The Thin Red Line Essay Research Paper

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The Thin Red Line Essay, Research Paper

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Stephanie Smirnoff

per.1 Eng.3


The Thin Red Line

During the blood-stained war of the novel The Thin Red

Line a subject is presented, & # 8220 ; Merely the brave and

emotionally strong-minded survive. & # 8221 ; Throughout the

plot line, the ground forces of work forces exhibiting through Guadalcanal are

bombarded with unpredictable state of affairss and odds. Merely the

work forces with bravery at their dorsums and their caputs screwed on

heterosexual can acquire through this pandemonium. The cautious, scared

stiff 1s will non acquire out alive, but the 1s who swallow

their nervousnesss can last. Several work forces display these

qualities of courage such as: Private Jon Bell, Captain

James Stein, and Corporal Fife. Their heroic

features and workss what saved the work forces overall,

disobeying their sergeant included. They did what they

needed to make to maintain as many people alive as possible. The

1s who are left standing were the 1s who kept their

cool. The work forces discovered what was & # 8220 ; the thin ruddy line & # 8221 ;

between the life and the dead, the loony and the sane, how

to populate another twenty-four hours.

Towards the beginning of the narrative this subject has been

portrayed through the heads of many soldiers. These work forces

cognize that half of them are traveling to decease in the field of

conflict. Slowly the soakage in of this eats off at the

psyches of the work forces. They each become more and more nervous

and expecting their clip to assail. & # 8220 ; Merely the strong

survive & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; & # 8220 ; & # 8230 ; Why showed I be afraid to decease? & # 8221 ; Corporal

Fife says this before his trip into the jungle. With a

good attitude and credence of the hereafter his will power

thrusts him forth to contend surprisingly. He watches others as

they cry out and can & # 8217 ; Ts take any longer. The 1s who buckle

under the force per unit area and can & # 8217 ; t happen their manner dice. Giving up

on himself is the worst he could hold done in his state of affairs.

He runs in front of all the work forces to see what he can make to interrupt

down enemy lines. As he hurdles into unfastened fire he does non

P >

freezing up he presses himself on and on.

In the center of the novel, a great function of forfeit

and craft is played. Captain James Stein shows a major

sum of intelligence and continuity as he refuses orders

from his higher-ups. & # 8220 ; I will non drive my work forces to suicide, & # 8221 ;

he retires and pulls out of bid. His determination to

disobey orders makes him put on the line his occupation and life to salvage his

work forces. His emotional stableness adds comfort to those around

him doing easier times. He tries awfully difficult to maintain

everyone together to draw through to destruct the enemy

sand trap. He uses wholly he & # 8217 ; s got with low H2O supplies and

eyes closing from exhaustion. Even when he & # 8217 ; s dismissed he

remains near to his ground forces & # 8220 ; as they are my boies & # 8221 ; . He carries

them with him ever. His bravery and encouragement

will populate on in all of the work forces, even in his absence.

As the war stretches on, the work forces stretch on, so does

their demand for stableness and strength, emotionally and

physically. & # 8220 ; Who lit this fire in us, the war can set it

out & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; & # 8220 ; & # 8230 ; I was a captive, but it set me free, & # 8221 ; Private

John cries out. He displays his clip of glorification and truth as

he runs in front. He peeks through the tall grasses, and is

the first, on his ain, to see the enemy sand trap. His thirst

for triumph thrusts him to take work forces in crushing down the enemy

lines. If he had non kept composures and alternatively had allowed his

emotions to acquire the better of him through the field of decease

they wouldn & # 8217 ; Ts have conquered the Japanese. Fight or be

beaten down, & # 8220 ; wear & # 8217 ; t lose what & # 8217 ; s the good in us, touch the

glorification & # 8230 ; & # 8221 ; His bravery was admired even by his higher-ups.

What he did took great assurance and will power.

In decision, the look of trueness to state and

strong Black Marias is continued in each page. In the subject & # 8220 ; merely

the brave and emotionally strong-minded survive & # 8221 ; true

courage is defined. Each lasting adult male & # 8217 ; s calm and backbones

lives through them particularly at the hardest times. To

exist is to endure.

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