Examples of Piagetian Assimilation and Accommodation Essay Sample

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1. A kid seeing a zebra for the first clip and naming it a Equus caballus. The kid assimilates this information into her scheme for a Equus caballus. When the kid accommodates information. she takes into consideration the different belongingss of a zebra compared to a Equus caballus. possibly naming a zebra a Equus caballus with chevrons. When she finally learns the name of zebra. she has accommodated this information.

2. A mental representation. or scheme of a certain group of people ( a racialist scheme ) — your whole life you grew up with those around you merely adding more and more information to that scheme that made sense to you ( assimilation ) — you merely notice information that fits your scheme ( assimilation ) and confirms it — so you get to college and really fitting people from that group and recognize what you have learned from existent interactions requires a extremist reorganisation of your scheme sing that group ( adjustment ) . Your new scheme is wholly different. non merely full of extra information

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3. Assimilation is like adding air into a balloon. You merely maintain blowing it up. It gets bigger and bigger. For illustration. a two twelvemonth old’s scheme of a tree is “green and large with bark” — over clip the kid adds information ( some trees lose their foliages. some trees have names. we use a tree at Christmas. etc. ) – Your balloon merely gets full of more information that fits neatly with what you know and adds onto it.

Adjustment is when you have to turn your unit of ammunition balloon into the form of a poodle. This new balloon “animal” is a extremist displacement in your scheme ( or balloon form ) . The tree illustration works good where we live so I go with that. but you can contrive your ain. Now that they are in college in the redwood wood. we have conceptualisation ( scheme ) of trees as a beginning of political warfare. a trade good. a beginning of income for some people. we know that people sit and live in trees to salvage them ; in other words. trees are economic. political. and societal vehicles. This complete alteration in the scheme involves a batch of cognitive energy. or adjustment. a displacement in our scheme.

4. Most pupils are really good at working with computing machines and easy larn to voyage new web sites and plans ( assimilation ) . My college is seting heavy accent on distance acquisition and the computing machine literate pupils who enroll in my online classes seem to hold an early advantage ( adjustment ) over pupils who are limited in their computing machine experiences. Thankfully. this advantage lessens over the hebdomads. but I. as the teacher. hold to maintain this spread in head early in the class.

5. Young kids can travel from siting a large wheel to siting a trike with no problem–they can assimilate–it is ‘sort of the same’ ; but to travel to a bike there is much adjustment that must take topographic point.

6. I’ve normally got three or four sorts of chairs in my category and I go to each one and sit in it to exemplify assimilation. I so sit on the corner of my desk or one of the kid’s desks and usage that as a jumping off point to speak about adjustment. I besides want to arouse differences in likewise categorized points ( such as fact that some desks have shortss and some do non ) . I normally will hold some sort of a axial rotation cart and I ask them why it isn’t a desk. They will normally state because of the rollers but so I point out that some desks are movable. I think it might besides be pertinent to allow pupils cognize that we can non specify something entirely by map either since I have merely late been sitting on my desk. I want childs to understand that the classifications can be a small arbitrary but we however come to common apprehensions about them.

7. When a kid learns the word for Canis familiaris. they start to name all four-legged animate beings Canis familiariss. This is assimilation. Peoples around them will state. no. that’s non a Canis familiaris. it’s a cat. The scheme for Canis familiaris so gets modified to curtail it to merely certain four-legged animate beings. That is adjustment.

8. A kid learns his male parent is called Daddy. so he calls other males ( e. g. the postman ) Daddy. This is assimilation. He is rapidly told that the other adult male is non Daddy. he is _______ . Again. the scheme for Daddy is modified. This is adjustment.

