“The Stolen Party” by Liliana Heker Essay

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“The Stolen Party” by Liliana Heker is a short narrative about a girl’s life experience that changes her point of position on society. One twenty-four hours. she gets an invitation to a rich daughter’s birthday. Her female parent is a amah and works for them. Rosaura’s young person and artlessness shows that she doesn’t recognize the true significance of the invitation. and firmly believes that there is no societal differentiation between the rich and the hapless. She believes that even if she is the maid’s girl she is welcomely accepted in the party. Although she is merely nine old ages old. Rosaura feels confident that she knows more about rich people than her female parent. Heker uses symbols and nonliteral linguistic communication to convey “to ever be yourself. ”

Heker used symbolism to demo Rosauras connexion with Senora Ines and the prestidigitator and the monkey. Senora Ines and the prestidigitator are taking advantage of person that is clueless as to what is traveling on. Senora Ines led Rosaura to believe that she was Luciana’s friend. but she was truly there to be portion of the aid. At no point of during the birthday party does Rosaura feels exploited by Senora Ines. In fact. she doesn’t see any category differentiation between the rich and the hapless. She is merely approximately nine old ages old. and to her making all that work merely means to assist the rich girl’s birthday like any friend would make. and non because she is a amah herself. Rosaura noticed all the other childs got playthings when they left. but “ Rosaura truly and genuinely earned it. ” ( p. 111 ) It was a $ 20 dollar measure.

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Heker used nonliteral linguistic communication to demo that Rosaura over exaggerates and she will be all right. Rosaura thought if she couldn’t travel to Luciana’s party so she would decease. and she truly wasn’t traveling to decease. “Monkeys at a birthday? ” She said. “Get away with you. believing any bunk you’re told! ”? Rosaura was profoundly offended. She thought it unfair of her female parent to impeach other rich people of being prevaricators merely because they were rich. She doesn’t O.K. the manner her female parent speaks. her female parent uses mean words that truly offend her. That all had to make with Rosaura traveling to Luciana’s party. “I’ll die if I don’t travel. ” she whispered. about without traveling her lips. but Rosaura truly wasn’t traveling to decease if she didn’t travel to the party.

It’s merely after the party is over that Rosaura learns the painful lessons about life. Since the start. she ever wanted to turn out her female parent incorrect. She tells her that she is right about the monkey and that Luciana. the rich. didn’t prevarication. It’s when she is about to go forth that Rosaura starts to experience left out. She senses a tenseness. everyone is acquiring small nowadayss and she starts to believe that she might be different from the others and won’t acquire any nowadayss. To hearten herself up she says: “I was the best-behaved at the party. ” ( p. 114 ) She boasts about her behaviour to hide her fright of being left out. but when Senora hands her the present like Rosaura expects. she is clearly shocked to see that alternatively of acquiring the nowadayss she gets money. It’s merely now that she realizes the true ground for her invitation.

Rosaura’s reaction at the terminal of the party clearly proves us that she all the clip thinks that she is invited because she is friends with Luciana. She is sad to recognize that she is. in fact. different from the others. that her female parent is right wholly along and that there is a societal differentiation between the rich and the hapless. It is now that Rosaura knows that she is a amah like her female parent. She sees that Senora Ines uses her non because she is particular but merely because she at that place to carry through a maid’s occupation. Her artlessness and her naivete blinds her from seeing the truth. So when Heker uses symbols and nonliteral linguistic communication to convey “to ever be yourself” Rosaura needs to follow those guidelines to non be let down.

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