Us Role In Foreign Policy Essay Research

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Us Role In Foreign Policy Essay, Research Paper

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US Role in the World

The function of foreign policy in the United States is a widely disputed country of

political relations. There are two distinguishable schools of idea that I believe, upon uniting, will

lead to a better attack to foreign policy. The first school of idea is hegemonic

pragmatism, the 2nd, prudent pragmatism. Through these two attacks America will be able

to make a better occupation in assisting other states, while accomplishing our national involvements. The

advantage of uniting these two schools is in a sense, uniting the best of both

universes. It is non my belief that this attack is in any manner the best. However, I steadfastly

believe that this is the best of our current options.

When sing foreign policy we, ( The US ) must take into history and

invariably remind ourselves that the US makes up a little population of the universe. The

importance of this reminder is rather obvious. We can non without justification put

national involvements in front of our humanity. We have learned from errors in the yesteryear that

rough reparations drive a state to instability, ensuing in the rise of unsafe leaders.

For case, Adolf Hitler rose to power because of the rough reparations after WW I. The

ideals behind prudent pragmatism root from the consequences of WW I. My attack to prudent

pragmatism is to synthesise merely a twosome points from that school of idea and use them

to hegemonic pragmatism. One facet of prudent pragmatism that is good is, the analysis of

the importance of different planetary personal businesss. Prudent pragmatism breaks the badness of menaces

down into three different classs. The exact inside informations of what the classs are, are

irrelevant. The of import portion about this is the impression that we can use our resources to

the most needful countries of the universe, while still protecting our national involvements.

Human-centered catastrophes will be more successfully diminished when all life comes

into the national involvements of the United States. Presently nevertheless, the prudent things

consist of oil and other pecuniary justification. For case it would non be prudent to

apportion all of our resources to lesser developed states, while we are losing money and

regard with our oil rich Alliess. The duties of a ace power in the universe system

may come in into another states boundary lines upon offenses against humanity. We have this

exemplified through the NATO intercession in Kosovo. The complication of these

certain cases confuse the prudent realists. This is because it would non be in our

national involvements to interfere with a civil war. However, the advantage to the

combination of prudent and hegemonic pragmatism is that, while we know we can non foretell

the hereafter, we can determine it to do the hereafter better. This gives us ( and NATO ) the

justification to come in in such a con


There are legion advantages to hegemonic pragmatism. One advantage is the

recognition that, we are the most powerful state on the planet. We possess the

power to both destroy and laud the old ages to come. This simple recognition makes

us to the full cognizant of the importance of America and it s function in foreign policy. Now that we

hold established the importance of our function in the universe, we must look at what can we make

to do the universe non merely safe for democracy, but safe for humanity. If one could

conceive of a universe 20 old ages from now, that is in shambles, would the universe non fault

the US? I think the incrimination and mistake, no affair what manner one looks at it, would

automatically fall into the custodies of the United States. This is because of the familial

duties that come with being a world power. A kid can non merely acquire allowance for

nil, right? That kid must make his or her jobs. The jobs of the US are those Acts of the Apostless

that are both prudent/wise, and realistic in footings of the terminals.

Prudent pragmatism says we must hold a limited philosophy of human-centered

intercession. This is a good thing because it acknowledges the fact that while it is our

duty to assist some people, we can non assist everyone. Thinking realistically like

that, gives foreign policy the infinite it needs to carry through the sad to state, of import

things. After all, oil does non rain from the skies, and person or some state is traveling

to hold to pay the measures. This has besides a concealed consequence on lesser developed states. What

finally will go on to these states is what was stated long ago when Charles

Darwin coined the phrase, endurance of the fittest. The knave provinces are crumpling, giving

the fittest states less to worry about. Which means that the prudent portion of pragmatism

will necessitate to be strong, while the hegemonic duties like disincentive are still active.

We can non allow unsafe leaders come into power, and it is a fright of many Americans

that if we ease off these knave states, so the opportunities of another Hitler coming to

power are great.

In decision, through a slightly cut and paste manner of uniting prudent

pragmatism to hegemonic pragmatism, we can see how the US can determine the hereafter of the universe

with the monolithic power we possess. We can oppress and reconstruct states in less than a

decennary. We can command markets and devastate exchanges. The shear power that we as a

state make possess comes with the duty to non allow things acquire out of manus. However,

when our oil is threatened or our Alliess attacked, no affair what school of idea the US

is in, it will ever fall back back to the hegemonic pragmatism that kept this state on top so

many old ages. The function of a ego proclaimed worldwide police officers work stoppages fear into other

states, but the function of a good old after part grandma sounds sort of appealing

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