The Leadership Challenge Essay Sample

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Kouzes and Posner ( 2003 ) attempt to simplify the subject of leading that has confounded adult male over a period of clip. The book intends to place the critical function of leading in human organisations. The techniques and Torahs mentioned in the book were rooted on old ages of comprehensive surveies that were really carried out by the writers. The writers started a research undertaking in 1983 that aims to understand what people do in taking others.

What makes their survey unique is that they asked ordinary people about their extraordinary experiences. This comes within the existent context of the book which is to beef up and elate the liquors of the mundane individual challenged with the undertaking of taking others. whether it is on the occupation. in the community. or at place. The book’s ( 1983 ) cardinal subject is about leading with how ordinary people pattern it and in the procedure go efficient leaders who get extraordinary things done in their organisations.

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Kouzes and Posner ( 2003 ) believe that leading is a mutual procedure between those who intend to take and those who wish to go followings. To stress the significance of this attack. Kouzes and Posner ( 2003 ) allotted an full chapter stand foring the kineticss of the relationship between the leader and the follower. Among the kineticss of this relationship is the belief that the components have of their leader. which the writers have strongly summarized at the start of the chapter citing Brian Carroll.‘Without credibleness. you can’t lead’ .

The writers work hard to eliminate many of the widespread myths of leading such as the sentiment of the leader being a so called Robin Hood. enticing a set of followings with brave Acts of the Apostless. or that of the leader being an imagined vision with Merlin-like powers and possibly the most deathly myth of all. that leading is devoted merely for the few chosen 1s.

Kouzes and Posner ( 2003 ) at the terminal of their survey conclude that leading is really a aggregation of noticeable. learnable imposts. which can be learned by anyone with the yearning to take efficaciously.

The writers discussed ‘challenging the process’ during the initial portion of the book. This pattern is meant to continually inquiry and conceivably sublimate every activity within the organisation.

Regardless of whether one wholly conforms with the idea of the authors’ onFive Practices And Ten Committednesss of Leadershipand the accompanying illustrations. one is obliged to compromise that this perceptibly rich and elaborate. yet easy-to-read book. offers alimentary nutrient for idea and hones our apprehension of a challenge that most of us face today – the leading challenge – and basically provides us the tools for run intoing this challenge caput on.

The book is fundamentally an inspiring read which presents a good figure of illustrations. The chief strengths of the book are its enthusiasm and protagonism of unity. values and taking people with you when you administer major alteration. The book came out at a clip when direction was made the whipping boy for US industry’s deficiency of success against the Japanese. It is for this ground that direction is ne’er mentioned in the book.

During that clip. everyone was clamouring for leading to replace direction without inquiring whether direction could be improved to be less dominating and suppressing of enterprise. From so on. direction has been relegated to the bad cat function. transactional and instigating organisation while leading got all the good cat work. transformational and demoing consideration for people.

Kouzes and Posner’s ( 2003 ) theory of leading may be viewed as old fashioned as it makes no grant for bottom-up leading which. because it is partial to disputing the position quo. has nil to make with pull offing people.

Meanwhile. this book may be a good beginning of mention stuff for supervisors looking into kid maltreatment instances are equipped with the right sum of information to go an efficient supervisor. A good kid maltreatment supervisor who deals with his subsidiaries must non merely a good leader but must be effectual to accomplish the regard of the subsidiaries.

Kouzes and Posner ( 2003 ) provide thorough methods to go good leaders. All of us have the potency of going good leaders and this book is rather a perfect piece to assist supervisors suit of their responsibilities and duties.

For one thing. for the supervisor to find whether any kid has been abused or neglected and is still at hazard of maltreatment or disregard. he may confabulate with household members and warrant appropriate protection.

Please bear in head. nevertheless. that no sum of good leading can bring forth the best consequences if there is no harmonious relationship between the leader. or the supervisor and his subsidiary. Success may merely be determined if the two work together to accomplish a common end.

We ever see leader with regard particularly if they are effectual in their projects or enterprises. But good leaders were non created overnight but were trained to go one. We can see ourselves lucky that Kouzes and Posner ( 2003 ) have provided us with their book and allowed us to practically go good leaders on our ain.


Kouzes. J. and Posner. B.The Leadership Challenge. 3rd Edition. Jossey-Bass. ISBN:0787968331. August 2003.

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