Attribute Of The Products Essay Research Paper

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Property Of The Products Essay, Research Paper

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The Brand/Product:


The properties are the merchandise & # 8217 ; s primary features, both physical and functional. They are what the consumer might acknowledge first about the merchandise through the five senses. The physical properties are what make the merchandise what it is. They are scent, texture, bundle, contents, assortment and monetary value. The functional properties are shown by how the merchandises work. They include sun protection, wet for the tegument and an attractive publicity.

2. Benefits:

Benefits are what the existent merchandise properties can make for the consumer. It is of import to do these benefits different from the competition & # 8217 ; s. Each physical property possesses certain benefits that satisfy the consumers wants.

The aroma of our merchandise is what makes our lotion so different. None of our competition trade names have a scented Sun sunburn lotion on the market that is targeted at our section ; the lone other is Coppertone Kids & # 8217 ; assortments ( 5 ) . Our lotion comes in a really appealing aroma that makes the consumer feel comfy and excited about seting Sun tan lotion on their organic structures. There is no overbearing or strong oily aroma like some lotions, and there is no bogus olfactory property like the & # 8220 ; coconut & # 8221 ; tanning oils that are on the market today ( 1 ) . All of this was taken into consideration when we came out with our visible radiation, reviewing and mild- scented aroma called & # 8220 ; Summer Rain. & # 8221 ; All of our assortments of lotion will be in this aroma because it is one that can be appealing to all different types of people, non merely our mark market.

The texture is non-oily and does non experience excessively heavy on the tegument. This is of import because when people use our merchandise, they will be pleased that they do non hold to worry about getas pores that may take to acne. It besides leaves the tegument feeling healthier because of the natural moisturizers. Our lotion comes in three different assortments for different tegument types. We have lotion for normal tegument, dry tegument, and oily clamber. Each lotion has certain sums of Vitamin E, aloe and vera and other moisturizers so that the tegument will & # 8220 ; ever return to its natural balance & # 8221 ; as it is used ( 4 ) .

The contents of our merchandise are ever organic and pure. We use merely the finest and botanical ingredients, all carefully tested for pureness and effectivity. ( 4 ) This makes the merchandise safer to utilize for the consumer and for the Earth. It is clean and refreshing, non oily and annoying. Plus, we keep in head the Earth and all animals by ne’er proving on any animate being. This is of import with the current market tr

terminal of merchandises that are pure, safe, and friendly to animate beings. ( 4 )

The bundle is besides another factor that defines Herbal Essence. The clear bottles allow the consumer to see the pureness of this merchandise. This characteristic besides allows trade name loyal clients to easy place our merchandise by its signature clear bottle.

Sun protection is a large issue today with the broad spread fright of tegument malignant neoplastic disease. Our lotions include the ingredients needed to protect the Sun & # 8217 ; s UV beams ( 2 ) . Each SPF is recommended by the FDA for certain teguments and how they burn or tan. For illustration, our SPF of 4 is for those who do non fire much and tan rather easy ( 3 ) . The SPF & # 8217 ; s offered are 4, 8, 15, 30 and 45.

The monetary value of our merchandise allows an low-cost and competitory manner to protect the tegument and, but without giving quality or measure. The Sun tan lotions on the market today have a monetary value tendency of between $ 3.79 to $ 11.99 ( 1 ) . We offer our lotion in two sizes: 4oz and 8 oz, which should retail for $ 5.19 and $ 7.95 respectfully. We feel comfy with these monetary values because we place our egos around the center of the battalion, but we do non desire to be identified as a & # 8220 ; inexpensive & # 8221 ; trade name. We want our clients to cognize that they are purchasing a high quality merchandise.

The last of import benefit or our merchandise is its great assortment. We offer three textures for different tegument types, five different SPF & # 8217 ; s, in two sizes. This gives our clients great choice in how they want their tegument to be protected.

3. The Most Levergable Benefits and Attributes Versus The Competition:

? Scent- Herbal Essence is known for their excess reviewing botanical aromas more than any other trade name.

? Organic and pure contents- The consumers now want safer merchandises for the environment. Our competition does non offer organic merchandises.

? Variety- The consumer has a great choice in texture, protection, and size of how they want to buy their Herbal Essence Sun sunburn lotion.

? Price- The consumer can purchase a high quality merchandise at a sensible monetary value, something that is rare today.



ources: note: these infinites in the references are underlines





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