The Classical World Essay Research Paper The

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The Classical World Essay, Research Paper

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The Classical World

The Classical World made many parts to the development of scientific discipline,

literature, and moralss. These parts have influenced the modern universe

today. Many mathematicians, uranologists, and scientists contributed to the

development of many of the luxuries we enjoy today. Homer, writer of The Iliad

and The Odyssey, made parts to the field of literature through his

composing. In the field of moralss, many philosophers from the Classical World

contributed to the criterions, values, and rules of our society today. Some

of the major parts from the Classical World is in the field of scientific discipline.

Mathematicians, uranologists, and scientists made of import parts

that formed the basic component of scientific discipline. From this basic component came the

luxuries we enjoy today. Pythagoras, a mathematician, proved & # 8220 ; the relationship

between the legs and the hypotenuse of a right triangle. & # 8221 ; 1 From this, he

derived the Pythagorean Theorem. This part chiefly influenced

architecture and geometry today. Equally, Eratosthenes besides influenced

architecture and geometry. He developed a method of finding the

perimeter of the Earth by utilizing geometry. Developed by Archimedes, the

Archimedes Principle contributes greatly to the field of scientific discipline. The rule

provinces that & # 8220 ; a organic structure immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal the weight

of the fluid displaced by the body. & # 8221 ; 2 The Archimedes Principle influenced the

development of the boat and pigboat. The Classical World besides contributed to

the field of literature.

Literature has come a long manner from the Classical World since its

development by many writers and dramatists of this clip period. Homer, writer

of The Iliad and The Odyssey, affected prose and poesy through his authorship of

& gt ; Homeric poems. Sophocles, a dramatist, & # 8220 ; presented many alterations in Hellenic

Drama. & # 8221 ; 3 These alterations led to the development of more histrions in a drama and the

add-on of more scenery. Consequently, these alterations have influenced modern twenty-four hours

films in that they have more histrions. Since the Classical World contributed to

the Fieldss of scientific discipline and literature, it besides helped develop the Fieldss of


The criterions, values, and rules of a society were besides contributed by

assorted philosophers of the Classical World. Pythagoras founded the

& # 8220 ; Rosicrucian Fellowship, & # 8221 ; a spiritual and philosophical school. One of the

three chief regulations of this school was, & # 8220 ; No eating beans or meat, & # 8221 ; which most

probably influenced the thought of the modern twenty-four hours vegetarian. Desiring people to

think for themselves, Socrates did non desire the people of his clip to & # 8220 ; copy

their elders. & # 8221 ; 4 To Socrates, & # 8220 ; people should depend on ground and logic to steer

their lives. & # 8221 ; 4 These beliefs have contributed to the development of moralss.

Besides these beliefs have influenced the basic thought and doing determinations of

adult male. In these three Fieldss, the Classical World made many parts.

The Classical World made many parts to the Fieldss of scientific discipline,

literature, and moralss. These parts, in many ways, influenced the

modern universe. Mathematicians, uranologists, and scientists like Pythagoras,

Eratosthenes, and Archimedes contributed to the field of scientific discipline and

influenced the modern universe greatly. Lending in the field of literature,

Homer and Sophocles have affected prose, poesy, and Drama through their

literary plants. Philosophers have changed our positions on different affairs such as

options to eating. The parts from the Classical World developed and

influenced the manner we view scientific discipline, literature and Drama, and moralss in today & # 8217 ; s


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