The Black Hundred In Russia Essay Research

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The Black Hundred was an utmost right flying party which emerged at the bend of the 20th century in Russia. Prefering tsarism and autarchy alternatively of a parliamentary authorities, the Black Hundred were the culprits of many Judaic pogroms in Russian metropoliss such as Odessa, Kiev, Yekaterinoslav and Bialystok ( Horowitz 703 ) . This group of groups increased in popularity before the beginning of the Russian Revolution when tsarism was in diminution. The Black hundred believed that all Jews were revolutionists and all revolutionists were Jews, all Hebrews were capitalists and all capitalists were either Jews or tools in the custodies of Jews. ( Laqueur 17 ) . This position of Jews was a deformation of the truth. In fact, the Jews in most parts of Russia were urgently hapless, doing hardly adequate money to back up themselves. Merely a little fraction of Jews were capitalists. Jews were a minority in most Russian metropoliss. However, their absence did non change the mentality of the Black Hundred. Harmonizing to them, the Jew was the Anarchist, absent and yet ubiquitous, a powerful myth assisting to mobilise nescient multitudes. ( Obraztsov 10 )

The first organisation of the Black Hundred was the Russkoye Sobraniye ( Russian Association ) , which was established in 1900. Existing for several old ages without much action toward the Jews, the Russkoye Sobraniye made its first major anti-semitic measure in 1905. At this clip, the Sobraniye issued a pronunciamento which demanded anti-Jewish Torahs in position of the Judaic ill will to Christianity and the Non-Jewish states every bit good as their aspirations to universe power. ( Obraztsov 7 ) .

In October of the undermentioned twelvemonth, a major right flying organisation called Soyuz Russkovo Naroda ( SRN ) was established. Dr. Dubrovin was named caput of the SRN and took political action by prophesying Russian nationalism. At this clip, Tsar Nicholas II was a ageless protagonist of the SRN, giving about 150,000 rubles in entire to its personal businesss ( Laqueur 26 ) . In fact, the Tsar himself proclaimed that Jews were the cause of the ruin of Russia, and openly stated that international Jewry, through its two wings, Judaic capitalist economy and Judaic socialism, is agitating revolution taking to subvert the Russian government ( Wistrich 46 ) . On the subject of the Black Hundred, Tsay Nicholas II showed his enthusiasm by naming them a reflecting illustration of justness and order to all work forces ( Laqueur 19 ) . An overall fright of revolution that had seized Russia during the early 1900 s was a primary cause of the popularity of the Black Hundred. They found support chiefly among the blue bloods and members other lower-middle category. Although they were nowhere near a major party in Russia, they did do a major impact on the Jews of Russia, who were invariably being oppressed by their runs.

The Black Hundred foremost utilised pogroms as a agency of obliteration of the Jews in October 1905. At that clip, when the Tsar Nicholas II issued his October pronunciamento, supplying the people with a democratic fundamental law, the Jews were chosen by the Black Hundred as whipping boies for the issue of the new fundamental law. The constitution of the Duma was the worst fright of these right-wingers ( Obraztsov passim ) .

Harmonizing to the Black Hundred doctrine, the Jews were a race that in secret strove to take over the universe. They were viewed as unsafe capitalists who strove to sabotage the tsarist government

and to set up the regulation of Judaic capitalist economy. The justification for pogroms is quoted from a address by a member or the SRN which states that the Black Hundred ne’er, under any circumstance, appealed for the slaying of anyone. The pogroms were, harmonizing to the right-wingers, ever triggered by brutalized, predatory, and insatiate Judea, who were tacking the unarmed Russian population ( Lavrinovich 236 ) .

Another important leader of the Black Hundred was Markov II. He was an speechmaker of the Duma and an absolute Jew-baiter. In one of his addresss before 1917, Markov II stated that all Jews, down to the last, would be killed ( Laqueur 21 ) . The antisemitism toward Jews was a alone feature of the Black Hundred. No right flying party liked the Jews, but the downright hatred of the Black Hundred did non be with moderate right-wingers. This doctrine of the Black Hundred can be compared slightly with the Nazi doctrine. However, the motivations of these two parties were different. Hitler used the thought of the Judaic Problem as propaganda and his government gained more land for Germany. The Black Hundred gained nil more than the satisfaction of slaying from their pogroms ( Lavrinovich passim ) . Indeed, the Black Hundred ne’er emerged as a genuinely independent party. They were ever under the wing of the Tsar, ne’er declaring any independency from him. The SRN ever remained portion of a system that assisted it financially and furnished it with political support.

During a typical pogrom, work forces would ramp up and down a small town, rupturing down everything possible. The inhuman treatments ranged from jeer and larceny to severe whipping and slaying ( Wistrich passim ) . Of class, the Black Hundred did non get down the thought of pogroms. They were used by other groups in the late 19th century and were used once more after the disappearing of the Black Hundred. The entire harm rendered by the Black Hundred amounted to the decease of about three hundred Jews in Odessa and over one hundred and twenty in Kiev. These figures exclude the figure of Hebrews who were injured. In entire, the Black Hundred carried out about seven hundred pogroms, chiefly in Western and Southern Russia ( Horowitz 712 ) .

Finally, as tsarism wholly collapsed, the Black Hundred faded off. There was no longer any fiscal or political support for them, as there had ever been with the being of the Tsar. The texts of the Black Hundred became out in Russia ; no individual was to talk of their government. This rule was upheld until the recent prostration of the United Soviet Socialist Republic and the Russia people could merely happen out their history through belowground susurrations. However, although the Black Hundred were destroyed, Judaic pogroms continued for many old ages after their disappearing, coming from both the right and left parties.


Horowitz, Brian. Judaic Identity and Russian Culture: The Case of M. O. Gershenzon. Nationalities Papers 1997: 699-713.

Laqueur, Walter. Black Hundred: The Rise of the Extreme Right in Russia. New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, Inc. , 1993.

Lavrinovich, U. Who Began the Pogroms in Russia? Berlin: J. Ladyschnikow, 1908.

Obraztsov, V. Report of the Black Hundred About the Third Duma. Moscow: Sytin Publishing House, 1908.

Wistrich, R. S. Once once more, Anti-Semitism Without Jews. Commentary Aug. 1992: 45-49.

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