How to Maintain a Good Health Essay

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Nowadays. most people are busy with their day-to-day work and lives which cause most of them have less clip to care for their wellness including me. I used to eat nutrients that are easy to fix in short period of clip for illustration Gallic french friess. lily-livered nuggets or even pizza without paying attending to its nutrition if they are harmful or healthy for my wellness. Harmonizing to Rockwell. high- fat nutrients may increase your hazard for high blood cholesterin and this puts you at a higher hazard for bosom disease and other wellness conditions ( 2011 ) . Here are some stairss that we can follow to avoid high-fat nutrients. non smoking and eating nutrients high in vitamins help protect the eyes. There are three stairss that I recommend others to follow of how to avoid fat nutrients. it may non work on everybody but at least it works on me.

First. doing a list of good and healthy nutrients before traveling to supermarket so merely follow what we have listed out and purchase it for our repast. Second. seek to set every bit much as nutrients such fresh fruits in the icebox so that every clip we need something to eat. particularly in dark clip. we can replace debris nutrients or fatty nutrients with fruits. Last. we need to set our wellness on the top of everything in life that is why we need to read the nutritionary fact carefully before we buy something. Not merely fatty nutrient can impact our wellness but besides smoke could be unsafe for us. By reading an article from Black stated that “currently some 444. 000 people die yearly from direct and indirect baccy diseases ( 2011 ) . ” It is good to avoid smoke that everybody has to make every bit shortly as possible to salvage our lives.

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Here are some ways that people should follow to avoid baccy. Keep yourself busy with day-to-day activities alternatively of believing about baccy. For illustration. take your free clip to travel to the gym for working out alternatively of smoke or you can take a walk for sightseeing. Efficient nutritionary consumption is the most of import portion to maintain our organic structure healthy. There are certain types of minerals and vitamins are required for the eyes need.

Vitamin A is one of the major beginnings to maintain the human’s eyes work decently. and this sort vitamin we can obtain largely from fresh fruit and veggies. Furthermore. Vitamin D is besides important to keep and better vision suggested by Dr. Mercola because it helps “reductions in retinal redness and degrees of starchlike beta accretion which is a trademark of aging” ( 2012 ) . Those are some information that I want to allow people cognize how avoiding high-fat nutrients. non smoking. and eating nutrients high in vitamins help protect the eyes. Hopefully people will hold a good life and remain healthy.

Plants Cited
Black. Ken. “How many people dies an hr smoke? . ” College Central. May 1. 2011. Web. October 2. 2012. hypertext transfer protocol: //www. collegecentral. com/Article. cfm? CatID=hlt & A ; ArticleID=3964. Dr. Mercola. “This Vitamin Found to Rejuvenate Aging Eyes. ” Take control of Your Health. February 6. 2012. Web. October 2. 2012. hypertext transfer protocol: //articles. mercola. com/sites/articles/archive/2012/02/06/this-vitamin-found-to-rejuvenate-aging-eyes. aspx Rockwell. Kay. “Can Fatty Foods Cause Dark Circles Under the Eyes? ” . The Limitless Potential of You. May 2. 2011. Web. October 2. 2012. Hypertext transfer protocol: //www. livestrong. com/article/395649-can-fatty-foods-cause-dark-circles-under-the-eyes/

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