The Impact of Earthquake Hazards Essay

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Discuss the position that the impact of temblor jeopardies depends chiefly on human factors ( 40 Markss ) .

It is impossible for anybody to reason that human factors do non hold an consequence on the impact caused by temblor jeopardies ; nevertheless the extent of the consequence is problematic depending on the state of affairs. This can depend on many different facets. for case the degree of development in the relevant state. the criterion of substructure. the magnitude and location of the temblor and in conclusion what clip the temblor occurs. In order to properly buttocks whether the impact of temblor jeopardies depends chiefly on human factors. it is necessary to look at a scope of instance surveies which will supply a balanced overview.

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For case – looking at the LEDW – illustrations such as the Haiti temblor in January 2010 every bit good as the temblor in the Indian Ocean in December 2004 could propose that the impact depends chiefly on human factors as these states are non to the full developed and therefore might hold underdeveloped substructure and edifice ordinances. Contrary to this. the MEDW with illustrations such as the Northridge temblor in 1994 could supply a contrasting statement in footings of how human factors affect the impact. However. there are ever multiple factors which the impact depends on. regardless of the development of the relevant state.

The impacts can be split into classs such as societal. economic and environmental in order to estimate the scope of impacts and whether they depended preponderantly on human factors. For illustration. we can compare the societal impacts of the Haitian temblor mensurating 7. 0 on the Richter graduated table with the 1994 Northridge temblor in L. A. mensurating a similar 6. 7. The sum of human deaths and hurts in Haiti was utmost. over 230. 000 died and many more were injured. This impact could be argued to hold been due to human factors as the capital. Port au Prince. was ill built every bit good as this. the temblor hit the most dumbly populated country of the state. Therefore it is clear to see that the impact here does depend slightly on the human factors.

Comparably. the decease toll in Northridge was officially placed at 57. a dramatically different figure to that seen in Haiti. Figures shows that 20. 000 people were instantly made homeless. nevertheless it is hard to reason that this was chiefly due to human factors as many of the edifices affected were within mere kilometers of the epicenter. However. farther research as a consequence of this temblor showed that some of the edifices in Los Angeles did non execute good. these included multi floor wood frame edifices and those with a weak first floor. Therefore. from this decision it can be argued that the harm to certain edifices was due to human factors including hapless planning for the constructions of edifices.

The Sichuan temblor in China occurred at 2:28pm on the 12th of May 2008. The timing of this temblor meant the impacts were already worsened irrespective of the human factors. Because of the clip that the temblor occurred. many kids were at school and most grownups were working. Therefore this made them more susceptible to utmost impacts. Other physical factors that worsened the impact include the superficiality of the epicenter at merely 19km. in add-on to this the terrain in cardinal China is really steadfast. this means the seismal moving ridges can go long distances without losing much power. All of this grounds would propose that the impact does non depend chiefly on human factors as there are so many other facets that contributed.

However. there were besides many human factors present in the temblor in China. for case 1000s of school kids died and this was chiefly due to ill constructed schools throughout the country. at least 7000 schools collapsed doing many child human deaths. This is considered one of the most outstanding and of import impacts of the Sichuan temblor as many households in China adhered to the One Child Policy. therefore the severely built schools meant many parents lost their lone kid holding a knock on consequence on future coevalss. Therefore some of the most of import impacts did depend on human factors as if the schools had been built better ; the extent of child deceases could hold been reduced significantly.

It is hard to reason convincingly that the impact of human jeopardies depends chiefly on human factors as in every instance there are ever legion factors that contribute to the extent of the temblor. The easy path would be to reason that less developed states are impacted more earnestly by temblors due to human factors such as ailing built substructure and high population densenesss nevertheless this is non needfully the instance as in L. A research showed that some of the impacts were chiefly dependent on the human factors such as ill constructed edifices in the country. But. all impacts of any instance survey can non be proven to be as a consequence of human factors. therefore it is impossible to reason that the impacts of temblors jeopardies depend chiefly on human factors. The of import word is “primarily” . and although it is clear that the impacts are affected by human factors. they are non entirely responsible for doing all of the impacts of any temblor.

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