Earthquake Detailed Lesson Plan Essay Sample

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1. Aim
At the terminal of a 60 proceedingss session. each pupil must be able to: 1. 1 differentiate active. inactive. and reactive mistake by their opportunity to bring forth an temblor 1. 2 locate the different countries in the Philippine map which lies near active mistakes 1. 3 demonstrate the different motion forms of tectonic home bases refering temblor

2. Learning Undertaking
2. 1Unit: Earthquakes and Mistakes
2. 2Topic:
2. 2. 1Active and Inactive Faults
2. 2. 2Philippine Mistake System
2. 3Concepts
2. 3. 1An temblor ( besides known as a temblor. shudder or earthquake ) is the consequence of a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismal moving ridges. 2. 3. 2The seismicity. seismism or seismal activity of an country refers to the frequence. type and size of temblors experienced over a period of clip. 2. 3. 3There are two types of mistake: active and inactive mistakes.

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2. 4Materials
2. 4. 1Reference: General Sciences
2. 4. 1. 1 – Earth Science ( 1997 )
Paul G. Hewitt
Addison-Wesley Publishing House
Pages: 56-58
2. 4. 1. 2 – K+12 Curriculum
Pages: 59-60

2. 4. 1Instructional Materials
2. 4. 2. 1 – Video Presentation ( 20 proceedingss )
2. 4. 2. 2 – Philippine Map

3. Methodology
3. 1 Daily Activities
3. 1. 1Prayer/Greetings
Angenine lead the supplication. Our male parent who are in heaven…
( pupils will follow )

3. 1. 2Checking of Attendance
Group 1 is at that place any absent? I’m sword lily to state that no 1 is absent in our group
What about group 2? ( each representative of the group
will be making their attending study )

3. 2 Motivation
Class. you are about to watch a picture cartridge holder. Please observe silence and ticker carefully. ( presentation of picture cartridge holder ) ( after the picture cartridge holder ) What do you believe is the ground behind the devastation of the metropolis? Yes. it is an temblor. Now we are traveling to happen out how an temblor signifiers. the sort of mistakes and their difference in footings of the opportunity they are likely to bring forth an temblor. and the Philippine mistake system. | An temblor. because as ascertained the land and all the edifices shake dramatically. | 3. 3 Lesson Proper

3. 3. 1Introduction
Each twelvemonth the southern California country has approximately 10. 000 temblors. 3. 3. 2 PresentationStandards for screening: * silence * avoid unneeded motions * focal point * observe carefully3. 3. 3 Comparison and AbstractionAn temblor ( besides known as a temblor. shudder or earthquake ) is the consequence of a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust that creates seismal moving ridges. Earthquakes are measured utilizing observations from? Aside from volcanic activities. geological fault is the common cause of temblors. There are two types of mistake. What are those? An active mistake is a mistake that is likely to hold another temblor sometime in the hereafter. Mistakes are normally considered to be active if there has been motion observed or grounds of seismal activity during the last 10. 000 old ages. Inactive mistakes are structures that we can place. but which do non hold temblors. As you can conceive of. because of the complexness of temblor activity. judging a mistake to be inactive can be slippery. but frequently we can mensurate the last clip significant beginning occurred across a mistake. If a mistake has been inactive for 1000000s of old ages. it’s surely safe to name it inactive.

However. some mistakes merely have big temblors one time in 1000s of old ages. and we need to measure carefully their jeopardy potency. As I had explained. in footings of temblor production. What do you believe is the difference between active and active mistake? The Philippine Fault System is an inter-related system of mistakes throughout the whole of the Philippine Archipelago. chiefly caused by tectonic forces compacting the Philippines into what tectonic geophysicists call the Philippine Mobile Belt. Do you hold any follow up inquiries. elucidations. or anything that is non clear to you sing temblors? That concludes our treatment. | Seismometers or seismograph. Active and inactive mistakes. Active mistake has a high hazard of bring forthing temblor. while an inactive mistake has a really little opportunity. None. Everything is clear.

3. 3. 3Generalization
Earthquake are caused by blaming and measured by seismograph. There are two types of mistake viz. : active and inactive mistake. Philippines has its ain mistake system. they are interrelated throughout the whole archipelago.

3. 3. 4 Application
A. Explain briefly the significance of cognizing where the mistakes are located.
B. Pull the three diagrams demoing the different forms of plate motion. C. Given a Filipino Map. turn up the countries that lie near mistake lines right by tracking it utilizing a marker.

4. Evaluation
For each inquiry below. chink on the circle next to the right reply. | |
1. The topographic point where slippage first occurs is called the earthquake’s…A. concentrate B. epicentre
C. magnitude
D. strength

2. Which of the undermentioned best describes aftershocks? A. a series of little shudders happening after a major temblor B. seismic moving ridges that can non go through liquids
C. countries along a mistake where slippage and fracturing first occur D. elephantine ocean moving ridges that originate at a mistake zone|

3. The force that can alter the size and form of stones is called…A. emphasis B. magnitude
C. snap
D. friction|

4. Most earthquakes occur along or near the borders of the …A. North American home base B. earth’s oceans and lakes
C. Eurasian home base
D. earth’s lithospheric plates|

5. The San Andreas Fault Zone has formed where the border of the Pacific home base is slipping…A. under the North American home base B. over the North American home base
C. south along the North American home base
D. north along the North American plate|

6. The Pacific Ring of Fire is an temblor zone that forms a ring around…A. the Atlantic Ocean B. South America
C. the Pacific Ocean
D. North America|

7. Which type of seismal moving ridge travels the fastest? A. L wave B. P wave
C. S wave
D. surface wave|

8. Which type of seismal moving ridge causes rock atoms to travel together and
apart in the same way as the moving ridge is traveling? A. L moving ridge B. S wave
C. P wave
D. surface moving ridge

9. What is the minimal figure of seismograph Stationss a scientist must hold informations from in order to turn up the epicentre of an temblor? A. 1 B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

10. To find how far off from a seismograph station an temblor occurred. scientists plot the difference in arrival times between…A. P and S waves B. S and L moving ridges
C. P and L moving ridges
D. seismal moving ridges and tsunamis

Research relevant informations about vents.
Extra mention: Earth Science ( 200 )
Paul G. Hewitt
Addison-Wesley Publishing House. pages 51-53

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