9. A kid believes that “All furry four legged animate beings are dogs” . He sees a strain of Canis familiaris that he’s ne’er seen before and says. “That’s a Canis familiaris. ” That’s assimilation. Then the kid sees a raccoon ( or a cat. squirrel whatever ) and the kid says. “That’s a Canis familiaris. ” But his parents tell him it isn’t a Canis familiaris. it’s a raccoon. So the kid accommodates. “Not all furry four legged animate beings are Canis familiariss. some are raccoons. ”

10. You can make the same type of illustration with the belief that all things that float are boats utilizing a catamaran for assimilation and a foliage drifting on the H2O for adjustment.

11. My ain boy. so 3 old ages old at the clip. We were out shopping and three trucks drive by. two 18-wheelers. and a smaller truck. “Look” . my boy says. “a daddy truck. a mommy truck and a baby truck. ” Is this assimilation or adjustment? Explain why.

12. Use exposure of babes sucking on assorted manners of bottles as an illustration of assimilation with pretty easy version to different molded mammillas and bottles. But the first clip they try that sucking scheme on a sippy cup with a much larger opening the choking and muss normally bring about reasonably rapid adjustment.

13. If you come to my house for the weekend. we could absorb you into our family by holding you follow our routine–you’ll acquire up at 5:30. ticker Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street on Television. and have adieus for breakfast. If we accommodate to you alternatively. we’ll all acquire up at midday. ticker Oprah. and have cold pizza for breakfast ( presuming that’s your usual modus operandi ) . 14. Sometimes I pass out 2 new spirits of lifeguards to the category. All but a few of the international pupils seem to hold a well-developed scheme for lifeguards candy which over the old ages has expanded from the original 5 spirits to include many other ( but largely fruity ) spirits. So a new fruity spirit like Mangifera indica or cantaloup vine is pretty easy assimilated. But when they try the Musk lifeguards I order from Australia – what a difference! Is this a confect or a aroma? Am I eating a aroma? Most decide these Pepto-Bismol pink lifeguards have no concern in the confect class

15. When you take in new information and seek to understand it utilizing a scheme you already have. you are absorbing that information into your current manner of thought. We don’t. nevertheless. suit information–we accommodate TO it by altering the manner we think. That is. when your current manner of believing doesn’t aid. you need to suit your current scheme. or suit TO the new information by developing a new scheme.

16. One illustration was given to me by a pupil and I use it because it makes sense. It makes Piaget’s theory really concrete. but it helps pupils to better hold on the constructs. The pupil visualized a scheme as a “cubby hole” ( where we stored our things in preschool ) . When we encounter information in our environment that makes sense to us. it fits in our snuggery hole ; we assimilate the information. When we encounter information in our environment that doesn’t make sense. we are forced to change our snuggery hole or construct a new one ( accommodate ) . To assist them retrieve the difference I point out that assimilate has two s’s — same scheme ; accommodate has two c’s — change or create a new scheme.

17. When I discuss assimilation and adjustment I use 9/11 as an illustration. I talk about the scheme that most people had when the first plane hit the tower ( an accident ) . So. we assimilated that information. In fact. watching docudramas of 9/11 they show the Today show hosts discoursing the “accident” after the first plane hit. When the 2nd plane hit the tower. we were forced to suit the information that this wasn’t an accident. For most persons this was really hard to suit. so people watched it over and over once more on the intelligence seeking to do sense of it.

18. My pupils relate good to this illustration. They frequently will speak about how they thought they were watching a film when the first saw it on Television ( they had a scheme for this type of force — a film ) and their encephalons tried to absorb that info. Now. nevertheless. if a plane clangs into a edifice the first premise is normally terrorist act ( the media will even theorize about this first ) . This is because we now have a scheme for terrorist act in our state and we assimilate these types of activities into that scheme.

19. I talk about how for a babe any new object is something to set in their oral cavity. but they bit by bit learn how new are to be used.

