The Influence of Culture on Language Essay

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In this films. I can happen a batch of constructs that we have been studied in this four chapter. Although I largely disagree the chief thought of this film. I think it is fight for survive and there are non clear justness. I admit it is a good film to analyze intercultural communicating. After watching this film. I foremost think about the Identity. Identities are sets of societal outlook related to ourselves and others that are grounded in the interplay between similarities and difference and pertain to personal. relational and communal facets of lives.

As you can see from the gap scene when the general hope the Lieutenant Jim to contend for homo. even he do him to take between his brother life or Mala. A function is something one puts on and takes off depending on the demands of the state of affairs. In this state of affairs. the general expected the Lieutenant Jim to contend for him but non for parliament. because he believe Jim is a human and soldier. he could non contend for Terrian. It is a function outlook. I besides find the communication’s relationship to individuality in this film and it is Ironically.

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When the soldiers find the Mala in their Ark. they foremost thought is she will destruct Ark. they should catch her every bit shortly as possible. Such individuality label ever take this common thought that Mala is non human. she must in order to destruct to come the Ark. The communicating of course reflects her individualities. besides her individualities will common reflect what she will making. But ironically. who arrest human to capture the planet uncompromising is non Mala. but Lieutenant Jim. besides a human. It is no uncertainty to happen the film is most to concentrate on personal individuality.

The film extremely praise the personal individuality has particular power to work out the struggles between relational individuality and communal individuality. As a human. he has a communal individuality. But he besides has a relational individuality that he is a friend of Mala. During the conflict. he want to salvage his brother and besides do non desire to ache Mala. at this clip. he did another pick. At last. there a scene shows a large sculpture about Lieutenant Jim. Heroism most present a personal individuality. In the film. I find another struggle about the worldview. What is our relationship with the nature. command or adaptive.

The general surely stand for command the universe. He want to capture the planet and alter the universe to another Earth. Human is largely like to mastery the universe. We can happen at the film stated. it is because of absolute command the nature. we are ver-exploitation. destruct the nature and battle each other that lead to lose our universe. But the parliament seems to alter. It is more similar Terrian to adaptive the universe. They stand to portion the universe and impart into the environment. At this point. we can happen another construct which we study in this for chapter is Similarities and Differences.

So when we discuss the civilization. we could non be overgeneralization. Back to the worldview. we find the Terrian’s universe position is more in conformity with that current environmental protection organisation advocated. At this position. I truly love to accommodate the universe or non to get the hang it. But at last. I largely find that homo is more like to do a large coop to shut ourselves. I thought the writer is instead utmost. At last. I think to analyze a intercultural communicating in a film is a meaningful and interesting. But possibly it is a small hyperbole. because the film ever take some author’s personal value in it.

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