The Dual Qualities Of Nature Romeo And

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The Dual Qualities Of Nature ( Romeo And Julliet ) Essay, Research Paper

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The Dual Qualities of Nature ( Romeo and Julliet )

Everything in life has the possible to be both good and evil. In Shakespeare & # 8217 ; s calamity Romeo and Juliet, there are many contrasts between, people, words, things, and actions. Shakespeare warns us that nature is the beginning of both life and devastation. In Act II scene three, Friar Lawrence addresses in a soliloquy the binary traits of nature.

In act II scene three, the Friar is outside picking workss which he can utilize in blending assorted herbs and medical specialties. He says he must make full up his wicker basket. All entirely, the Friar begins to speak to himself. The Friar says, & # 8220 ; workss can be mickle. & # 8221 ; Friar Lawrence picks one works and he mentions how it has two different belongingss, it is toxicant and besides a medical specialty. The aroma of it can mend, and the gustatory sensation will kill. & # 8220 ; Virtue becomes frailty & # 8221 ; , he says, explicating how when good things are abused can they can go destructive. His monologue compares nature to work forces. Both have potency for making life and destruct it. Dichotomies exist together in a delicate relationship to eachother throughout this tragic narrative and in the terminal, there is no jubilation of life, no nuptials, merely deceases and funerals and the hope of new realtionships and dichotomies to get down.

In the drama Romeo and Juliet, the relationship between the two lovers can be viewed as either good or bad. Their love sprung from impulse, beauty, and hatred. Both Romeo and Juliet are taught to detest and its dry how love comes to them so easy. The feud between their households is rooted in such strong hatred but, it seemed to fade out with the strength of their love. Between the hatred that they are taught to experience and the love that they do experience that empowers them, they put themselves above the feud. They love so much, and because this International Relations and Security Network & # 8217 ; T allowed, their love becomes destructive. Rather than the fantastic pure feeling of joy that the two lovers should experience, they are coerced into hiding their feelings for one another. In this drama there is pattern that virtute is turned to frailty, so, virtuousness once more. The love between Romeo and Juliet is the strong passion, a virtuousness at first. The deceases of Tybalt, Marchrusio, Romeo and Juliet are the frailty and the resolution of the household feud once more turns to virtue. In life, love, and people, there is ever both virtuousness and frailty.

An illustration of good and bad is in the characters of the drama. Like every individual the characters are balanced with both good and evil. Romeo is a immature adult male who is so caring and fu

ll of love that he makes certain no 1 hurts those he loves. He is unprompted, volatile and so naif. He lives to love, and is known as a good child. He is against killing and being involved in the feud. But, when his best friend Mercutio is killed by Tybolt, he insists on retaliation, on killing Tybolt. Does this do him a bad individual? No, I don’t think so, but I do experience that killing person is incorrect and what this proves is that no 1 escapes incorporating both good and bad within them. Although he murdered in a tantrum of fury and had painful compunction, it shows that he excessively had ability to make badly and have a double nature

In my life there are events, people and things and traits that could be labeled as either good or bad. I think that the separation of my parents is a good illustration of a event that resulted in both good and bad in my life. As a whole thought & # 8220 ; separation & # 8221 ; was hurtful and sad to me. There was hurting and sorrow of class, but I didn & # 8217 ; t free the relationship I had with my & # 8220 ; parents & # 8221 ; , but it changed. Rather than one relationship with both my parents, in the separation I gained two wholly different and fantastic relationships. In the terminal they resolved their jobs and I was left with two positive things. Even if they didn & # 8217 ; t decide their jobs, I feel that I would hold befitted some by deriving two relationships. So, hence, I believe that all relationships contain a component of good and bad excessively.

Another illustration in my life of binary traits is my sensitiveness. I feel my most admirable trait as a individual is sensitiveness and besides my most harmful. It is something that keeps me believing of others and their feelings every bit good as my ain. This sensitiveness ever makes me excess observant about my milieus and the manner I am perceived, but, sometimes excessively cognizant and paranoiac. This makes me experience about as if I were more delicate than I really am. I have experienced dichotomies of emotions, binary relationships of felicity and unhappiness, love and hatred, fright and comfort.

Examples from nature, characters in Romeo and Juliet, and experiences in my ain life, do it is easy to see that everything in life has a double quuality and potency. As human beings we have this possible to make and be both good and evil, right, incorrect, bad, good, hurtful, or helpful. Throughout Romeo and Juliet there are dichotomies everyplace, in words, people, things, life, decease, love and hatred, to call a few. Nature and people posess the potency for good or evil, they can either make or destruct. In any action, individual, or, state of affairs, both good and bad exist together in a give and take relationship.

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