The Human Genome Project Essay Research Paper

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The Human Genome Project Essay, Research Paper

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The Human Genome Project

The Human Genome Project ( HGP ) is an international research attempt to chart and qualify the human genome ; the full bundle of familial instructions for a human being. That entails puting out, in order the 3 billion Deoxyribonucleic acid letters ( or establish braces ) of the full human familial codification.

The Human Genome Project began in 1990. It was originally planned to take 15 old ages to finish but because of technological progress it should be complete by the twelvemonth 2003. The eight ends of the undertaking include decoding the human familial codification, or DNA sequence and quickly supplying this information freely and without limitations to the scientific community and the populace. From 1990 when the HGP began until 1996, familial and physical maps of the human chromosomes and other resources were developed because they were needed to sequence human DNA at comparatively low cost and high truth. The physical and familial maps provide landmarks that aid scientists navigate the 3 billion braces of bases, or DNA letters, on the human chromosomes. These maps besides have helped scientists runing

for genes even before the “working draft” sequence. The second goal is to develop efficient technology to sequence human DNA. The third goal is to identify the variations in the human genetic code that underlie disease susceptibility, particularly the most common variations that are called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism?s). The forth goal is to interpret the function of DNA sequence on a genomic scale determining how individual genes and groups of genes work together in health and disease. The fifth goal is to be able to decipher and analyze the genetic code of model organisms such as yeast, roundworm, fruit fly and mouse. The sixth goal is to examine the ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI) of genome research, identifying barriers to the integration of the results of the HGP into health care, and proposing and implementing solutions as appropriate. The seventh goal is to develop bio informative tools and computational strategies for the collection, analysis, annotation and storage of the ever-increasing amounts of DNA mapping and sequencing and gene expression data. The eighth goal is to training scientists for genomic research and analysis.

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