Theme of Love in Act 1 Romeo and Juliet Essay

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“A brace of star-cross’d lovers take their life” : by utilizing these words in his Prologue and by depicting Romeo and Juliet as being “star-cross’d” Shakespeare is touching to destiny. the inevitableness of the two characters’ waies traversing each other and suggests that the result is traveling to be fatal. The Prologue is written in sonnet signifier. a signifier of poesy which is normally used for love and by making this Shakespeare is proposing to his audience that that the drama is concerned with love every bit good as calamity: it brings a sense of gallantry to the drama and makes Romeo and Juliet the eponymic heroes that every drama needs. Shakspere shows their finding to be together despite the fact their stars are crossed instead than aligned: in the yearss of Shakespeare it was believed that the places of the stars ruled over people’s destinies and there was nil they could make to contend it.

Shakspere does non get down the drama with the subject of love but instead the subject of hatred “draw thy tool. here comes of the house of Montague’s” . The quotation mark spoken by Gregory a retainer of the house Capulet. is stating us how strongly he feels he must back up the Capulet’s by detesting the Montague retainers. Gregory is a retainer he has no ground to detest the Montague’s or even ache them yet he still has choler towards them for no intent other than they are his master’s enemies. Shakspere does this. he starts the drama with hatred. he embeds this force and choler into the drama between all these people merely to demo and assist the audience understand what truly goes on behind the scenes of love. Romeo and Juliet may be in love but Shakespeare tells us their friends. households and dealingss have an “ancient grudge” which breaks to “new mutiny” .

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The struggle of these two households merely reinforces the facets of love that we see ; it tells the audience that if Romeo and Juliet are willing to disregard their households feud despite the effects that they both would endure theirs. must be true love and that is why Shakespeare starts off the drama with the intertwining of love and hatred. The first clip Romeo is introduced in the drama it is by Lady Montague who inquires of Benvolio ( Romeo’s friend ) about her boy. “O where is Romeo? Saw you him today? ” Shakespeare used these two short sentences to assist the audience see the concern of a lovingness and loving female parent. a perfect illustration of parental love. Shakspere wants the audience to see Romeo’s parents are really “hands on” and involved in his life even cognizing when he’s disturbance. Lord Montague tells us that when the Sun. “begin to draw” Romeo “begin to pull the fly-by-night drapes from Aurora’s bed. off from light bargains place my heavy son” .

Aurora is the Grecian God of morning and Lord Montague is utilizing classical allusion to promote the thought that Romeo is so suffering he is closing out the visible radiation and is “heavy” which means sad and down. The fact that Lord and Lady Montague are even cognizant of Romeo’s province shows merely how openly they love him and shows their true parental love. Juliet’s parents. Lord and Lady Capulet. have a different attack to parental love and happen it harder to show their love for Juliet. Lord Capulet is protective of his lone staying kid “The hopeful lady of my earth” was how he described Juliet. Shakespeare shows a large contrast between Juliet’s parents behavior by demoing Lord Capulet’s unfastened declaration of love for his girl yet Lady Capulet can non even talk to Juliet entirely. she wants to talk to her girl about the personal topic of matrimony and sends the nurse off “Nurse give leave a piece. We must speak in secret. ”

But so she says “Nurse come back once more. I have remember’d me” ; Lady Capulet needs the aid of the Nurse to talk to Juliet: it seems as though she is afraid of her ain girl and wants the Nurse in with her to speak about this sensitive topic. The last type of “parental” love which Shakespeare explores is the love between Juliet and her Nurse. We feel that the Nurse is more of a female parent to Juliet and loves her more than her existent female parent. On line 62 the nurse says. “And I might populate to see thee married one time. I have my wish” she is stating if she could populate to see Juliet married even one time that’s all she would necessitate to do her happy in life: the quotation mark shows the intimacy the Nurse feels for Juliet ; she feels as if she were her ain girl and seems to love her every bit much as if she were.

The subject of love continues and it seems as if Shakespeare is mocking Romeo for when Romeo sees Juliet he says. “Did my bosom love boulder clay now? Forswear it sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty boulder clay this night” Romeo is stating he has ne’er known true love boulder clay this minute when. in fact merely moments before he was infatuated with Rosaline and was convinced he was heartbroken because Rosaline didn’t love him: his linguistic communication was wholly overdramatic and full of wretchedness when speaking about his love for Rosaline. “this love feel I that feel no love in this. ” I think by altering Romeo’s positions of love ( dramatically ) when he sees Juliet from the negative response to Rosaline’s reaction to a positive one to Juliet’s. Shakspere shows us two different types of love: one between Romeo and Rosaline and the other between Romeo and Juliet. Through this he manages to demo that Romeo is so immature and naif non cognizing the true significance of love until he meets Juliet: he is merely utilizing words and feelings he thinks means he’s in love. The one time “love sick” immature adult male seems to fall in love with Juliet really rapidly.

