Freud vs. Jung Essay Sample

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Carl Jung met Freud in 1907 and the two work forces talked “virtually without a intermission for 13 hours” Each was captivated by the other’s mastermind and passionate involvement in psychological science. and they began a close correspondence in which they exchanged letters every bit frequently as three times a hebdomad. ( Bridle. Edelstein 2010 ) Both work forces are celebrated psychoanalysts with alone attacks to personality. At one point they shared many of the same theories and had a deep friendly relationship. However. Jung developed several new theories and dissensions with Freud. After old ages of friendly relationship the brace parted in 1913. The three chief countries of personality which Jung disagreed with Freud on was the function of gender. temporal forces that influence personality and the unconscious. My positions are split with these two. I merely believe that they had shared so much of the same beliefs but finally they had to subdivision of in some manner because that is how they get their acknowledgment. Two powerful work forces in the field of psychological science had to hold a different position in order to carry through their “ego. ” The theories of Freud and Jung branched off from sexual to Jung’s analytical attack in a deeper significance.

Freud believed in Self consciousness and Jung was more into self realisation. In which Freud was more focussed on the unconscious when Jung branched off into researching more towards the witting head. Freud is known as the male parent of the unconscious and he developed psychotherapy along with the thought of the Idaho. self-importance and superego. Jung accepted the thought of the unconscious but he elaborated it by labeling two degrees: the personal and the corporate unconscious. Jung besides developed Analytical Psychology and the footings introvert and extrovert. Freud steadfastly rejected faith and Jung incorporated things like faith and art into his theory. Freud felt faith was an flight and a false belief. which ought non to be propagated. His religion was to the full in the heads ability to entree its unconscious ideas. Jung conversely believed that faith was an of import topographic point of safety for the person as he or she began the procedure of individualization. researching and accepting all parts of the ego ( wiseGeek. 2013 ) . In 1914 Jung broke with Freud to develop his ain school of psychological science. which emphasized the reading of the psyche’s symbols from a cosmopolitan fabulous position instead than a personal biographical 1. ( Bridle. Edelstein. 2010 )

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This is sort of where I broke up with Jung and his attack every bit good because I don’t truly believe in the fabulous position and I do believe it is really complex and I believe it is merely simpler so this. Although. some things I do agree with both Psychoanalysts and they did determine the manner for others and besides shaped the manner for other attacks in the field. Like B. F. Skinner and Abraham Maslow. My favourite thing about Sigmund Freud is the Psychoanalysis. Which is Freud’s’ advanced intervention method in which the patient is encouraged to talk freely about memories. associations. phantasies and dreams and which relies on Freud’s theories of reading. ( …Bridle. Edelstein. 2010 ) I love this because it is still used in the field of psychological science and is really relevant to my life because for my bipolar upset and PTSD I use both medicine and I talk to people utilizing what is now called psychotherapeutics. It truly does aid in my instance because speaking to person about my jobs is merely every bit helpful as the medicine they give me to assist me sleep and map in life.


wiseGEEK ( 2003-2013 ) World Wide Web. wisegeek. com/what-are-the-primary-differences-between-freuds-and-jungs-theories-htm

Was ist “das Ich” ? Susan Bridle and Amy Edelstein 1991-2010. EnlightenNext magazine Http: World Wide Web. enlightennext. org/magazine/j17/wasist. asp

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