A Day in the Life of Deaf Culture Essay

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After watching the picture about how deaf people go along with their day-to-day life. I realized there isn’t really much that is different than how person who can hear lives there day-to-day life. When watching all of the 5 people. I noticed that every individual one of them used a picture phone or cell phone. computing machines. and other appliances. I didn’t cognize how much engineering they really used. and I was rather surprised. and interested in more. or other engineering that is out at that place for the deaf community.

Detoine. who was in the 2nd picture mentioned how he goes along with his twenty-four hours get downing with school. followed by traveling to work. and so hanging out with his hearing friends. Even though he can’t hear. he still does everything that person who can hear does. This goes for all of the others except Ashley. but merely because she can non see good. Ashley has a disease that has left her deaf and partly blind. It’s chilling that the disease she has can still decline and go forth her wholly blind.

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Bing blind and deaf combined would be terrorizing and how person could populate with it ; I don’t know. Even though she cant thrust. she still does everything else a parent does. She takes attention of her boy and she even works. They may be deaf. but all of them live their lives and want to do something of themselves merely like anyone else in this universe does. Every one of them portions a common thing and that is that they like to pass on with the hearing conditions it’s from subscribing or texting ( engineering ) or composing notes. And they encourage us hearing people to seek and pass on with them.

Like they said they are merely like anyone else that you’ll meet. Martha reminds me of my two younger sisters. All they do is travel to school come place. make prep. play about. listen to music. write. and draw. And there is nil incorrect with that ; what else can a child make? She’s merely like any child out at that place. I think it is truly cool that there are schools for the deaf. Not merely are at that place deaf schools for childs like simple through high school. there are besides deaf colleges or normal montages that are assorted with deaf and hearing.

Julian. who works at a cantonment as a counsellor. seems really nice and he talks about how he loves athleticss. He is the lone 1 in his household who is deaf. The lone job he has with being deaf is that he can’t hear people strike harding at the door. and his parents have to allow him cognize if there is person at the door. He besides talks about acquiring nutrient at a fast nutrient eating house ; he has to order indoors. and non the through the thrust through. I heard that job a batch throughout this picture.

Julian negotiations about how he and the deaf community are different ; they have their ain civilization. standard linguistic communication ( ASL ) and history. During this picture there was some that person had said that truly stuck out to me. “I am deaf. I am different. We are all different. ” Julian said that. and I truly agree with him. But even though everyone is different. I believe that the deaf and hearing communities are really much alike. Watching these pictures made me appreciate this category more because there’s so much that I can larn from ASL. and the Deaf Community.

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