Apush Notes: Conquering a Continent 1861-1877 Essay

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* Essential Question: What factors helped progress the integrating of the national economic system after the Civil War?
Section 1: The Republican Vision:
* Integrating the National Economy:

* Reshaping the former Confederate states after the Civil War supplemented a Republican thrust to beef up the national economic system to get the better of restrictions of market fluctuations that took topographic point under old Democratic bids. * Failure to fund internal betterments left different parts of the state disconnected. bring forthing the Civil War. Republicans argued. * During the Civil War and after. the Republican-dominated Congress made strong usage of federal power. go throughing protective duties that gave U. S. makers a competitory advantage against foreign houses. * Republican disposals would beef up the economic system through a monolithic public-private partnership that modern historiographers argue represents a bend off from a laissez-faire or “hands off” attack of old disposals towards the economic system. * Railway developments in the United States began good before the Civil War but peaked after the Civil War. By 1900. virtually no corner of the state lacked rail service. * Railroads transformed American capitalist economy by following a legal signifier of organisation. the corporation. enabling them to raise private capital in big sums. * Along with the transformative power of railwaies. Republicans’ protective duties besides helped construct booming U. S. industries. A Civil War debt of $ 2. 8 billion was erased during the 1880s by a $ 2. 1-billion-dollar income from duties.

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* Fierce duty arguments marked American political relations in the 1880s and 1890s. Democrats argued that the duty had non slowed poorness in the United States. * Protective duties had besides helped to further the growing of trusts. elephantine corporations that dominated whole sectors of the economic system and wielded monopoly power. * The rise of railwaies and trusts prompted a pushback by companies against new province and federal regulative Torahs. In Munn v. Illinois ( 1877 ) . the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that provinces possessed the right to modulate concerns. but non at the disbursal of break uping the national market place. * In the Southwest. federal tribunals promoted economic development at the disbursal of racial justness. Although the United States had taken control of New Mexico and Arizona after the U. S. Mexican War of 1848. much of the land still remained in Mexican American custodies by the 1870s.

* As the post–Civil War old ages brought railwaies and Anglo-American colonists. Mexican Americans lost 64 per centum of their lands through particular tribunals that ruled on land rubrics. * The Santa Fe Ring was a ill-famed group of politicians and attorneies who conspired to victimize Mexican Americans of their lands. * After the Civil War. U. S. and European policymakers attempted to transform their economic systems to the gilded criterion. But establishing money supplies on gold was a dissentious issue that framed U. S. political relations for a coevals.

* In 1873. Congress directed the U. S. Treasury. over a six-year period. to retire the bill paper dollars issued during the Civil War and replace them with notes from an expanded system of national Bankss. After 1879. the Treasury exchanged notes for gold upon petition. * Silver disciples received a modest triumph when Congress passed the Bland-Allison Act of 1878. necessitating the United States to coin a modest sum of Ag. * Republican patriot policies fostered rapid economic growing in the signifier of an enlargement of telecommunications. corporations. and capital. doing the United States a mightily industrial power by 1900.

* The New Union and the World:

* Following the Civil War. the United States achieved greater purchase with foreign states like Britain. American expansionists expected to add more districts to the state. The usage of the Hawaiian Islands and the innovation of steam transit facilitated enlargement off the continent to topographic points like Japan in the 1850s. * Union triumph besides increased trade with Latin America. Mexico freed itself from Gallic regulation in 1867. but risked economic use by its larger northern neighbour. the United States. * International trade became a new theoretical account for asseverating power in Latin America and Asia. Under the leading of Secretary of State William Steward ( 1861–1869 ) . the United States embraced China and Japan. coercing the Japanese to stay unfastened to merchandise.

* Seward besides advocated the purchase of strategic locations for naval bases and refueling Stationss. such as land in Nicaragua for a canal. Hawaii. and the Philippines. * In 1868. Seward achieved a important triumph with congressional blessing of the Burlingame Treaty with China. modulating in-migration. The same twelvemonth. Seward besides purchased Alaska from Russia. further set uping the United States as a planetary power.


* Essential Question: What factors drew squatters to the Great Plains. and what function did they play in the Republicans’ vision for the post-Civil War state?

Section 2: Integrating the Occident:

* Cattlemen and Miners:

* Conquest and development of the American West became the domestic foundation for national domination in the late 1800s. Farm development was every bit critical as mill development to Republican policymakers. * Republicans sought to convey households to the West by offering 160 estates of land through the Homestead Act. * Innovative federal policies. such as the U. S. Geological Survey. helped in 1879 to open up western lands managed under a new Department of the Interior. * Federal policies helped to integrate the trans-Mississippi West. As railwaies crossed the state. 1000s of squatters filed land claims. * To do room for cowss. professional American bison huntsmans eliminated the American bison.

