Stolen Generation Essay

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Between the old ages 1909 and 1969 kids were taken from their mothers/families at all times of twenty-four hours. Not merely any kid was taken. lone kids of Aboriginal position or kids with a small spot of Aboriginal position. half caste. “It is estimated that between 50. 000 to 100. 000 Autochthonal kids were taken from their families…” ( Lecture ) . The authorities had decided that the mothers/families that were Autochthonal Natives were non fit for raising a household. The authorities wanted to engender out the Aboriginal people. From that they wanted to engender out all the Aboriginal people. These Aboriginal kids were known as the Stolen Generation.

The Stolen Generation was where 10s of 1000s of kids were taken throughout the twenty-four hours and set into orphanhoods and other places. They were put to work and the authorities attempted to extinguish the Aboriginal people. They wanted to pass over out the Aboriginal race which wold merely leave Whites. “Under the White Australia and assimilation policies Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were ‘not full blood’ were encouraged to go assimilated into the broader society so that finally there would be no more Autochthonal people left. At the clip Autochthonal people were seen as the inferior race” ( Stolen Generations… ) . Even though the Stolen Generation lasted many decennaries it consisted of four chief state of affairss: the remotion of the kids. the conveying them place along with the impact it had on their lives. and the national apology.

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Throughout the Stolen Generation the remotion of the Aboriginal kids happened every dark. Mothers and their households were horrified at every minute cognizing that their kids might be taken off everlastingly. Some female parents hide their kids when they heard the authorities was coming into town. Children were being taken off at all hours. The authorities would bust a house to take away their kids in the center of the dark. Children of all ages were taken. After the kids were taken off from their households the authorities took them to different orphanhoods. One wonders how a authorities could make such a thing. “The remotion policy was managed by the Aborginies Protection Board ( APB ) . The APB was a authorities board established in 1909 with the power to take kids without parental consent and without a tribunal order.

Children could be put into an establishment or mission residence hall. fostered or adopted” ( Stolen Generation ) . Normally when the kids were put into a children’s place when they were immature would acquire adopted or fostered shortly after. Some kids were bought for work and became amahs for the households ; nevertheless. they got paid really small and ne’er were commended for their difficult work. Harmonizing to the Australian authorities website the kids were expected to work at a really immature age. they were merely entitled to retain a little proportion of their meager net incomes as pocket money ( Sorry Day… ) . Aunty Gloria Smith was taken by the constabulary when she was 12 old ages old. She was instantly sent to Sydney to work. She claims she will ne’er bury the names of who she worked for. Mrs. and Mr. Slander and their two girls. She was a amah for the house. but they ne’er appreciated the work she would make for them. Aunty viewed it as bondage. She did non acquire paid for her work.

Her older sister came to assist her flight and she ne’er went back. even though the constabulary tried to take her dorsum. Aunty Gloria is merely one of many instances. Each and every person that had been portion of the Stolen Generation has a different narrative. no two are likewise. During this clip the male childs and misss had different functions. Male childs were sent to topographic points like the Kinchela Aboriginal Boys Home and misss were sent to topographic points like the Cootamundra Home. In the boy’s place the male childs were frequently all in and put into coops like animate beings. One narrative of an Kinchela Inmate was “The bashing that I copped from the from the director. He was a alleged director who was supposed to pull off the topographic point and to protect us” ( Lecture ) . In the misss place it was a “…Domestic Training Home for Aboriginal misss. It was maintained by the Aborigines Welfare Board until 1968. The misss were non allowed to stay in any contact with their households. and were subsequently sent to work as domestic servants” ( Lecture ) . Children were taken off from their households and most ne’er cognize who their parents were. Most forgot/never knew about their civilization.

In the 1990’s there was an national enquiry into taking the Aboriginal kids. This was the start to the Bringing Them Home Report.
The study outlined the annihilating impact the kid remotion policies had on the kids and their households. It found that many of the establishments and places in which the kids were topographic points were really barbarous and sexual and physical maltreatment of the kids was common. It found that many of the people who managed the remotions. including both the authorities and churches. abused their power and breached their supposed duty as defenders and ‘carers’… . The study found that the pattern of forced remotion was extremely traumatic non merely for the kids but besides for their households. The policy broke of import cultural. religious and household ties which crippled non merely persons. but whole households and even whole communities.

The study found that members of the Stolen Generations suffered higher rates of sexual maltreatment. ill-treatment. disruptions of household life. poorness and adversity than other Aboriginal people… . The purpose of the policy was to ‘breed out’ the Aboriginal race. In international jurisprudence patterns designed to destruct an full race of people are known as race murder. and are forbidden under the 1948 Convention of Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. While many records have been lost. it has been estimated that between 1 in 10 and 3 in 10 Aboriginal kids were forcibly removed between 1910 and 1970 ( Stolen Generations… ) . The study provided tonss of information which exploited that the authorities and place proprietors abused and mistreated these kids. This study was a good beginning to demoing that they genuinely have done incorrect to these people. They are people to. merely because they are a different race does non intend you can seek to engender them out.