He says. “this love feel I that feel no love in this” which is an oxymoron to demo how suffering Romeo is about his unanswered love ; he feels he can’t be happy because Rosaline doesn’t love him. However. when Romeo sees Juliet his ideas and province of head become much happier: his love for Rosaline is forgotten and his linguistic communication is really dramatic. His love for Rosaline was strictly superficial ; cogent evidence of this is in line 209-10 “O she is rich in beauty merely hapless that when she dies. with her beauty dies her store” whilst showing his love for Rosaline to Benvolio: but all Romeo seems to really be showing is his love of her beauty non her bosom or her as a individual. In the lines I mentioned antecedently “the fly-by-night drapes from Aurora’s bed off from light bargains place my heavy son” said by Romeo’s male parent about his boy ; Shakespeare uses visible radiation in a negative manner here to demo Romeo is disquieted and doesn’t even want to see the Sun but wants merely to close himself up in his sleeping room and wallow in his wretchedness. but when he sees Juliet he uses images of light which makes his love for Juliet more existent.

Shakespeare besides uses classical semblance when speaking of Romeo’s unanswered love for Rosaline to promote how unhappy he is but when speaking of his love for Juliet he uses spiritual imagination to demo how happy he is with this love. It is difficult for Juliet to cognize what “true love” is: when her female parent Lady Capulet. and her Nurse propose to her the thought of get marrieding Paris she says “it is an honor that I dream non of. ”

This shows us how wholly immature and guiltless she truly is. Shakespeare is stating the audience of Juliet’s young person and reminding them how before Romeo. she had ne’er even idea of being in love. Shakespeare continues the subject of Juliet’s feelings by leting her to react to her mother’s inquiry. “how stands your temperaments to be married? ” stating. “I’ll expression to wish. if looking wishing move. ” Here we see the respectable. duteous kid who wants to delight her parents. She continues stating “your consent gives strength to do it fly” holding that if her female parent approves. she will compel her mother’s will and make what her female parent wants.

In act 1 scene 2 we see a different sort of love. the love parents feel their kids should hold: the sort of love Paris has for Juliet. This is a contractual type of love. Paris’s love for Juliet is more of a contractual love non true type of love: he sees Juliet the manner a adult female sees a bubbling diamond ; as an object of his fondness. something to be desired. Juliet is the diamond to Paris. a measure higher in society. a encouragement to his calling and most significantly would be suited to be the carrier of his hereafter kids. Juliet is from a respectable place with high societal standing and a powerful male parent. and Paris is handsome a suited lucifer for her. The contract of their matrimony would be simple. Paris would supply and Juliet would be a duteous married woman but. what Shakespeare tells the audience is that the contract is really between Paris and Lord Capulet since Juliet is owned by her male parent until she is married.

“O she doth teach the torches to fire bright” When Romeo foremost sees Juliet Shakespeare uses visible radiation in a positive manner to show Romeo’s love for Juliet. Shakespeare delays the inevitable meeting of Romeo and Juliet for five scenes to construct tenseness for the audience. Romeo and Juliet’s love is non merely about emotions ; Shakespeare besides wanted it to be approximately lust and passion but non merely about that and so when they eventually meet and they eventually kiss Shakespeare uses spiritual imagination and allusions to promote their love ; for illustration on line 98-99 Juliet. utilizing soft poetic linguistic communication. says “Saints have custodies that pilgrims’ custodies do touch. and thenar to handle is holy palmers’ buss. ”

Shakespeare is non merely promoting the buss but besides Juliet’s character by demoing the importance of faith to her and how she feels her for Romeo is every bit strong as her love of faith. At the beginning of my essay I talked about destiny ; I talked about Romeo and Juliet’s fate being “cross’d in the stars” and I believe that. and I think Shakespeare believed it excessively which is why he put it in his drama: but I besides believe their love was true and pure despite their age and obvious immatureness and different thoughts of love. Nothing is worth holding if you don’t have to contend for it and Romeo and Juliet fought ; they fought the odds. they fought their birth-right and because of this Shakespeare allows us to see the jobs attached to pure love.

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