* Texas ranchers inaugurated the celebrated Long Drive. engaging cowpunchers to crowd cattle 100s of stat mis north to the railwaies that pushed west across Kansas. * Equally shortly as railwaies reached the Texas scope state during the 1870s. ranchers abandoned the Long Drive. Stockyards appeared beside railway paths in big Midwestern metropoliss like Chicago. These topographic points became the centre of a new industry. meatpacking. * Sheep elevation besides became a major endeavor in the high state of the Rockies and the Sierras. * In the late 1850s as California gold panned out. other mineral finds helped to develop the Far West in topographic points like Nevada. the Colorado Rockies. South Dakota’s Black Hills. and Idaho. The Comstock Lode in Nevada was a major Ag find.

* At some sites. mineworkers found Cu. lead. and Zn that eastern industries demanded. The insatiate stuff demands of excavation triggered economic growing at many widespread sites. such as Pueblo. Colorado. which smelted ore. * Remote countries turned into a mob scene of prospectors. bargainers. gamblers. cocottes. and saloonkeepers ; prospectors made their ain excavation codifications and frequently used them to except or know apart against Mexicans. Chinese. and inkinesss. * California created a market for Oregon’s green goods and lumber.

* Squatters:

* Upon first meeting the Great Plains. Euro-Americans thought the land waste. and referred to it as the Great American Desert. * Railroads. land speculators. steamer lines. and the western provinces and districts did all they could to promote colony of the Great Plains. * New technology—steel ploughs. barbed wire. and strains of hard-kernel wheat—helped colonists to get the better of obstructions. * Between 1878 and 1886. colonists experienced exceptionally wet conditions. but so the dry conditions typical of the Great Plains returned. and colonists fled late settled land.

* “American fever” took clasp in northern Europe as Norwegians and Swedes came to the United States. * For some southern inkinesss known as Exodusters. Kansas was the Promised Land ; by 1880. 40. 000 inkinesss lived in Kansas—the largest concentration of inkinesss in the West aside from Texas. * By the bend of the century. the Great Plains had to the full submitted to agricultural development. In this procedure. there was small of the “pioneering” that Americans associated with the westbound motion ; agriculture required capital investing and the willingness to hazard roar and broke rhythms merely like any other concern. * Although mineworkers. lumber workers. and cowpunchers were overpoweringly work forces. many adult females accompanied households as squatters. * The Republican ideal of national economic development through farm edifice supported the cultural value of domesticity. Spread widely before and after the Civil War. domesticity held that it was a man’s devotedness to his married woman and kids that caused him to work difficult and be thrifty and responsible.

* Domesticity produced a political clang with the Mormon Church. whose disciples practiced polygamy. Along with vote rights. this issue framed gender political contentions during Reconstruction. * Women’s rights expanded when Wyoming granted adult females the right to vote in 1869. Towns in Kansas in the 1880s elective adult females as city managers and as metropolis professionals. Womans were progressively go forthing the place to work. * Yet the bulk of rural adult females lived under rough frontier conditions. Rolvaag’s modern-day work. Giants in the Earth portrayed the fright and isolation of Norse immigrant adult females on the Dakota huge prairie.

* Debt and Aridity:

* Farm monetary values dropped in the late 1800s as technological invention and planetary enlargement glutted markets for wheat. cotton. and maize. * Farmers besides faced the job of being little manufacturers in a market place that rewarded economic systems of graduated table. giving big corporations the advantage of underselling husbandmans. In the 1880s. husbandmans would establish one of the most powerful protest motions in the history of American political relations. * A hostile environment existed on the Great Plains in the signifier of grasshoppers. prairie fires. hailstorms. drouths. twisters. snowstorms. the deficiency of H2O. and minimum wood supplies. Many households built places made of turf. * By the late eightiess. over 50. 000 squatters had fled the Dakotas and many others gave up their settled lands. Dry farming techniques helped to relieve some of the challenges of Great Plains farming. But it favored the growing of big corporations. Family farms required over 300 estates to last low monetary values and rough conditions conditions.

* By 1900. about half of the nation’s cowss and sheep. tierce of its cereal harvests. and about three-fifths of its wheat came from the Great Plains. But environmental costs multiplied as uneconomical anti-biodiversity agricultural patterns continued. * Encouragement from experts like John Wesley Powell. a geologist who explored the West. to inculcate federal support into western development ignited a argument over corporate versus little household farms. * Rampant overdevelopment led to a saving motion by Congress. In 1864. Congress gave 10 square stat mis of the Yosemite Valley to California for public usage. In 1872. Congress set aside 2 million estates of Wyoming’s Yellowstone Valley as a public park for touristry. a new western industry on the rise.