With the aid of this study. kids were realized of their responsibilities. Most were non able to travel back to their households. A few grounds for this is that they did non cognize their civilization and/or history of where they have came from and it would hold been hard traveling back. Everything that they have been created life long negative effects. Harmonizing to Aunt Gloria Smith tonss of Aborigines have the bad luck to non hold been able to cognize their households and that she was one of the few lucky 1s that knew her female parent and male parent were. The negative impacts these people had on changed them everlastingly.

After the Bringing Them Home Report came out many people asked for an official apology from the authorities. This is the least the authorities could make after acknowledging to maltreating the Autochthonal people for many decennaries. Aborigines besides asked for a fiscal compensation along with the national apology. “…Conservative Prime Minister John Howard and his authorities resolutely refused to do a national apology. They denied that there had of all time been a Stolen Generation. reasoning that the kids had been rescued from physical and moral danger and that their intervention was humane by criterions of the times. and rejected any impression of generational duty for patterns sanctioned by old authoritiess.

There would be no compensation payments” ( Haebich ) Even though the Prime Minister John Howard did non desire to do the apology many Australians supported the national apology. However. “…the premier curate passed a ‘Statement of Regret and Motion of Reconciliation’ in parliament” alternatively of making the apology ( Stolen Generations… ) . After the Bringing Them Home Report and the denied national apology. national Sorry Day was put into topographic point on 26 May 1998. This twenty-four hours brought immense jubilations and celebrations. One thing that was Sorry Books. Sorry Books were at that place for people to compose about their agony and what had happened to them during the Stolen Generations. This twenty-four hours became an one-year event that has Marches every twelvemonth with many talkers. Although. “ in 2005 the National Sorry Day Committee renamed Sorry Day as a National Day of Healing for all Aussies: ‘The Day will concentrate on the healing needed throughout Australian society if we are to accomplish reconciliation” ( Sorry Day… ) .

Ten old ages subsequently after the former Prime Minister denied to apologise. a new authorities was elected. The new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd promised to do an national apology to the Autochthonal people of the Stolen Generation. “At the first parliament. on 13 February 2008 the new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd issued a national apology to the Stolen Generations on behalf of the Australian Government” ( Lecture ) . In portion of Rudd’s apology he states “ we apologize particularly for the remotion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children…For the hurting. agony and of these Stolen coevalss. their posterities and for their households left behind. we say sorry” ( Lecture ) . When the apology took topographic point it allowed for Australians to mend its past lesions.

The Stolen Generation has impacted every individual in Australia. whether they were Indigenous or WhiteAustralians. These old ages a extremely controversial epoch in Australia’s yesteryear. The Autochthonal people had many difficult times throughout
the past decennaries They had been mistreated for many old ages that the negative impacts that go along with it will last a life-time. Aboriginal people have gone through a batch ; nevertheless. some of the racism is still traveling on. They are still being mistreated by choice few persons that still can non penetrate how todays society is giving compunction to these people. non hatred. They have suffered plenty throughout the Stolen Generation they do non necessitate any more. With larning about Australia’s yesteryear and what had happened to the Stolen Generation makes my bosom bead.

The things they had to travel through and the manner Aboriginals were treated for over a 100 old ages makes me flinch. How could people make this to others? However. this same thing happened back in America. African Americans were treated as slaves. sold like cowss. and round for no ground merely like Autochthonal people were in Australia. Researching about the Stolen Generation was non merely a great manner to larn about Australia’s history. but besides to larn about the Autochthonal people. I feel as if the apology was non plenty. even though the authorities can non rewind what was done. The apology and acknowledging they have done incorrect is a measure in the right way.


Haebich. A 2011. ‘FORGETTING Autochthonal HISTORIES: Case FROM THE HISTORY OF AUSTRALIA’S STOLEN GENERATIONS’ . Journal Of Social History. 44. 4. pp. 1033-1046. Academic Search Complete. EBSCOhost. viewed 3 May 2013. Mentions

Lecture Notes: Week 7-Stolen Coevals

Sorry Day and the Stolen Generations – Australia. gov. gold. 2013. Sorry Day and the Stolen Generations – Australia. gov. gold. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //australia. gov. au/about-australia/australian-story/sorry-day-stolen-generations. [ Accessed 10 May 2013 ] .

Stolen Generations Fact Sheet. 2013. » Stolen Generations Fact Sheet. [ ONLINE ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //reconciliaction. org. au/nsw/education-kit/stolen-generations/ . [ Accessed 10 May 2013 ] .

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