Fault In Romeo and Juliet Essay

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In William Shakespeare’s drama. Romeo and Juliet. one of the chief characters. Juliet. commits suicide near the terminal of the drama. Friar Lawrence is straight responsible for the decease of Juliet in all ways. He makes non merely one. but three errors that all lead to Juliet’s decease. He gave a toxicant to Juliet. he trusted person else with a missive of great significance to present to Romeo. and he fled when Juliet was in the most danger at the grave. Had he non hold made these three major awful errors. Juliet might non hold killed herself. Friar Lawrence made a major error that he could hold avoided himself. He trusted Juliet. an unstable teenage miss. with a fake-death toxicant. This roseola determination was a really hapless pick on the friar’s behalf. Here. the mendicant shows his irresponsibleness by stating. “If… thou hast the strength of will to murder thyself… take 1000 this vial… no heat. no breath shall attest thou livest ; ” ( 4. 1. 72. 93. 98 ) Friar Lawrence’s thought for Juliet is really hazardous and he should hold known better than to seek it.

Because of what happens. everyone thinks Juliet is dead and shortly thenceforth. she is buried alive. This quotation mark shows the true significance of duty. because when he says this. her life remainders in his custodies. Capulet is even foiled by the program. because when he says her forging her decease. he said. “Death lies on her like an ill-timed hoar. ” ( 4. 5. 28 ) The bogus decease has fooled Capulet. Juliet’s male parent. and the remainder of the household. Had Friar Lawrence non hold given Juliet the toxicant. she would hold ne’er been put in the place that she was in. which finally leads to her decease. Trusting Friar John to direct the missive. and non even stating him that the missive was pressing. was Friar Lawrence’s following large error. The error of him directing person else to make it was inexcusable ; a affair every bit of import as forging decease should be dealt with personally.

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Had Friar Lawrence have personally delivered the missive. the program might hold gone swimmingly. Friar John shows his incompetency in the fifth act when he says “I could non direct it – here it is once more -” ( 5. 2. 14 ) . Showing Friar Lawrence’s hapless determination devising once more. this quotation mark absolutely shows how Friar Lawrence is responsible for Juliet’s decease by taking to direct the missive alternatively of presenting it. At that. he should non hold trusted person every bit mediocre as Friar John. “The missive was non nice but full of charge. of beloved import. and the pretermiting it may make much danger. ” ( 5. 2. 18-20 ) Friar Lawrence trusted a complete clown at the most important of times and the monetary value was paid for the actions of both mendicants. Consequently. Juliet dies because Friar Lawrence did non believe through that something might originate and a state of affairs this pressing must be dealt with personally. Friar Lawrence could hold easy avoided the state of affairs.

Cowardice. field and simple. was besides another ground why Friar Lawrence was responsible for Juliet’s decease. He runs off when Juliet needs him the most. and in go forthing her alone. she kills herself. In the tomb scene. Friar Lawrence attempt’s to assist Juliet before running off. “ ( Friar Lawrence ) : Stay non to inquiry. for the Watch is coming. Come go. good Juliet. I dare no longer remain. ( Juliet ) : Travel acquire thee hence. for I will non off. ” Friar Lawrence puts himself before Juliet. and concerns about acquiring caught by the ticker. He leaves Juliet when she needs him most. Friar Lawrence shows here that he truly does non care about Juliet. and that he is really egoistic. He leaves her to kill herself. even though it is wholly his mistake that she is even in that state of affairs.

Had the mendicant non hold left the grave. so Juliet might non hold had the chance to kill herself. as you can see she does in the undermentioned quotation mark. “Yea. noise? Then I’ll be brief. O happy sticker. [ taking Romeo’s dagger. ] this is thy sheath ; [ knife herself. ] ” ( 5. 3. 169 ) Juliet says these concluding words before killing herself. We see here what consequences straight from Friar Lawrence go forthing the scene when he should hold stayed. Had he stayed. he could hold at least attempted to twist the sticker from her manus. or comforted her until she let travel of the knife.

Alternatively of remaining to assist he take to run off from the watchers for his ain safety. and because of this concluding. awful pick. Juliet ends up dead. Friar Lawrence makes many bad picks throughout the drama ; picks that are inexcusable. When he made such awful picks. he necessarily doomed Juliet to her decease. His irresponsible picks. swearing Juliet with toxicant. giving the missive to Friar John. and running off at the grave. were atrocious picks. He systematically shows that he is an atrocious determination shaper. and he is wholly responsible for Juliet’s decease. One could even state he is more responsible for the decease than Juliet herself.

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