Islamic Fundementalism and Terrorism

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Islamic Fundementalism and Terrorism

            The Islamic religion is one of the largest and fastest growing religions in the world today. Lately, it has become the source of a lot of concern and scrutiny due to the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. Islamic fundamentalists believe in religious ideologies that advocate a return to the basic fundamentals of the Islamic religion. Islamic fundamentalists dispute many basic human rights such as Freedom of religion, equality of men and women, the separation of religion and state, and freedom of speech. Islamic fundamentalists also passionately oppose the corrupting influence of Western culture.

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            The Koran and the Sunnah are the central key to the fundamentals of Islam, and they are the religious texts that derive the religion itself. Muslims believe that the Koran is the direct word of God that was revealed to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. Islamists believe in revolution, and social and political action in order to spread their beliefs globally. Islamic Fundementalists believe that all Muslims should be required to be fundamentalists. Islamic fundamentalists believe that women’s place is in the home. The immediate political goals of Islamic fundamentalists are the implementation of Sharia and the creation of a Nation of Islam. They believe that peace and justice can be attained with a return to the fundamental teachings of Islam, combined with rejection of all outsiders. Christians for example are believed by muslims to be committing the most heinous sin possible, called shirk, which is “associating something human with God.” Muslims are taught to always oppose infidels in every way possible, and even hate them for their religion. In recent decades, some groups have even resorted to violent extremism. They do this all in the name of god. Islamic fundamentalists preach that all of the problems of the world are generated by secular influences. They preach that democracy is responsible for all of the horrible wars of the 20th century. The dominance and influence of outside powers such as the United States is seen as a corrupting influence on Islamic culture, and opposing infidels which threaten the Islamic religion.

            The word Jihad means “striving or struggling in the way of God.” It is one of the central concepts of the Islamic religion. The struggle that each person has to do what is right and follow the will of god is refferred to as the greater jihad. What is called the lesser jihad refferrs to the defense of the Islamic religion from outsiders. Muslims are taught to defend the Islamic religion by any means necessary including by military defense. The majority of Muslims reject the violent extremism manifested in terrorist actions. However, some politically motivated and religiously inspired groups try to justify their terrorist activities by putting them into the context of a holy war or struggle in the defense of the Islamic religion. They feel that this holy war is a Jihad and use it as a front for terrorist actions that they believe are god’s will. Many of the terrorist acts involve suicide and the murder of innocent people. These Islamic fundamentalist extremists believe that martyring themselves in the name of god will earn them a place in heaven. However, in the Koran, there is only one verse related to suicide, it states “do not kill yourselves. Surely God is Merciful toward you.” This verse clearly prohibits suicide, as does the prophet Muhammad himself. Muhammad states that one who throws himself off a mountain, drinks poison, or kills himself with a sharp instrument will be in the fire of Hell. Despite the traditional Islamic belief that people who commit suicide will go to hell, there are some Muslims who engage in suicidal military missions such the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. These particular extremists cite passages in the Koran that promise paradise to those who die “struggling in the way of God.” However, the vast majority of Muslims view this as a misinterpretation of the Koran and a misrepresentation of Islamic tradition. The Koran and Islamic tradition also teach that the taking of innocent life even during war is strictly forbidden. however these suicidal terrorist acts and mass murder of countless innocent people continue to take place in the name of god and in the defense of the Islamic religion.


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