Leadership in Animal Farm Essay Sample

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A leader can assist their followings to a better topographic point. and to populate better lives that the followings would non sometimes be able to make without their leader. However. many leaders do non desire to assist their followings and are merely in their place because they crave power and utilize their followings to acquire what they want. These atrocious leaders are the focal point of George Orwell’s novel “Animal Farm” . This novel shows what happens when a leader who cares merely for himself when they have absolute power which is through the characters of the hogs. Napoleon the leader. and Squealer. the helper of Napoleon. And the followings are all the animate beings on the farm. You will see the use through the hogs. which changes regulations. and to do their lives better.

The hogs make regulations that are non good to the followings. but yet they make it look as if though what the animate beings are making is a good thing to make. After. Napoleon alterations regulations about work. “Through out the spring and summer they worked a 60 hr hebdomad. and in August. Bonaparte announced that there will would be work on Sunday afternoons as well” ( pg. 40 ) This quotation mark shows that the hogs merely cared about themselves and did everything to profit themselves because they are doing the animate beings work one excess twenty-four hours in the hebdomad. Furthermore “This work was purely voluntary. but any animate being who absented himself from it would hold his rations reduced by half. ” ( pg. 40 ) The hogs use the word “voluntary” to give the animate beings the thought of freedom ; this shows that the leaders are flim-flaming the animate beings to do certain that the animate beings don’t think that the leaders are gulling them.

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The hogs break Torahs and do alterations to them to profit themselves. After. the storyteller explains. “It was about clip the hogs all of a sudden move into the farmhouse and took up their abode at that place. ” ( pg. 45 ) While the hogs foremost use their power for nutrient. and simple benefits. their desire for the more epicurean points grow and they break the regulation that they foremost created so that they could populate in more a epicurean infinite. The animate beings think that they remembered that what the hogs were making was against their original commandments “Again the animate beings seemed to retrieve that a declaration against this had been passed in the early yearss. and once more Squealer was able to convert them that this was non the instance. ” ( pg. 45 ) The hogs made up an alibi why they should hold better things ( even though all animate beings are equal ) and they tricked the animate beings once more which shows bad leading.

The hogs do non do things just which is why they have such bad leading accomplishments. The storyteller tells the audience that their needed to be an election even though there was already a leader “In April. Animal Farm was proclaimed a Republic. and it became necessary to elect a president” ( pg. 87 ) A batch of the hogs power comes from them being able to forge a democracy. So if Napoleon wins. he would hold absolute power. This tells the viewing audiences that the election was rigged and unjust “There was merely on campaigner. Napoleon. who was elected nem con. ” ( pg. 87 ) The hogs gave the animate beings a rigged ballot to do it look like the animate beings are taking their leader. when in world. the animate beings on the farm were betrayed by the corruptness in the authorities.

In decision. a leader is either a good leader. or a bad leader. and in Animal Farm. Napoleon and the hogs are a perfect illustration of a bad leader. because they tricked the animate beings into believing bad things are really good. like working an excess twenty-four hours and made up alibis for everything bad that happens or bad things they do like set uping the election. This fresh leaves the audience with the thought that the hogs are like most leaders in today’s universe who are selfish and do non care about their followers/citizens.

Plants Cited

Orwell. George. Animal Farm ( Penguin Modern Classics ) . New York: Penguin Books Ltd. 2000

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