The Typical Characteristics Of Transition Metals Essay

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Thankss to Doc Brown of ChemHelp.Net for these great chemical science alteration notes. Check out his site for more!

( a ) High Melting Point and Boiling Point The bonding between the atoms in passage metals is really strong. The strong

attractive force between the atoms is merely weakened at high temperatures, hence

the high thaw points and boiling points. For illustration: Fe thaws at

1535? C and furuncles at 2750? C BUT a Group 1 Alkali Metallic elements such as Na thaws at

98? C and furuncles at 883? C. ( B ) High denseness Another effect of the strong bonding between the atoms in passage

metals is they are tightly held together to give a high denseness. For illustration: Fe has a denseness

of 7.9 g/cm3 and Na has a denseness of 0.97 g/cm3 ( and

floats on H2O while foaming! H2O has a denseness of 1.0

g/cm3 ) . ( degree Celsius ) Form coloured compounds and ions in solution Passage metals tend to organize more colored compounds more than other

elements either in solid signifier or dissolved in a dissolver. The colors of some

passage metal salts in aqueous solution are shown below. 1










Sc & # 8211 ; Sc salts such as the chloride, ScCl3, are co


and non typical of passage metals

Ti & # 8211 ; Ti ( III ) chloride, TiCl3, is violet

V & # 8211 ; V ( III ) chloride, VCl3, is green

Cr & # 8211 ; Cr ( III ) sulfate, Cr2 ( SO4 ) 3, is

dark viridity

Mn & # 8211 ; K manganate ( VII ) , KMnO4, is violet

Fe & # 8211 ; Fe ( III ) chloride, FeCl3, is yellow-orange-brown

Co & # 8211 ; Co sulfate, CoSO4, is pinkish

Ni & # 8211 ; nickel chloride, NiCl2, is green

Cu & # 8211 ; Cu ( II ) sulfate, CuSO4, is deep blue

Zn & # 8211 ; zinc salts such as Zn sulfate, ZnSO4, are normally

colourless and non typical of passage metals ( vitamin D ) Catalytic Properties ( 1 ) The metallic elements themselves Many passage metals are used straight as accelerators in industrial chemical

procedures and in the anti-pollution catalytic convertors in auto fumess. For illustration Fe is used in the Haber Synthesis of ammonium hydroxide: Nitrogen + Hydrogen? Ammonia or N2 + 3H2? 2NH3 via the Fe accelerator

atoms ( 2 ) The compounds of passage metals Equally good as the metals, the compounds of passage metals besides acts as

accelerators. For illustration manganese dioxide ( or Mn ( IV ) oxide ) , MnO2, a black pulverization,

readily decomposes an aqueous solution of H peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide? H2O +

O or 2H2O2? 2H2O + O2 via MnO2 as the accelerator

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