Today’s Generation Essay

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Today’s coevals. peculiarly the young person. are all out to ape the Western civilization. It has become a fad among the young person to hold a life style like that of Westerners.

No uncertainty that this is an impact of print and electronic media on our coevals. The seniors in the society province that our coevals has become a slave of Western civilization. Some of the Orthodox heads travel still farther to emphasize that the Western civilization takes our young person to a incorrect finish and that the unusual behavior of our young person is due to the sick effects of Western civilization.

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There is no ground for our seniors to impeach the Western civilization for the ailments in our society. Every civilization has its positive every bit good as negative facets. Our ain Indian civilization excessively has good and bad sides. Therefore whether it is Indian or Western civilization. it is the responsibility of every person to do ‘use’ of it and non to do ‘misuse’ of it. Today’s young person are misapplying the Western civilization because our seniors. educationalists and reformists have failed to do our kids understand the importance of our Indian civilization.

I do non hold with the sentiment that the Western civilization is destroying our young person. This is absurd. The Western civilization. non merely in our state but throughout the universe. is responsible to a great extent for conveying about development and alteration on societal. economic. educational. scientific. etc. Fieldss therefore assisting world to travel towards advancement. If one glances into the past. we find legion illustrations where Western cultural ethos has helped to take superstitious notions. false beliefs and black Acts of the Apostless from our ain Indian civilization. Some of the illustrations are:

In the yesteryear. the matrimony ceremonial used to take topographic point in the temple. It was merely a spiritual ceremonial. It had no value every bit far as jurisprudence is concerned. Due to this. many a clip. adult females were at the having terminal largely when the hubby died and the inquiry of right over the belongingss among the household members arose. The Portuguese in Goa and Britishers in the remainder of India introduced ‘Registration of Civil Marriages’ and legitimately strengthened the establishment of matrimony. It provided security to adult females peculiarly to widows.

Indian civilization encouraged kid matrimonies. At the clip of birth or during the childhood itself. the parents of kids used to make up one’s mind about their matrimony. Even today this happens in some parts of our state. The male child or the miss had no option but to get married to the individual chosen by the parents when they grow up. There was no chance for the male child or the miss to take their ain life-partners as per their want. The British Government introduced a jurisprudence censoring child matrimonies in the state. Yet another immorality from our tradition was removed.

When the hubby dies. the widowed married woman had to obligatorily immolate herself on the husband’s funeral pyre. It was called ‘Sati’ . This was a most barbarous act and nil short of a slaying. This act was against the norms of all civilizations. The British authorities introduced an Act censoring ‘Sati systems’ in the state and stopped the slayings of guiltless hapless widows in the pretense of ‘Sati’ . It provided regard and security to all adult females in the state.

A married twosome had to populate together everlastingly even if there was a struggle between the hubby and the married woman. Such state of affairss arose because of illicit relationships. unfaithfulness. childlessness. right over belongingss. etc. There were no legal commissariats for the hubby or married woman to divide and populate an independent life. The Western construct of ‘Divorce’ was introduced in the state therefore giving an chance for the hubbies and married womans to divide lawfully and unrecorded independent and honorable lives.

Today we observe a figure of ‘inter-religious’ and ‘inter-caste’ matrimonies in our society. This is going popular twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours in our state merely because of the impact of the secular nature of the Western civilization. This is besides a large encouragement to our country’s vision of ‘unity in diversity’ .

All the occurrences stated above are the gifts of Western civilization to our Indian civilization. Western civilization has non merely removed many immoralities from our society but besides made conjunct attempts to convey in equality among all people of the state. This is because we have selected and owned certain Western cultural ethos which is good to our societal ambiance. Therefore alternatively of stating that Western civilization ruins our kids it will be appropriate if we guide our younger coevals with what to take and what to fling from the Western civilization. And this duty lies with the parents. instructors and seniors in the society.

Therefore allow us non blindly aim the Western civilization for all the immoralities that raise its ugly caputs in our society. It is the people who have to accept or reject cultural facets of any civilization to be adapted to our manner of life. Therefore there is an pressing demand to beef up the foundation of values system in the lives of our younger coevals so that they are capable of accepting the positive facets and rejecting the negative facets of any foreign civilization. Hence let us non fault the Western civilization for all the inauspicious occurrences in our society. Let us non bury the immortal words of the Father of the Nation. Mahatma Gandhi. He said. “Let all door and Windowss of my house be unfastened. Let the air of different civilizations of the universe freely move through my house. But allow my pess be steadfastly rooted in my ain dirt because I do non wish to be blown off by that air. ”

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