20. Another illustration I use involves a house that blew up in our community due to a gas leak. We live in a little community and most people heard the detonation. It is really interesting inquiring people what they thought when they heard the detonation. Persons who had served in wars thought at that place had been a bomb ( scheme for that type of sound was for a bomb ) . Some of my pupils thought it was a meth lab detonating ( I am non certain we have a big Methedrine lab job. but an interesting scheme however ) . Others thought there was a auto accident because they had heard such a noise before when they had seen a auto accident. We so speak about how they had to suit the information that it was really a house that exploded. I had some pupils who lived near the house and they talked about how whenever they now hear a loud noise. they get dying believing it is an detonation.

21. When I was turning up my parents believed that tattoos were bad. so I created a scheme for people with tattoos. I assimilated such information as “probably rides a bike. ” “is dirty. ” and “probably has been in jail” into this scheme during my childhood ( because that’s what my parents said ) . When I got to college. I met a batch of people with tattoos who did non suit into my scheme. and therefore had to make some adjustment to accept those people.

22. Warning: this illustration is gross but pupils remember it well*

When a little kid first learns that they have “stuff” in their nappy and they figure out how to acquire TO that “stuff” by themselves. they start proving the “stuff” and figure out its belongingss. They can make a “poo schema” as my hubby jestingly refers to it. and they begin to absorb new info into this scheme: it can wing. it can be used as finger pigment. etc. Hopefully. one time the parent works with them on enamored preparation. they will alter – they will now go the kid that stands in forepart of the lavatory and says “ew. stinky” merely like their Ma does. This would show accommodating.

23. I do something similar to the tree illustration. I show a image of a good old generic tree ( normally an oak ) . As kids they learn that this is a tree and we talk about developing a tree scheme ( leaves on top. tall. brown bole. leaves fall off ) . I so show a thenar tree and explicate how you now have to absorb this new tree into your tree scheme. I so show an evergreen which they’ve besides had to absorb into their scheme. Finally I show a image of a banyan tree. Most of my pupils ( trapped in Utah ) have ne’er seen or heard of a banyan tree and I spend a few proceedingss stating them about banians. I tell them they have now accommodated this tree into their tree scheme. Now trees don’t merely turn up. but spread out and turn down.

24. I use the illustration from the Disney film Bambi. When Thumper is taking the immature Bambi through the forest instruction him the names of different objects. they come across a field of flowers. As Bambi is whiffing the flowers. a rotter pops up out of the flowers. Bambi exclaims. “Flower! ” Thumper cracks up. stating him that the rotter is non a flower. The rotter shyly says that Bambi can name him “flower” if he wants to. I tell them that Bambi tried to absorb the rotter into his scheme of flower. since he associated the rotter with the field of flowers. We besides talk about how that is non a realistic illustration of assimilation since most kids don’t confuse animate beings with workss.

25. Use Leo Leonni’s narrative “Fish is Fish. ” This happens to be a favourite of mine. so I was intrigued to see it used as a manner to learn Piaget. In this narrative. a immature fish and polliwog are friends. The tadpole becomes a toad and leaves the pool. When he comes back. he describes the universe outside the pool to his friend the fish. He describes birds. cattles and people to the fish.

The relevant point is that the fish. which has ne’er seen a cow or a individual. takes the frogs descriptions and imagines them. He sees the bird as a fish with wings. and a cow as a fish with legs. etc. In other words. he assimilates the information into established strategies.

If you go to the Amazon web site. you can see the forepart screen to acquire an thought of the narrative. Here’s the nexus:
hypertext transfer protocol: //www. virago. com/Fish-Leo-Lionni/dp/0394827996/sr=8-2/qid=1172115471/ref=pd_bbs_2/104-1559668-1733503? ie=UTF8 & A ; s=books

26. A kid believes that “All furry four legged animate beings are dogs” . He sees a strain of Canis familiaris that he’s ne’er seen before and says. “That’s a Canis familiaris. ” That’s assimilation. Then the kid sees a raccoon ( or a cat. squirrel whatever ) and the kid says. “That’s a Canis familiaris. ” But his parents tell him it isn’t a Canis familiaris. it’s a raccoon. So the kid accommodates.

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