Has Internet become a positive or negative force in today’s society

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The explosion of internet in has creating a profound impact on each ones of us. Internet has globalized this world and has opened up the world making it a global village where distance has reduced, thanks to the virtual technology and the internet which has improved and eased communication at the same time enhancing its accessibility. . Difference in cities or countries even does not affect internet if you have any kind of crisis you can log on from any where in the world and can solve your problem in a faction of a minute. Transaction is very fast and effective; many online business sites now offer sophisticated tools to help consumers manage all their assets more effectively and conveniently. (King, et al, 2004) A simple example of this can be taken from the simple accounting software e.g. in the banking sector. Thus, it is clear that the internet is has had a positive impact to many people.

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Another advantage of the internet is that, currently people who want specific information from company can easily access the information. In this case, the person requests for a specific service from the company or supplier through an electronic mode. An example for this kind of internet service is the booking of a flight by a customer of a particular airline. As Flanigan (1994) notes, today, a person can even check flight information via the internet and the website of the airline company.

Internet social networking is increasingly becoming a cultural phenomenon in the recent past. The basic model is very simple; internet social marketing allows people to develop profiles, portray themselves, share their ideas and interact with other people. The good thing is social networking is an area which can make one improve his/her personality through learning from experiences of others. It is this aspect that has made me to be a better person than I was before. If had lived during the period when internet was not available, I believe I would not have been knowledgeable as I am today since I would have missed out on a lot of information that is currently available on the internet. More so, I believe that socially I would have been worse than I am because of lack of understanding other people’s culture, an aspect that the internet has provided me with enough information. Thus, I can clearly conclude that the internet has had a more positive impact on me and the society as a whole through the possibilities that it has created.


Flanigan, G (1994): Internet Applications New York publications


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