Disguise in Twelfth Night Essay

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Twelfth Night is one of William Shakespeare’s alleged cross-dresser comedies that features a female masking herself as a immature adult male. This construct might be hard to hold on by today’s audience but during Shakespeare’s clip it was non unusual for female functions to be played by immature male childs. Every character in the drama is involved in a state of affairs where they think one individual is person else. These state of affairss lead to turmoil and humour in the drama. The many cases of misguided individuality and uncertainness of gender in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night contribute to the subject of confusion in the drama.

The first character in the drama to present the subject of confusion is Viola. She is distraught after being separated from her twin brother. Sebastian. in a shipwreck. In trusting that he could still be alive. she is determined to back up herself in an unfamiliar land by acquiring a occupation as a courier in town. She says to the captain that rescued her. “conceal me what I am. and be my assistance … present me as [ a male soprano ] to him” ( Shakespeare I. two. 49-52 ) . Showing her as a male soprano explains the high pitch of her voice. She decides to mask herself as a immature adult male named Cesario so she can work for Orsino. the duke of Illyra. Viola’s occupation is to be a courier and after three yearss she becomes a favourite of Duke Orsino. He says to Cesario. “it shall go thee good to move my sufferings / She will go to it better in thy youth” ( Shakespeare I. four. 26-27 ) . The duke decides to direct Cesario on the most of import errand as courier of his love letters to Olivia believing she will accept the letters from a vernal male child. This will finally take to problem as a love trigon between Olivia. Orsino. and Viola…

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