Theology Reflection Essay Research Paper Theology ReflectionChapter

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Theology Reflection

Chapter 4-Page 66-Number 1

Imagine a state of affairs in which you are arrested and

imprisoned for being a Christian. What are you believing as

you sit in your prison cell? Write down your feelings and

behavior as if composing a journal entry.

As I sit in my prison cell for something that I have no

control over, being a Christian by birth, I wonder why they

would make this to me. They know there is nil that I

could make about being born a Christian. Even though I was

born into Christianity I will stay strong in my beliefs of

my faith. I dont understand what could be traveling through

there heads, cognizing I have done nil incorrect. There is

nil that I can make to assist myself besides sit here and

allow God take things into his ain custodies.

I know that I will be all right because I am traveling to set

all of my trust into God and if there is anybody that I can

trust it is God. If there could merely be one inquiry that I

could inquire God rite now it would be why? Why have I been

imprisoned for being a Christian? I have done nil but

maintain my religion and I can make nil but sit here and pray.

& gt ;

I feel really upset because they have taken person so

inexperienced person. But I know that if I keep all of my religion in God

and make non hold a individual uncertainty about God and what he will make

for me I will be all right. But if there is one individual uncertainty in

God than I know that something is incorrect. I should be able

to maintain my religion in God even if it means that they will hold

to kill me. I will non state to them that I do non believe in

God because I will maintain my religion in God and everything

should fall into topographic point.

If I were to state them I did non believe in

Christianity, non merely would be turning my dorsum on my household

and whole heritage I would be turning my dorsum on the most

of import thing in my life, God. If God knows that I am

willing to set my life on the line for him merely as he did

for every individual one of us he will cognize how strong my religion

in Christianity and him is. But if I were to deny my religion

I would ne’er to be able to demo my face around anybody

once more. I say this because I would be turning off from

everyone and I would non be able to populate with myself cognizing

what I had done. Buy I am merely traveling to maintain my religion in

God and I believe that I will be in good form!

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