William ShakespeareS Romeo And Juliet Essay Research

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William Shakespeare? S Romeo And Juliet Essay, Research Paper

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Who is to Blame?

In William Shakespeare? s drama Romeo and Juliet, there is much contention to who is to fault for the deceases of Romeo and Juliet. In this calamity, the two household? s ongoing feud thrusts Romeo to kill one of Juliet? s relations and therefore he finds himself banned from Verona. They so construct a program to run into once more, but when the program goes amiss, the two & # 8221 ; star-crossed lovers & # 8221 ; take their ain lives. The inquiry now, where to put the incrimination of their deceases. The deceases can be blamed on the parents, the mendicant, or Romeo and Juliet.

The parents of Juliet can easy be seen as the motivation for their deceases. One ground for this is that they are forcing Juliet to get married Paris. & # 8221 ; Sir Paris, I will do a despairing stamp of me child? s love? a Thursday, tell her she shall get married this baronial earl & # 8221 ; ( 12-21 ) . This subdivision shows of Capulet? s understanding with Paris to hold him get married Juliet. Juliet loves Romeo, and non Paris, but her male parent? s ideas of Paris being a suited lucifer make it so she has to get married him. Juliet, non believing into the hereafter and what else could be possible, makes hastiness determinations after her male parent tells her, & # 8221 ; I tell thee what- get to church a Thursday or ne’er after look me in the face. Speak non, reply non, do non reply & # 8221 ; ( 61-63 ) , and goes to the mendicant looking to kill herself. Her male parent so subsequently makes a determination to travel the nuptials up to Wednesday. This greatly upsets Juliet. The desire of her male parent for her to get married and naming her a wretch and hussy tally Juliet into a corner with nil left to make to salvage herself, except herself. Besides, after Romeo kills Tybalt Juliet? s ma says, & # 8221 ; I? ll send one in Mantua, where that same banished runagate doth unrecorded, shall give him such an unaccustomed drachm that he should shortly maintain Tybalt company, and so I hope thou wilt be satisfied, & # 8221 ; ( 87-93 ) . This gives Juliet the idea that Romeo will be killed if her parents can hold anything to make with it and that she will hold to populate without him. & # 8220 ; Come, cords, come, Nurse, I? ll to my nuptials bed, and decease, non Romeo take my hymen, & # 8221 ; ( 136-137 ) explains that Juliet would instead decease a virgin instead than populate without Romeo. The parents have proven many times how they could be the cause of the lovers? deceases.

The Friar can besides be blamed for the deceases. For one, he is the individual that agrees to get married the lovers. & # 8220 ; In one regard I? ll thy helper be ; for this confederation may so happy prove to turn your families? resentment to pure love, & # 8221 ; ( 93-94 ) . Though the mendicant may intend good, he can finally be traced back to their deceases. If he had non married them, than possibly Romeo and Juliet would hold forgotten about each other, or ran off together, or solved their jobs in other ways. The mendicant besides could be blamed because he is the 1 that idea of the program. By making this, he foreshadows the deceases. He gi

degree Fahrenheits another complication to the secret plan, while he is still seeking to make good. His program, although it could work, likely is non plausible. This is seen by all the decompression sicknesss that have to take topographic point in order for it to really work. “Hold, girl. I do descry a sort of hope? And in this borrowed similitude of shriveled decease, 1000 shalt continue two and 40 hours and so wake up from a pleasant slumber? In the interim, against thou shalt awake, shall Romeo by my letters know our impetus and here shall he come, ” ( 69-116 ) . This tells of the mendicants program and shows how hideous it genuinely is. Last, Friar Lawrence could be to fault because he should hold been at that place in the cell to halt Romeo from killing himself and so from Juliet besides for killing herself. If he had been at that place, so Romeo would hold ne’er taken to toxicant because he would hold known that Juliet was non truly dead. He said that he was traveling to be in the cell waiting for Juliet to wake up, but he wasn? T. When Romeo killed himself, it was merely minutes before Juliet woke up, so he should hold been down at that place to salvage both of them.

Last, Romeo and Juliet could be to fault for their ain deceases. Many times, the twosome act irrationally which finally leads them to decease. Romeo has a really irrational and headlong personality. When seeing him for the first clip, he has fallen for Rosaline, another miss, and he is all weepy and sad and & # 8221 ; terminal of the universe & # 8221 ; -ish about his love for her. But so when Romeo meets Juliet, he instantly forgets about Rosaline. & # 8220 ; Our Romeo hath non been in bed tonight. The last is true ; the sweeter remainder was mine. God pardon wickedness! Was 1000 with Rosaline? With Rosaline, my ghostly father? No. I have forgot that name, and that name? s suffering & # 8221 ; ( 43-47 ) . Besides, the kids could be at mistake because Romeo killed Tybalt. By making this, he was banned from Verona and therefore farther disturbances Juliet and now they have to travel do a program to acquire the two back together. If Romeo had non acted so irrationally, so he might non hold killed Tybalt and so Juliet? s parents might non hold had as large of a trade about the twosome and hating Romeo. IF the kids were more adult up, so they would hold seen what the hereafter could convey them and non had to do such hastiness determinations. & # 8221 ; Well, Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight. Let? s see for agencies. O mischievousness thou art Swift to come in in the ideas of despairing work forces. I do retrieve an apothecary & # 8221 ; ( 34-37 ) , Tells of how Romeo heard of Juliet? s decease and decides that he can? t unrecorded without her and so he will kill himself to be with her. This transition shows once more how the Romeo and Juliet could hold been at mistake for their ain deceases.

There are many to fault for the deceases, the parents, Friar Lawrence, and Romeo and Juliet, but each has its ain good qualities of why it could be those people. It is truly a personal determination on who is at mistake and how you view the book. But either manner, person is do incriminations.

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