* Indian eviction accompanied land saving. In 1877. the Nez Perce under Chief Joseph and the Bannock folk of Indians utilised Yellowstone for endurance as they fled forced reserve life by the federal military. * The armed forces decided that killing American bison would assist cut down opposition of the Great Plains folks. They had signed pacts in 1867 and 1868 to ceded huge piece of lands of land and stay on reserves. White persons now wanted Indians to yield more lands.


* Essential Question: How did the federal government’s relationship with Native Americans alteration in the decennaries following the Civil War? How did they remain the same? Section 3: A Harvest of Blood: Native Peopless Dispossessed: * The Civil War and Indians on the Plains:

* Before the Civil War. Congress gave the Great Plains to Native Americans because they thought it could non be farmed. But railroads. steel ploughs. and the desire for land reversed that determination. * The Sioux and other folks fought against federal authorities efforts to put them on reserves. In 1862 in Minnesota. the Sioux responded by slaughtering white colonists. President Lincoln hanged the leaders and exiled the balance from the province. * The Dakota Sioux rebellion escalated tensenesss elsewhere between Whites and Indians. In 1864. Col. Chivington led his military personnels to perpetrate the Sand Creek Massacre of Cheyenne in eastern Colorado. * The Sioux and Arapaho responded with more onslaughts. In December of 1866. the Sioux wiped out 80 work forces under Captain Fetterman and successfully closed the Bozeman Trail. * By 1869. public sentiment had turned against warfare as an effectual agencies to repress Indian folks. Congressional leaders searched for other options to cover with the “Indian job. ”

* Grant’s Peace Policy:

* Christian reformists to a great extent influenced the Grant administration’s peace policy. Reformers argued that Indians could be transformed into Whites through instruction and spiritual indoctrination. peculiarly of Indian young person in get oning schools. The first boarding school opened at Carlisle in 1879. * Corruption. racism. and denominational in-fighting reduced the effectivity of the boarding school run. To Indian leaders. reformists became merely another involvement group. * Indian folks were forced by political fortunes to suit. In 1871. Congress abolished further treaty-making with Indian folks. * The Supreme Court farther eroded tribal power in Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock ( 1903 ) . saying that Congress could do any policies it chose and could disregard bing pacts.

* In Ex Parte Crow Dog. the Court ruled that Indians were non citizens unless approved by Congress. Indians would stay wards of the authorities until the 1930s. * Another assimilation step attempted to liberate American indians from their tribal yesteryear. this clip through land pickings. The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 held that all Indians would have allocations of reserve land and the balance would be sold to non-Indians. * The Bureau of Indian Affairs’ sloppiness. corruptness. and greed doomed the act. Fifteen million excess estates entirely were taken from folks in Indian Territory by 1894. easing the birth of the province of Oklahoma. * Before Dawes. Indians had held over 155 million estates of land ; by 1900. this had dropped to 77 million. By 1934. native peoples had lost 66 per centum of their allotted lands.

* The End of Armed Resistance:

* By 1873. merely Siting Bull. the great Lakota Sioux leader. openly refused to travel to a reserve. * A crisis came on the northern fields in 1876 when the Sioux refused to sell the Black Hills as demanded by the federal authorities. * On June 25. 1876. George A. Custer pursued a foolhardy scheme and suffered obliteration by Chief Crazy Horse’s Sioux and Cheyenne warriors at the Little Big Horn. This was the last triumph of the Plains Indians against the U. S. Army. * The Apache hated their reserve. so they made life suffering for white colonists in the Southwest until their main Geronimo was eventually captured in 1886. The United States had completed its military conquering of the West.

* Schemes of Survival:

* Despite populating on reserves and holding armed opposition. most native people continued to pattern traditional linguistic communications. ceremonials. and humanistic disciplines. * Most native people besides selectively adopted white ways such as usage of the English linguistic communication and accomplishments such as agribusiness. Most native people blended old and new ways. * One of the most celebrated native people who assimilated during this epoch was Dr. Charles Eastman. a Dakota Sioux male child trained in white schools to go a medical physician.

* The Ghost Dance motion symbolized the syncretism. or intermixing together. of white and Indian ways. The dance drew on Christian and native elements. distributing from reserve to reservation across the West and alarmed many local Whites. On December 29. 1890. at Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota. U. S. Army soldiers massacred 150 Lakota Sioux people. The soldiers feared that the Ghost Dance would arouse war unifying Indian communities. * By 1890. the United States included 40 provinces. an industrial economic system that rivaled Britain and Germany. steady in-migration. and intimations of going a major participant in foreign topographic points. A new American imperium was organizing abroad.

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