The Crucible Essay Research Paper A cell

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A cell in

Salem gaol, after Proctor and Rebecca Nurse have been escorted by Herrick,

Danforth, Hathorne and Cheever to their unwelcome destiny. Hale and

Elizabeth are left in the cell entirely, both are crying continually for a long

period of clip. The membranophones have ceased and they are left in a deafening silence. The Sun pours

in through the window illuming the dark, rat-infested cell, uncovering the dirty

stained, rub covered walls. ? Hale: ( He

clears his pharynx, wipes his eyes, and attempts to retrieve a sense of normalcy.

He ponders over the events of the past few proceedingss and so speaks aloud the

ideas that are traveling through his caput ) . He will be in a topographic point of felicity

now, Goody Proctor. The forces of the Satan will be upon him no more. ( Rises up

to face Elizabeth, who sits motionless with her caput buried in her custodies ) .ELIZABETH: ( She

raises her caput somewhat, but continues to gaze at the black, dust-covered floor. She

has ceased weeping and has a vacant, clean look on her face ) . Yes. ( She

says in a hardly hearable susurration ) Hale: ( Deriving

assurance ) . You could hold stopped it Goody Proctor. ( Elizabeth turns to confront

him with a expression of desperation ) . Now he will be condemned to the snare, and it were

possible for you to forestall it. ( Elizabeth widens her eyes, and a frown appears

on her rugged forehead ) . If merely a confession had passed through his lips. If

merely you & # 8211 ; ELIZABETH: ( Angrily,

as though Hale? s words had penetrated her bosom with a sharpened blade ) Hale!

How could you say that! You know full good that anything I could hold said

would non hold been heeded by his tormentors. His decease had already been

decreed and John would non hold sold his psyche to the Satan to salvage his life.HALE: ( Moves

frontward towards Elizabeth and points his finger in a baleful mode ) You had

the power to salvage John. You could hold persuaded him to alter his beliefs.

What is the benefit of being righteous when the terminal consequence was to be hung by

the cervix until he was dead. What has been achieved -ELIZABETH: ( Interrupting

Hale she excessively rises from her place and angrily confronts him ) . Yes, his psyche may

now be in Eden and his strong beliefs in stating the truth may hold left a

sorrowing widow and fatherless kids, but we can keep our caputs up high in

this community in the cognition that the name of John Proctor now stands for

everything that is good and honourable.With this

Elizabeth turns off from Hale while she contemplates the virtuous words she

has spoken of her hubby and it is with some contempt that she recalls John? s

unfaithfulness with Abigail, but she keeps these sad memories to herself.HALE: ( Recognizing

that he has upset Elizabeth, his attitude alterations, and he moves to comfort her

by conveying her caput to his thorax ) . I am regretful, genuinely regretful. John was a good

adult male and he will be unhappily missed. ( He now realizes that Elizabeth should be left

entirely to her sorrow and commands to go forth ) . Elizabeth, I have pressing

concern to

attend to. You should now travel place to your kids. They need you more than

of all time. I shall travel now but if of all time you need me, I am at your behest.Hale turns to

go forth the room, and walks easy out through the big wooden door. His

footfalls can be heard down the long corridor.Elizabeth is

now left alone deep in idea. The room is acquiring darker as the twenty-four hours draws to

an terminal. She sits her weary organic structure down on the now cold rock bench, and considers

how different the events of the twenty-four hours could hold been.ELIZABETH: ( Talking

aloud ) . Was Hale right in what he said? Should I have persuaded John non to

state the truth? ( Her face becomes distraught, her eyes narrow and her organic structure

becomes racked with hurting ) John! John! John! ( She screams ) I have forsaken you.

You have gone and I am left with my ain ego commiseration. I could hold saved you but

now it is excessively late! ( She beats her thorax with clinched fists and calls aloud )

There is nil left for me in this life. How can I confront my kids since

they will oppress me for the loss of their beloved male parent. My friends will besides

bend against me since they excessively will impeach me of non assisting to salvage John.There is now

but one beam of light come ining the cell from the full Moon outside. This visible radiation

is centred on her pale drawn face and she starts shouting hysterically.ELIZABETH: I

can non confront the hereafter without my darling hubby. I must fall in him. ( She so

returns to undo her scarf from around her cervix, and ties this in the form of

a snare. She struggles to force the rock bench towards the cell window.

Standing on the bench she places the noose around her cervix, and so ties the

terminal around one of the bars of the cell window. ) John, I am coming to fall in

you. ( Now the offended look disappears from her face as she contemplates her

destiny. With new found strength, she kicks the bench off from beneath her pess,

and she falls excruciatingly as the noose tightens around her cervix ) .In her half

witting province, she hears the sound of voices going progressively louder.

She hears Danforth speaking.DANFORTH: You

hold but five proceedingss to state your good-byes, John Proctor, and no more.PROCTOR: I

thank you sir for these cherished proceedingss. ( Elizabeth so hears? John naming her name and his footfalls

running towards the cell ) . Elizabeth! Elizabeth, my darling! Danforth has

allowed me one last buss before I meet my shaper. ( He enters the cell and sees

Elizabeth hanging from the cell window and calls in anguish. Grief afflicted, he

shrieks ) My God, why have you forsaken me. ( He rushes to Elizabeth and efforts

to take the noose. Elizabeth opens her eyes and looks yearningly into John? s

overwrought face ) Elizabeth:

John ( She whispers huskily, and wrongly believing that John has been

reprieved, she croaks ) I give you to Abigail now and I ask you both to take attention

of our children.Danforth retarding forces

John Proctor out of the cell with John shouting hysterically. The visible radiations go out


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