Film Analysis: the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay

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In the film. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. the holocaust which happened in history was clearly depicted. It was shown in the movie how the Jews were ill treated by the Nazis at that clip. Hence. here are some cases in the movie where bias. prejudice. favoritism and ethnocentrism were depicted. First is prejudice—Merriam-Webster describes bias as an hurt or harm ensuing from some judgement or action of another in neglect of one’s rights.

Prejudice was most apparent in the stoping scene where the Jews from the concentration cantonment were put inside a big gas chamber. and they were made to believe that they were merely traveling to take a bath. but the truth is they are to confront their decease. Besides. the fact that they were confined inside a concentration cantonment was already a immense illustration of bias since this has taken away their freedom. Bias. on the other manus. is a personal and unreasoned judgement. This was shown in the portion where Schmuel was in the house of Bruno making some work.

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He was given nutrient by Bruno. but they were caught by a Nazi soldier. Schmuel was seeking to support himself by stating the truth. but the Nazi soldier still believed Bruno’s lies merely because Schmuel was a Jew. Next is favoritism which is holding a prejudiced or damaging mentality. action or intervention towards others. In the movie. when Bruno and his household transferred to Auschwitz. there was an old Hebrew who were like their house aid. He received favoritism since he was treated as if he had a contagious disease—the kids were non allowed to interact with him.

Besides. Bruno’s dad invariably reminded him that he can non travel out of the confines of their place. particularly to the “farm” Bruno saw from his window. This limitation was know aparting because it showed how the Nazis shied off from the Jews. Last. ethnocentrism is characterized by or based on the attitude that one’s ain group is superior. Hence. it can be deduced that the movie centered on ethnocentrism which existed at that clip when the German Nazis believed that they are superior to the Jews. therefore giving them the right to set the Jews to approach extinction. This ethnocentrism gave rise to the holocaust which was the chief narrative of the movie.

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