Atticus Finch Essay Research Paper Atticus Finch

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Atticus Finch, a widowman of 50, is the male parent of Jem and Scout. He represents all that is best in Maycomb as a citizen, a male parent, a Christian and a Southern gentleman. He stands out as a adult male of ground and bravery. As a citizen Atticus is extremely respected and really responsible. His behavior and conversation throughout the book show that he is wholly free from the usual Maycomb mistakes of pride, racism and lip service. In any ways, Atticus is cardinal to the whole point of the novel.

In the face of bias and strong emotions of the people of Maycomb he tries to do his ain kids see that it is better to utilize one & # 8217 ; s caput than to fall back to fists. Jem and Scout have perfect assurance in their male parent. He ever tells them the truth, and they are unafraid in the cognition that he loves them.

His courage in supporting Tom Robinson, cognizing the likely result of the test, is considerable. He is driven by a strong belief in equality before the jurisprudence.

Atticus is a genuinely spiritual adult male,

& # 8220 ; before I can populate with other folks I & # 8217 ; ve got to populate with myself. The one thing that dosen & # 8217 ; t abide by bulk regulation is a individual & # 8217 ; s conscience. & # 8221 ;

As Miss Maudie says, he represents true Christian values in Maycomb,

& # 8220 ; We & # 8217 ; rheniums so seldom called on to be Christians, but when we are, we & # 8217 ; ve got work forces like Atticus to travel for us. & # 8221 ;

His kids are disapointed that Atticus dosen & # 8217 ; t play football or fire hook, and that he neither drinks nor fumes. Atticus is described as old and short-sighted. On the other manus he is an first-class sharpshooter. He is chosen by the sheiff to cover with the huffy Canis familiaris. The people who matter in Maycomb hold Atticus in really high respect.

Although Atticus gives Jem and Scout considerable sums of freedom he demands high criterions of courtesy, honestness and manners from them. He is really just and will ever listen to both sides of an statement. He represents the voice of truth and equity in the community. Despite his great virtuousnesss he is non unapproachable and is a popular adult male with a really acute sense of

temper, which makes him both human and likeable.However, his religion in the goodness of adult male leads him to undervalue Bob Ewell, with about fatal effects.

Atticus & # 8217 ; s mode is cool and dry ; his address is formal, but his bosom is warm. When he sees the nutrient sent to him by the black community he is so affected that his eyes fill with cryings. He is Harper Lee & # 8217 ; s ideal of a true gentleman and a true hero.

+ Maycombians like and swear him.

+ Kind: willing to work to direct his brother through medical school.

+ Represents Maycomb in the province legislative assembly.

+ Jem and Scout are given sound and indifferent advice from Atticus.

+ He reads, dramas with them but dosen & # 8217 ; t interfere excessively much.

+ Wise & # 8220 ; Kill all the bluejays you want, but retrieve, it & # 8217 ; s a wickedness to kill a mocker & # 8221 ;

+ Scout looks up to him. He is clearly an indifferent and friendly adult male.

+ Epitomises the Southern gentleman, gallant.

+ Does non judge by skin coloring material, respectful to different people, polite.

+ Very formal.

+ Tries to see the best in people. & # 8221 ; Try to see yourself in their shoes. & # 8221 ;

+ Tolerant, respects the privateness of others, understands things from their point of position.

+ Knowledgeable, words of wisdom: Acts of the Apostless as a disciplinary figure, scruples figure etc. , tells kids of true bravery.

+ Philosophical, portions Miss Maudie & # 8217 ; s sense of temper, clearly have a batch in common.

+ He trusts his kids. Jem theoretical accounts himself on his pa.

+ Acts by scruples.

+ Understands kids, most educated character in novel.

+ Is prejudiced against by other characters.

+ He Judgess on personal virtue, non racial background.

+ Smart tricks the Ewells in tribunal, converting in tribunal.

+ All regard him ( but Mr. Ewell )

+ Idealistic.

+ lovingness ( stays beside Jem all dark )

+ He represents ground and bravery by supporting Tom Robinson and cognizing he will be criticised.

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