Internet: for better or for worse?

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Internet:  for better or for worse?

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            “You’ve got mail!”

            This short message reminds me of a close friend who, as of now, has 6,777 mails in one of her e-mail accounts.  Among those mails, 3,728 – not including spam mails yet — are left unread.

            The number of mails received and unread mails my friend has is enough to explain how powerful the Internet can be although e-mail is just one of the services the Internet can offer.  As I see it, the e-mails received represent the number of times a particular sender tried to communicate to the receiver of the mail, and the number of unread mails represents the number of times the receiver refused to accept the message.  This kind of communication never existed prior to the Internet era.

            With the Internet, the people feel like they are in a global village which allows them to send messages to and receive messages from anyone in the world at an instant.  Indeed, the Internet is such a powerful tool of communication which can shape the people’s way of life.

            Personally, I see the Internet as a tool that can have either a positive or negative impact, depending on how users utilize it.  Disciplined and literate users usually report positive feedback on their Internet usage while those who lack discipline and Internet literacy can misuse the Internet – therefore considering it as a negative force in the society.

            First of all, the Internet gives all users unlimited access to information.  Before the Internet era, I could only read journals in hard copies.  This meant that I could access only the journals which are available in our library.  Now, with the Internet, the use of database has made academic research much easier and cheaper.

            Second, I don’t have to worry about missing my friend when he goes to another country.  The Internet can actually provide a venue, through its chat device, to make sure that I keep in touch with him.

            Third, access to entertainment has become so easy.  A click on the mouse can bring Internet users to various sites offering entertainment – be it in form of games, music, or even movies.

            Fourth, the Internet helps me save time and effort in paying for my bills and in acquiring any item. I can do online banking any time of the day without any hassle.  Plus, I can do online shopping without leaving the house.

            Fifth, and most probably, one of the most important, the Internet allows people to remain to be a “social being” even if facing the computer seems to be just like an isolated activity.  The Internet allows me to build and keep relationship with the people in the global village.

            All these lead to the conclusion that indeed, the Internet has been a positive force in the society that can change the way of life of every user.

            However, many people argue that the Internet also has its own set of drawbacks.

            One of the drawbacks is the danger of sacrificing one’s identity and personal information in order to transact online.  Revealing one’s personal information can actually be used against the person.  For example, a hacker can just use someone else’s credit card to purchase items online.  Aside from this, other effects seem to suggest that the Internet is more of an evil, than an angel.  Among the negative consequences of Internet utilization include the spread of the virus threat, pornography, and spamming.

            All these drawbacks might be true; however, the positive impact still outweighs the negative sides of the Internet.

            As I see it, the disadvantages of the Internet can all be avoided through making the right choice and by being responsible.

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