World War One Essay Research Paper There

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World War One Essay, Research Paper

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There were many grounds as to why ww1 began. The long term causes were imperial and economic competition between United Kingdom and Germany. Britain was covetous of Germany because Germany & # 8217 ; s strength was growing- it was bring forthing more Fe and steel than Britain. Germanys naval forces was turning and its imperium was spread outing. Germany was covetous of United Kingdoms imperium and wealth. it besides feared the fact that unfriendly states ( France and Soviet Union ) were on its eastern and western boundary lines.

because of all this competition, Britain decided to do an confederation with France and Soviet Union. this was called the & # 8221 ; ternary entente & # 8221 ; . this meant that if any state tried to assail them, the remainder of the entente wouldbackthem up. Germany already had an confederation called the & # 8221 ; ternary confederation & # 8221 ; with Italy and austria-hungary ( so 2 states.

most historiographers agree that by 1914, United Kingdom and Germany were looking for anexcuse to get down a war and settle things one time and for all. no-one expected a long war, merely to see who was the strongest. on June 28 1914, they found their alibi. thiswas the & # 8217 ; spark & # 8217 ; . the Austria-hungarian inheritor ARCHDUKE FRANZ FERDINAND was asasinated by a serb nationlist GAVRILO PRINCIP.

ausria-hungary blamed Serbia and declared war on them. Soviet Union said they would support Serbia which prompted Germany to order Soviet Union non to assist serbia. Soviet Union declined so germany declared war on Soviet Union and started to travel its ground forces towards France and Belgium. The Gallic ground forces was put on qui vive ready for a German invasion. France already disliked Germany and wanted retaliation after, in 1871, France lost two of its parts ( Alsace and Lorraine ) to Germany as a consequence of a war and wanted them back. Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium. it was ordered to go forth United Kingdom by Britain so when Germany refused, United Kingdom declared war on Germany. to finish the image, austria-hungary so declared war on Soviet Union. This is how it became a European war. it became a universe war because Germany and United Kingdom had many other states in their imperiums who weren & # 8217 ; t needfully in Europe. these states besides used ww1 as an chance to contend for their ain grounds and to unclutter things up one time and for all. Ti meant that the casualties would be worldwide.

in order to seek and win, Germany came up with a program called the SCHLIEFFEN PLAN. this meant that they would occupy France via impersonal Belgium. this program failed which resulted in the start of trench warfare.

trenches provided first-class protection from enemy fire. the nutrient in the trenches was unhealthy because it was unfastened to mire and soiled H2O. besides there were no installations to cook the nutrient. the ruin of the trenches was that it wasnt good forattacking which meant better arms were needed to seek and win the war.

arm devastation had additions dramatically during ww1 with the debut of new and more powerful arms. machine guns, airplanes long range artillary, armored combat vehicles, toxicant gases and grenades designed to detonate with seceding metal winging everyplace were some of the arms used in combat.

the enthusiasm of which soldiers had joined up with had dies dowm an people bit by bit began to gain the devastation being caused so some people were CONSCRIPTED.

the war of motion had been replaced by a dead end. on the western forepart, more than 2 million soldiers were involved in the war. As the conditions got colder and wetter, they faced each other over stat mis of progressively boggy land which had been churned up by shell fire. both sided began to delve more trenches to protect thwm from enemy machine gun fire. despite 1000000s of casualties, neither ground forces would travel more than 10 stat mis backwards or forwards until good into 1918 which caused even more casualties.

during ww1, 20 million people had died. 9 million died in combat. therewere lots ofcasualties because ww1 was a entire war which meant it affected soldiers every bit good as civilians. there were over 200,000 dead soldiers in the British imperium of which 1/3 were Indian.

ww1 was frequently known as the & # 8221 ; great war & # 8221 ; or & # 8221 ; the war to stop all wars & # 8221 ; because the stupidity and force of the war was so hideous that people thought nil like this would of all time go on once more. the war so ended with the sign language of the & # 8221 ; pact of Versailless & # 8221 ; thisis one of the grounds why the war went on for so long. despite universe hpoesthat the terminal of the war would reconstruct peace on apermanent basi, ww1 really provided the footing for an even more annihilating conflict-ww2

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