The Canterbury Tales The Perfect Love Essay

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The Canterbury Narratives: The Perfect Love Essay, Research Paper

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The Canterbury Narratives: The Perfect Love

The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer around 1386, is a

aggregation of narrative told by pilgrims on a spiritual pilgrim’s journey. Three of these

narratives ; & # 8220 ; The Knight & # 8217 ; s Tale & # 8221 ; , & # 8220 ; The Wife of Bath & # 8217 ; s Tale & # 8221 ; , and & # 8220 ; The Franklin & # 8217 ; s Tale & # 8221 ; ,

affect different sorts of love and different love relationships. Some of the

loves are based on aristocracy, some are forced and some are based on common

regard for each spouse. My thought of love is one that combines facets from each

of the narratives told in The Canterbury Tales.

In & # 8220 ; The Knights Tale & # 8221 ; , the love between the two knights and Emily is

intensely powerful. The love that Palomon and Arcite feel towards Emily is so

strong that the two knights feel that it is worth more than life. At one point

Palomon says to Arcite, & # 8221 ; Though I have no arm here. . . either you shall

dice or you shall non love Emily. & # 8221 ; The love that Palomon feels for Emily is so

overpowering that he is willing to take on an armed adult male, in mortal combat, merely

for the love of a adult female. Possibly he feels that without her he will certainly decease,

so why non decease seeking to win her.

The dry fact about the relationship between the two knights and Emily

is that Emily does non wish to get married either of the knights. she expresses this

in a supplication to Diana, the goddess of chaste, & # 8221 ; Well you know that I desire to be

a maiden all my life ; I ne’er want to be either a beloved or a wife. & # 8221 ; This is so

dry because Arcite and Palomon are about to kill each other for her love and

she doesn & # 8217 ; t want to beloved by either of them. She enjoys the bangs of maiden

goon excessively much to hold them ended by matrimony.

While all this is traveling on, no 1 stops to believe that neither Arcite

nor Palomon has of all time even spoken to Emily. When Palomon and Arcite are in gaol

Palomon says, & # 8221 ; The Beauty of the lady whom I see rolling yonder in the garden

is the cause of all my calls and woes. & # 8221 ; This is non something That I would desire

to establish my ideal love on. These two knights are willing to put on the line their lives for

the love of this adult female, whom they have ne’er even met. For all they know she

could be the most bothersome individual on Earth. In that instance they would be put on the lining

their lives, merely to pass the remainder of it with a beautiful and highly

raging adult female.

In & # 8220 ; The Wife of Bath & # 8217 ; s Tale & # 8221 ; A knight is forced to get married a deplorable old

adult female to avoid decease. The knight and the old adult female do non acquire along good, and

when the old adult female suggests that she can do things better, the knight responds

stating, & # 8221 ; Corrected? . . . It will ne’er be corrected! You are so nauseating and

old. & # 8221 ; A love relationship such as this could ne’er last because their is no

attractive force, physical or mental. A major factor in love is physical attractive force

between the two spouses, here their is no attractive force. Two people can non love

each other if they can stand to be around each other. The knight can barely


to look at his married woman, allow entirely sleep with her.

Despite the fact that the knight despises her, the old adult female persists on

acquiring the knight to love her, which really works in some instances. While the

knight is kicking about how awful his matrimony is the old adult female says, & # 8221 ;

What am I guilty of? For God & # 8217 ; s interest state me and it shall be corrected, if I can

manage. & # 8221 ; After this the old adult female continues on converting the knight that she is

worthy of him and he eventually agrees. Sometimes it is necessary to convert the

other individual that they love you. The love between the knight and the old adult female

started out as a forced relationship and was greatly sorry. But after the

old adult female pointed out some good qualities their relationship blossomed into a

beautiful, loving relationship.

My ideal love is best expressed in & # 8221 ; The Franklin & # 8217 ; s narrative & # 8221 ; . The love

between the knight and his married woman is based greatly on regard. From the really

get downing the knight offers her regard and free will, & # 8221 ; He swore to her as a

knight that ne’er. . . would he take an autocratic function over her. . . nor

show green-eyed monster to her, but would obey her. . . as any lover ought his lady. & # 8221 ; The

knight in this narrative knows how to win a lady. By giving her regard and leting

her to make as she pleases, by non maintaining her on a short tether, he wins her

regard and hence they build a really powerful love relationship.

Another property to their strong relationship is faithfulness. When a

immature squire tells the knights married woman of his love for her she tells him, & # 8221 ; I will

ne’er be an unfaithful married woman in word or title, . . . I will be his to whom I am

knit. & # 8221 ; With fidelity comes safety. If a individual feels safe in a relationship

they tend to remain their, doing the relationship that much stronger.

Each of the love relationships I have merely described contains qualities

that I feel are of import in my ideal love relationship. I feel that passion is

of import, as in & # 8220 ; The Knight & # 8217 ; s Tale & # 8221 ; when Palomon is willing to contend Arcite for

Emily ; it adds exhilaration to the relationship. Sometimes continuity can play

an of import function in a love relationship, as it did in & # 8221 ; The Wife of Bath & # 8217 ; s

Tale & # 8221 ; when the old adult female persists that the knight should love her. Finally, I

feel that regard plays a cardinal function in doing a good love relationship. When to

people love and respect each other, as the knight and his married woman did in & # 8221 ; The

Franklin & # 8217 ; s Tale & # 8221 ; , it helps to construct a really strong and honoring love

relationship. But, for every quality that I like in each narrative, there is besides a

quality that I feel is damaging to a blissful relationship. For case, in

& # 8221 ; The Wife of Bath & # 8217 ; s Tale & # 8221 ; the knight is forced into a love relationship, which

I feel could merely take to an unfulfilling relationship. Besides in & # 8221 ; The Knight & # 8217 ; s

Tale & # 8220 ; , Arcite and Palomon are in love with a adult female to whom they have ne’er even

spoken to. this could merely convey on statements and would decidedly be a shabby


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