How are adults presented in “Romeo and Juliet” Essay

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There is a big difference between young persons and grownups in Romeo and Juliet. The grownups frequently make emotionally driven determinations. frequently 1s that go back on what they have antecedently said. An illustration of this is Lord Capulet. who changes his head on the matrimony of his girl. This drastically changes the secret plan of the narrative and could hold been the ground for the decease of Romeo and Juliet.

They see the universe in a different visible radiation to the young persons.

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The younger work forces in the Montague and Capulet households love to contend. and would merrily diss the other household in order to get down a battle. However. Lord Capulet. and possibly Lord Montague. is less happy to get down the battle. although he would seek to fall in in. like in act one scene 1. Lord Capulet says “’tis non hard. I think / for work forces every bit old as we to maintain the peace” and subsequently on in the drama he besides compliments Romeo by naming him a “virtuous and well-governed youth” . Capulet and Montague could hold ended a feud. which was started by their ascendants “ancient score interruptions to new mutiny” . You do non happen out what Lord Montague thinks about the feud. merely that Capulet “thinks” that Montague has the same sentiment as he.

Subsequently in act 1 scene 5 Capulet gets really angry with Tybalt for desiring to get down a battle with Romeo. Capulet expects Tybalt to obey him. as he is the maestro of the house. When Tybalt still refuses to give in to Capulet. his multi faceted side comes out. Capulet alterations from reasoning to Tybalt “Marry. ’tis time” to complementing the invitees “Well said. my Black Marias! ” and so back to reasoning with Tybalt.

Lord Capulet loves his girl really much. In act 1 scene 2. when Paris asks for Juliet’s manus in matrimony. Lord Capulet tells him that Juliet is excessively immature. but he can get down to tribunal Juliet and in 2 old ages. they may get married. You can state that he cares about Juliet because he says that Paris may merely get married if Juliet agrees. “An she agreed within her range of pick. / Lies my consent and just harmonizing voice. ”

This is surprising for a patriarchal society and where the girl has to make what the male parent says. When Lord Capulet says that Juliet is excessively immature to get married Paris he makes a indirect mention to his married woman. “And excessively shortly marred are those so early made” who we subsequently find out married Lord Capulet when really immature.

Lord Capulet alterations after Tybalt dies. Possibly because he loves Juliet so much he wants to assist her. but alternatively he makes her life worse. He tries to hearten her up -believing that she cries over the decease of Tybalt- by traveling the day of the month of the marrying forward to three yearss clip – Thursday.

When Juliet garbages to get married Paris. Godhead Capulet becomes really violent. and shows another side of himself. He threatens to hit her and says “unworthy as she is. that we have wrought / So worthy a gentleman to be her bride? ”

He goes on to state that he was cursed when she was born. and so diss the nurse by naming her a “mumbling sap! ”

The nurse is used as amusing alleviation in the drama. She is off-color and comes from a lower category than the bulk of the remainder of the dramatis personae. Simply the fact she is from a lower category makes her somewhat funnier. and she frequently jumbles up her words – “I want some assurance with you” and speaks in prose. She gets on better with Juliet than Lord or Lady Capulet. and so Juliet confides in the nurse.

The nurse is loyal and caring but really off-color. However. when Juliet needs her most. the nurse turns off from Juliet. and changes her trueness by stating

“I think you are happy in this 2nd lucifer. ” She goes on to state that Romeo is no longer there so she has to get married Paris. This is flooring because you believe that the nurse was ever on Juliet’s side.

In act 1 scene 3. the nurse negotiations about Juliet when she was a small miss. and of many somewhat rude narratives of Juliet. These narratives horrify Lady Capulet. but the audience happen them funny. It shows the difference between the nurse and Lady Capulet. and their different upbringings. The nurse knows more about Juliet than her ain female parent

The nurse brings a batch of tenseness into the balcony scene. because she keeps naming Juliet interior. You worry that she may come outside and ruin Romeo and Juliet’s romantic minute. But it besides brings an component of comedy to it. because it annoys Romeo and Juliet. and you imagine in your caput how she would move if she did come out and see Romeo and Juliet on the balcony. squealing their love. The nurse adds a spot of tenseness in act 2 scene 5 when Juliet is waiting to happen out what Romeo has said about their matrimony. She will non state Juliet what Romeo has said. and even though the audience already cognize what has been said. they are still concerned in instance something awful has happened.

When Lord Capulet is contemptuous Juliet about her matrimony to Paris. the nurse stands up for Juliet. even when Capulet attacks the nurse verbally. This may be when the nurse has a alteration of idea. and decides the matrimony between Juliet and Paris is a good thing.

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