Unbiased Gay Marriage Argument

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A prominent issue of today is the question of whether or not to grant the right of marriage to same sex couples. Although same sex marriage has been legalized in many parts of the country, the majority is still on the fence about the issue. There are questions of if would harm the traditional institution of marriage, if it’s religiously righteous, whether it’s constitutional to ban gay marriage, as well as what it would do to the economy. The pros and cons of legalizing gay marriage are almost equal, leaving the issue unresolved. As of May 10, 2012, gay marriage has been legalized in eight US states and the District of Columbia” (National Conference).

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According to the constitution, each person has the right to liberty and equality, meaning that the rights of marriage should be granted to everyone regardless of sex. “The US Supreme Court declared in 1974’s Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur that the ‘freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life is one of the liberties protected by the Due Process Clause’” (ProCon. rg). Those who are pro-gay marriage also argue that the gained revenue brought in from marriage licenses, and higher income taxes of those marriages, would be good for local and state governments. “The Comptroller for New York City found that legalizing gay marriage would bring $142 million to the City’s economy and $184 million to the State’s economy over three years” (ProCon. org). Another argument in same sex marriage is the issue of procreation.

Many people who are against the issue believe that because a same sex couple cannot naturally conceive children that they should not be allowed to marry, however if this were the case, couples who are infertile would not be allowed to marry either. A same sex couple is much more likely to adopt a child than a fertile heterosexual couple. A married couple has an advantage over a non-married couple when adopting a child, and with over a hundred thousand children waiting to be adopted in the United States alone, it seems almost unethical to not allow same sex couples to marry.

While gay marriage activists believe that legalizing gay marriage would benefit children, some believe that same sex households are not appropriate environments for raising children, because children need both a mother and father to lead a healthy life. “Girls who are raised apart from their fathers are reportedly at higher risk for early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy” (ProCon. org). It is not however, been found whether or not there is still a father and mother figure in same sex couples. Although the pro-gay marriage arguments are strong, the ones against gay marriage are stacked as well. Most states (38) have adopted prohibitions of same-sex marriage. ” (National Conference). Those states have revised their constitutions to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. The main argument against gay marriage is based on religion, making the issue even harder to argue.

“Gay marriage is incompatible with the beliefs, sacred texts, and traditions of many religious groups” (ProCon. org). The legalization of same sex marriage would make some people feel that they were being forced to support something that they do not believe in. Gay marriage would entitle gay couples to typical marriage benefits including claiming a tax exemption for a spouse, receiving social security payments from a deceased spouse, and coverage by a spouse’s health insurance policy” (ProCon. org). Those who do not support the gay marriage argument, feel that they should not have to pay taxes that support something they don’t believe in. Those against gay marriage also believe that it would ruin the traditional institution of marriage. Traditionally, marriage has been defined as a union between a man and a woman.

In 1971, a Supreme Court case found that “The institution of marriage as a union of man and woman, uniquely involving the procreation and rearing of children within a family, is as old as the book of Genesis” (ProCon. org). Those who are pro-gay marriage, however, believe that marriage is an institution that is forever evolving. There was a point in time where couples of different races where not allowed to marry, and divorce was almost impossible, therefore it evolve to include same sex marriage as well. The issue of gay marriage is one that remains unsolved, because each side is unable to listen to the thoughts and facts of the other.

With each side having strong arguments it is difficult for the governments to make the decision whether to legalize gay marriage. While the arguments of each side have well thought out points and facts, the ultimate argument comes down to the argument of homosexuality in general as well as the forever ongoing argument of creation versus evolution. The idea that a higher power says that homosexuality is wrong is impossible to argue. Without resolving the issue of homosexuality in general, is it not possible to determine whether gay marriage should be legalized or not.

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