Destiny In Romeo And Juliet Essay Research

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Destiny In Romeo And Juliet Essay, Research Paper

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Romeo and Juliet is so a brace of star-crossed lovers ( Prologue, Pg1 ) . From the gap scenes of the drama, the kids of the two feuding households, the Montagues and the Capulets, the immature twosome is presaged to fall in love and finally decease together. Obviously, destiny has a major function in this drama as it unites the twosome, separates them, and reunites them with decease.

How did Romeo and Juliet meet? In my sentiment, they could hold non avoided coming in contact with each other. In Verona, a moderate-sized metropolis in Shakespeare s clip, and knocking into each other is extremely improbable. As Romeo and Benvolio yak in a public country, an illiterate Capulet retainer asks Romeo to read a guest list aloud. After Romeo reads it, Benvolio suggested that Romeo should travel to the ball and compare Rosaline to other all right beauties in the party in order to alleviate himself of his unhappiness for Rosaline. ( Quote ) If Rosaline had non been go toing, Romeo would non hold the thought of go toing a Capulet party. Once Romeo and Juliet spot each other in the ball, the flickers of love can non be stopped. They are tonss of people on the street, why would the servant choose Romeo to read the guest list for him? The reply would be destiny.

Romeo s ostracism, dividing the twosome from being together is besides involved with destiny. The expatriate started when Tybalt has sent a missive disputing Romeo to a battle to the decease. Romeo refuses because of his matrimony to Juliet. Mercutio battles alternatively, and he was killed. Romeo discards his softness and putting to deaths Tybalt. At the terminal of the conflict, Romeo realizes that destiny is against him and calls out, O, I am fortune s sap! ( III, I, Pg 47 ) The Prince so announces the ostracism of Romeo. The Prince declares in the first scene that any more force between the two households would ensue in decease punishment. ( Quote ) Why would Prince, a adult male of aristocracy go back on his words? Romeo s expatriate prohibits any possibility of the cou

ple unifying together. Juliet mentioned that the ostracism cause her great sorrow, more than if he had been executed. ( Quote ) Romeo s separation from Juliet, caused by the Prince s sudden generousness, initiates Friar Lawrence s strategy that finally leads the two lovers to their self-destructions.

In reuniting the immature twosome, bad timing played a main function. Friar Lawrence, the originator in reunion of the twosomes had two ways of presenting message to Romeo about Juliet s evident decease. The first method is to direct message with Romeo s retainer, Balthasar. The 2nd manner is to present the message with Friar John. The first attack failed because of bad timing. Friar Lawrence is forced to utilize his backup program. But, Friar John, the courier was locked up in a house because of a plague. How frequently does that go on? Romeo learns the incorrect message for Balthasar and decides to kill himself. As a mention to the star-crossed lovers, Romeo cries out, Is it even so? Then I defy you, stars. ( V, I, Pg 80 ) Towards the terminal of the novel, there are illustrations of close calls, which involve timing every bit good. As Romeo is ready to kill himself, he utters, Death that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, hath no power yet upon thy beauty. Thou art non conquered ; beauty s ensign yet is red in thy lips and cheeks. ( V, III ) Romeo is stating that how alive Juliet looks and she could wake up any minute. That is, so true. If merely Romeo had arrived half an hr subsequently than he did, the twosome would be together once more. Bad timing possesses the component commanding deceases in this act, more so than any other act in the novel.

Romeo and Juliet is controlled by fate ; there is no uncertainty about it. The events that lead to the twosome s deceases are all controlled by destiny. The list, as reference earlier is as follows: meeting, separation, and decease reunion. Coincidences are apparent in the novel, and as they build up, the reader s thought of world alterations, and enables Shakespeare to make one of his greatest calamities.

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