The War Between The Classes Essay Research

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The War Between the Classes

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The War Between the Classes is an first-class book written by Gloria D. Miklowitz. It is about a high-school category that plays the? Color Game? . In the game, there are four societal categories which are represented by armbands: Bluess? highest, richest ; Dark Greens? upper-middle category, semi-rich ; Light Greens? lower-middle category, semi-poor ; Oranges? lowest category, really hapless. To further divide up the categories, there are the superior sex, Teks ( females ) , and the inferior sex, No-Teks ( males ) . There are besides groups of Color Game? police officers? , which are older pupils who played the game in old old ages. They record the pupils? activities, and record any good or bad behaviour, which can ensue in demotions or publicities.

The Color Game runs like this: Lower categories, or No-Teks, must bow when they meet eyes with a higher category, or Tek. Higher categories can give orders to take down categories. Lower categories may non talk to a higher category unless spoken to, and can merely answer in a short reply. You must hold your armband and diary with you at all times.

The chief character in this book is Emiko? Amy? Sumoto. She comes from a Nipponese household, and her parents believe she should maintain the household traveling by get marrieding a Nipponese male child. Alternatively, she is interested in a rich, white male child names Adam, which is the

antonym of her. In the Color Game, all the Latinos in the category bend out to be high colourss, and rich Whites end up as lower colourss, which are all planned out by their instructor. Although she is used to being treated as a lower individual in existent life, along with the remainder of the Latinos, she doesn? T experience right with the power she has, being one of the most powerful people in the category. She decides to seek and unify all the colourss to an equal rank. After being demoted from Blue to Orange with Adam, she plans to post? Unite All Colors? postings all over the school, and do quad-colro armbands for all pupils to have on. Finally she succeeds in making this, and unites the whole school as one.

My favourite portion of this book is when Amy and her friend Juan sneak into the school at dark and post the postings all over the school. I like this portion because it sounds really fun to make, and it? s the lone existent action portion or the book.

I would decidedly urge this book to a friend, although most of my friends are reading it right now. I would urge it because it acts as a really good instructor about stereotypes, bias, and favoritism. Plus, it is shown through the eyes of a individual who is about at the underside of the societal categories, and is the same age as we will be in a few old ages. It shows what life when you? re older can truly be like.


The War Between the Classes, Gloria D. Miklowitz

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