The Puritan Experiment Essay Research Paper The

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The Puritan Experiment Essay, Research Paper

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The Puritan experiment carried out in New England was a failure. The ground for this was that the people merely lost religion. The contradictions in the faith and the general feeling of treachery caused the people to reject the ideals that were one time held as sacred and perfect. The puritan faith was based on several renters that, for a most portion, contradicted each other. Man & # 8217 ; s destiny was said to be pre determined and redemption was out of his control, but at the same clip, adult male was expected to populate a close perfect life style for no genuinely justified ground. The Puritans besides lived in a theocracy since adult male was fallible, yet, God & # 8217 ; s will was interpreted by the Preacher who was a adult male and was as weak and vulnerable as any adult male. These contradictions along with others caused people to lose religion in the faith despite the good purposes of the Puritans.

Pre Destination was one of the most outstanding beliefs in the Puritan religion. However, when combined with the pure life style forced upon the Puritans, it besides became one of the many contradictions. The pure life style was an obvious effort to maintain society in balance by doing people conform to certain ideals and regulations. The major mistake, nevertheless, was that these ordinances were portrayed as necessary for entryway into Eden.

& # 8220 ; First, God elects persons to be saved. Second, He designs

complete salvation merely for those elite. Third, fallen adult male is

himself incapable True religion and repentance. & # 8221 ; ( Mumford ) p.9

This pre finish, as seen here, is dependent merely on God and life style is non mentioned. Yet, the Puritans seemed to experience it necessary for one to populate a pious life avoiding dance, card playing, and anything in general that could be construed as daemonic. This unneeded want of gratitude based non on faith, but the will of a adult male itself shows the first major contradiction of the Puritan Faith. How could it be that a individual & # 8217 ; s full destiny is written before they are born? If a individual is deemed to be destined for damnation will he non turn against the damning faith and happen one more suited and forgiving? Factors and believing such as this played a big function in the failure of the faith. Peoples would non accept that a merciful and venerable God would let them to fire in snake pit after they had lived a pure, Christian life style. This basic rule increased the temptingness of other faiths that were more forgiving and offered a better opportunity at redemption.

The Puritans chose to populate in a theocracy while in the new universe, with the Reverend as the translator of God & # 8217 ; s will. The ground for this was that the Puritans saw God as infallible. They, in T

urn, could happen no better manner of regulating their society than by utilizing a perfect being.

& # 8220 ; & # 8230 ; a Holy Commonwealth governed by God or God & # 8217 ; s

Representatives. The clergy were the representatives. They were

Work force of vigorous mind, profoundly learned in theology. & # 8221 ; ( P.3 )

Here, nevertheless, is an illustration of blending political relations with faith, an antique mixture that frequently ends in catastrophe. The job with this system is God & # 8217 ; s will, in any faith, is left unfastened to personal reading. Equally long as the Puritans remained in a theocracy, there would ever be people that would try to take advantage of the people in the name of God. Greed, the natural defect nowadays in people, compels them to take advantage of state of affairss such as these for personal net income. This failing in the government of the society caused a weakening in both the society and in the faith, as both were linked. The failing of this system was seen in Salem small town, when the clergyman Paris uses this power to pull strings the town for his ain additions. It was his will, non God & # 8217 ; s, that he have big amounts of money, excess wood, and a house. He subsequently used his power to widen the length of the enchantress tests and he refused to make anything to halt it as he was utilizing it to free the town of those that opposed him and his will. When the people lost religion in the system that governed them they basically besides lost religion in the strength of their faith. This disgruntled feeling created by corruptness and failing caused the people to desire a alteration. They could no longer see God as infallible since his sanctum delegates would frequently take them astray. This attitude is what gave manner for the passage into the age of ground and the motion from the focal point being on God to the focal point being on adult male and ground. Simply because adult male here felt betrayed by the one facet of life, in which, he had entire religion.

The Puritan religion began with what every successful faith demands, extremely devout followings. The failure of the faith happened when these devout followings began to lose religion in the Puritan manner of life. The diminution in faith shortly caused the diminution in a rank, which, in the terminal, caused the failure of the faith. A faith without followings can non thrive. It is a physical impossibleness. With all of this devout worship and rigorous societal restraints what was it that the Puritans were trying to make? The Puritans were seeking to make a Utopian society in the new and uncultivated universe of America. They hoped to make this by get downing with ordinances and stableness, but it shortly fell apart as the Puritans were unwilling to accept or conform to other ideals.


none needed & # 8230 ; It is an opinionative paper

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