The Argument Culture Essay Research Paper On

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The Argument Culture Essay, Research Paper

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On any given dark when watching the intelligence, there are bound to be a figure of narratives affecting statements. Normally there are two sides to each point of contention, and both sides seem unable to compromise. But there are besides a big figure of times when the media examines narratives which are non argumentative, sometimes sing fact, perchance human involvement. This mix represents the multiple ways we view the universe. Without a uncertainty, the statement civilization to which Deborah Tannen refers in The Argument Culture exists, but it is however countered by a distinguishable involvement in goodness and via media instead than purely confrontation. Unfortunately, differences in sentiment are frequently staged as barbarous conflicts instead than the possible for larning. Our society has started to switch from intellectually exciting opinion-based treatments to more confrontational polarized arguments, however there are a figure of issues which are non argued at all.

Tannen? s averment that we tend to near the universe in footings of two distinguishable picks is exemplified in the current partizan political system under which this state operates. Specifically, in presidential arguments, campaigners become so entangled in turn outing themselves & # 8220 ; right & # 8221 ; and others & # 8220 ; incorrect & # 8221 ; they neither hear nor acknowledge the virtues of another point of position. Without a uncertainty, this compulsion with conflicts and statements adds to the ineffectiveness of our current political system. In add-on, political figures have become so concerned with losing some of their utmost components, that they refuse to compromise and travel closer to the center.

The current attack to political relations need non be so argumentative as to overshadow the pressure issues at manus. Fortunately, there is still a great desire in our state for peace and via media.

Not every issue is presented in footings of an statement. However, in many instances these issues are overlooked because they lack the confrontational qualities that the media demands for gross revenues and evaluations. Hearing two sides of an issue which so requires personal idea and contemplation are normally more interesting than unchallenged facts, so even factual information is spun to affect contention. But this does non intend that human nature is going more haunted with statements. It is simply that the media exploits struggle. There are a overplus of illustrations of facts which don? T warrant intelligence coverage because they are non disputed. Generally, service to the community, which is at the head of importance to many people does non affect statements. Random Acts of the Apostless of kindness are typically viewed as merely that. While it may be interesting to watch people take sides, it is every bit heartwarming to detect the goodness innate in worlds every bit good.

Both statements and the deficiency thereof are indispensable to a functioning society, However, as Tannen provinces, the automatic spring towards confrontation can be black and counter-productive, which is non to state that they are non times when arguments and rational conflicts are built-in parts of larning. While the statement civilization seems to hold pervaded our society, I don? t think separately our nature is to be confrontational or argumentative. It is of import to retrieve that we can larn more by maintaining an unfastened head.

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