100 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1074 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1054 ; . & # 1042 ; . & # 1040 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1075 ; & # 1083 ; & # 1080 ; & # 1081 ; & # 1089 ; & # 1082 ; & # 1080 ; & # 1081 ; & # 1103 ; & # 1079 ; & # 1099 ; & # 1082 ; . & # 8211 ; & # 1052 ; . : & # 1055 ; & # 1088 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1089 ; & # 1074 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1097 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1080 ; & # 1077 ; , 2001. & # 1089 ; .184-190.

2. & # 1050 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1083 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1076 ; & # 1103 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1103 ; & # 1051 ; . Great Britain. & # 8211 ; & # 1052 ; . : & # 1040 ; & # 1081 ; & # 1088 ; & # 1080 ; & # 1089 ; & # 1055 ; & # 1088 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1089 ; & # 1089 ; , 1998. & # 1089 ; .31-50.

3. & # 1055 ; & # 1088 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1094 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1082 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1070 ; . The Highlands of Scotland. & # 8211 ; & # 1050 ; & # 1080 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1074 ; : & # 1047 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1080 ; & # 1077 ; , 1996. & # 1089 ; .32.

4. & # 1061 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1089 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1074 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1054 ; . Country & # 8220 ; in square & # 8221 ; . & # 1058 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1083 ; & # 1083 ; & # 1080 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1085 ; : & # 1043 ; & # 1083 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1073 ; & # 1072 ; & # 1083 ; & # 1080 ; & # 1085 ; & # 1092 ; & # 1086 ; & # 1088 ; & # 1084 ; XXI & # 1074 ; & # 1077 ; & # 1082 ; , 2003. & # 1089 ; .56-57.

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