My Words About Life Essay Research Paper

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My Wordss About Life Essay, Research Paper

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Joey Bur*censored*

English 1A

March 18, 2001

I can & # 8217 ; t hear you

Cars race by as you impatiently stand on the corner waiting for the crossing mark to turn green. A immature adult male walks up and stands next to you. He glances your way and gives a friendly smiling ; being sort you do the same. After what seems like an infinity the small green individual in the crossing mark begins to wink. As you begin to take your first measure off of the kerb you hear a frenetic honking coming from across the street. Looking up you realize that a truck has merely run a ruddy visible radiation and is headed straight at you. You rapidly respond and jump back onto the safety of the kerb, but in the same minute you realize that the immature adult male next to you is still casually sauntering through the crossing. You shout franticly to guard him of the oncoming danger but he seems unmindful to your calls. The speeding truck is now within 15 pess of the crossing and still blasting his horn, but the adult male still does non detect the mortal danger he is in. He jumps back in panic as the truck comes into his position. At the last minute the driver of the speeding truck swervings and narrowly misses the adult male. You rush out into the crossing and holla, & # 8220 ; What & # 8217 ; s incorrect with you adult male! Are you deaf? & # 8221 ; The scared adult male nods his caput and replies, & # 8220 ; yes. & # 8221 ;

Deafness is a disablement that affects 1000000s of people throughout the universe. It has no prejudice towards race, age, sex or faith. This disablement already impairs many people through out the universe and one twenty-four hours it could impact even you.

A few people afflicted with hearing loss are born with it, the bulk of persons Bs

ecome deaf at some point in their life. Infections in the ear and sudden or changeless loud noise are merely a few causes of hearing loss. A gunfire or other loud sound could do a individual to immediately go deaf. Exposure to constant loud sounds such as music or machines can easy take to deafness in ulterior life.

There is frequently prejudice towards people with disablements. Peoples that are born deaf have ne’er heard any sound including address ; therefore they themselves can non larn the sounds that are required to bring forth address. A deaf and tongueless individual would meet favoritism throughout their lives. It would be highly hard to pass on with other people or acquire a occupation. Because of this they would be thought of as stupid or helpless. The truth is that person who is deaf is merely as smart or smarter than the mean individual. They have the ability to read and larn new things merely every bit good as a normal individual.

The primary manner of communicating for the deaf is gestural linguistic communication. With the usage of manus gestures deaf can pass on merely every bit easy as utilizing address. Sign linguistic communication helps interrupt down the communicating barrier between friends and household of a deaf individual. Many considerations have been made in recent old ages to profit the deaf. Most telecastings come equipped with closed captioning. Deaf persons are able to watch their favourite situation comedy or maintain path of the intelligence with this new engineering.

Although we have come a long manner with engineering for the handicapped common sense would be the greatest advantage to avoid going deaf. Anytime you are around loud noise wear ear protection. Thousands of people would still hold the ability to hear if they had used earplugs while working or listening to music.

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