The World According To Dalton Essay Research

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John Dalton

John Dalton ( 1766-1844 ) , was a British chemist and physicist, who developed the

atomic theory upon which modern physical scientific discipline is based. Dalton was born on September 6,

1766, in Eaglesfield, Cumberland County, England. He was the boy of a weaver and was

ab initio educated by his male parent and so at Quaker school in his hometown, where he began

learning at the age of 12. In 1781 he moved to Kendal, where he headed up a school with his

cousin and his older brother. He went to Manchester in 1793 and spent the remainder of his life there

as a instructor, foremost at New College and subsequently as a private coach. In 1804 and 1809 Dalton was

invited to learn at the Royal Institution in London. He was made a member of the Royal Society

in 1822 and was awarded the society & # 8217 ; s gold decoration in 1826. In 1830 Dalton became one of the

eight foreign associates of the Gallic Academy of Sciences. Dalton died in Manchester on July

27, 1844.

Dalton & # 8217 ; s most of import part to scientific discipline was his theory that affair is composed

of atoms of differing weights and combine in simple ratios by weight, besides known as the atomic

theory This theory, which Dalton foremost advanced in 1803, is the basis of modern physical

scientific discipline. In 1808 Dalton & # 8217 ; s & # 8216 ; A New System of Chemical Philosophy & # 8217 ; was published. In this book

he listed atomic weights of many known elements relative to the weight of H. His

weights were non wholly accurate but they did organize the footing for the modern periodic tabular array.

Dalton rooted his atomic theory through the survey of the physical prop

erties of atmospheric air

and other gases. During this survey he discovered the jurisprudence of partial force per unit areas of assorted gases,

known as Dalton & # 8217 ; s jurisprudence, that is, & # 8220 ; The entire force per unit area exerted by a mixture of gases is equal to the

amount of the separate force per unit areas that each of the gases would exercise if it entirely occupied the whole

volume. & # 8221 ;


1. Hydrogen, its comparative weight 1

2. Azote 2

3. Carbone or wood coal 5

4. Oxygen 7

5. Phosphorous 9

6. Sulphur 13

7. Magnesia 20

8. Lime 23

9. Soda 28

10. Potash 42

11. Strontites 46

12. Heavy spars 68

13. Iron 38

14. Zinc 56

15. Copper 56

16. Lead 95

17. Silver 100

18. Platina 100

19. Gold 140

20. Mercury 167


1. All affair consists of bantam atoms.

2. Atoms are indestructible and unchangeable. Atoms of an component can non be created,

destroyed, broken into smaller parts or transformed into atoms of another component.

3. Elementss are characterized by the mass of their atoms. All atoms of the same component

hold indistinguishable weights, atoms of different elements have different weights.

4. When elements react, their atoms combine in simple, whole-number ratios.

Although some inside informations of Dalton & # 8217 ; s original atomic theory are known to be wrong, the

chief constructs of the theory & # 8211 ; those being the seperation and brotherhood every bit good as features of

atoms & # 8211 ; are the foundations of modern physical scientific discipline.

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