Millard Fillmore Essay Research Paper Fillmore Millard

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Fillmore, Millard ( 1800-1874 ) , 13th president

of the United States ( 1850-1853 ) and the 2nd frailty president to complete

the term of a asleep president. He succeeded Zachary Taylor at a critical

minute in United States history. The Mexican War ( 1846-1848 ) had renewed

the struggle between the Northern and Southern provinces over bondage, since

it had added new districts to the United States. The argument over whether

these districts should be admitted as free or break one’s back provinces precipitated

a crisis that threatened civil war. Much to the alleviation of Northern and

Southern politicians, Fillmore pursued a moderate and compromising policy.

He signed into jurisprudence the Compromise of 1850, which admitted one district

as a free province and allowed slave proprietors to settle in the others. This

via media did non work out the basic job of bondage but did continue

peace for about 11 old ages. During that clip the North gained the industrial

power that enabled it to get the better of the South when civil war finally came.

Fillmore was born in upstate New York in

1800. He was the 2nd kid and eldest boy in a household of nine. His parents,

Nathaniel and Phoebe Millard Fillmore, had moved from Vermont to New York

several old ages before his birth. Young Fillmore did jobs on his male parent & # 8217 ; s

farm, worked as an learner in the haberdasher & # 8217 ; s trade, and attended local

schools irregularly until he was 17. Although the lone books in his place

were the Bible, an farmer’s calendar, and a hymnal, Fillmore managed to educate

himself with the aid of a small town school teacher, Abigail Powers.

When he was 19, Fillmore began to analyze

jurisprudence with Judge Walter Wood of Cayuga County. He supported himself by learning

school. When his household moved to East Aurora, near Buffalo, New York, Fillmore

continued his survey of jurisprudence and his instruction. In 1823 he opened a jurisprudence office

in East Aurora. Three old ages subsequently he married Abigail Powers. The twosome

had two kids, Mary Abigail and Millard Powers. In the early old ages of

their matrimony, Mrs. Fillmore continued to learn school and to assist her

hubby with his jurisprudence surveies.

In 1826, the twelvemonth Fillmore was married,

an incident in western New York set him on the route to the presidential term.

When William Morgan, a former member of the Masonic fraternal order who

had written a book that claimed to expose the order & # 8217 ; s secrets, disappeared,

the rumour spread that he had been murdered by revenging Masons. Thurlow

Weed, a newspaper publishing house and politician, seized on the incident to elicit

public feeling against all secret organisations and helped to form

the Anti-Masonic Party. Meanwhile, Millard Fillmore had been winning regard

and popularity in East Aurora. Peoples admired his professional moralss,

temperate wonts, careful address and frock, and good expressions. These qualities

caught the attending of the Anti-Masonic politicians, who were looking

for vote-winning campaigners. In 1828, Weed and his group ran Fillmore for

a place in the New York province legislative assembly, and he was elected. Four old ages

subsequently, once more with Weed & # 8217 ; s backup, Fillmore was elected to the House of

Representatives in the Congress of the United States.

When the Anti-Masonic Party merged with

the new Whig Party in the mid-1830s, Fillmore became a Whig. In Congress

he was a strong protagonist of Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky, the leader

of the Whigs. The two work forces agreed that via media on the bondage issue was

necessary to continue peace between the North and South.

In the of import place of president of

the House Ways and Means Committee, Fillmore took a prima portion in bordering

the protective duty ( revenue enhancement on imports ) of 1842. The duty raised rates

to about the high degree of the duty of 1833. That duty was opposed

by the South and had provoked the province of South Carolina to go through its Regulation

of Nullification, declaring the duty nothingness within its boundary lines.

Fillmore did non run for reelection in

1842. He hoped for the frailty presidential nomination on Clay & # 8217 ; s Whig presidential

ticket, but the party & # 8217 ; s national convention of 1844 gave that topographic point to Theodore

Frelinghuysen of New Jersey. Fillmore so accepted the Whig nomination

for governor of New York. In the election, nevertheless, Fillmore was beaten

by his Democratic Party opposition, Silas Wright, and Clay lost the decisive

New York ballot.

The Whigs nominated Fillmore for province

accountant in 1847. This office was 2nd in power after the governor & # 8217 ; s

and supervised public fundss and superintended the Bankss. Fillmore defeated

his Democratic opposition by 30,000 ballots, the largest border of all time gained

by any Whig over a Democrat in New York. The triumph established Fillmore

as a ballot getter and put him in competition with former Governor William

Henry Seward for the place of New York & # 8217 ; s taking Whig.

The presidential election of 1848 was dominated

by the late ended Mexican War and by the Wilmot Proviso of 1846, which

had been inspired by the war. The provision specified that bondage should

non be introduced into any district acquired by the United States from

Mexico as a consequence of the war. Although the provision was defeated in Congress,

it raised the political issue of whether bondage should be extended beyond

its prewar bounds.

At the Whig convention of 1848 in Philadelphia,

Fillmore & # 8217 ; s friend Henry Clay lost the presidential nomination to General

Zachary Taylor. Clay & # 8217 ; s policy of via media on the bondage issue was good

known, whereas Taylor, a hero of the Mexican War, was associated with no

peculiar point of position. He won the nomination mostly through the attempts

of Weed and Southern leaders. After Taylor was nominated, John A. Collier,

a Whig delegate from New York and a political ally of Fillmore & # 8217 ; s, suggested

to the convention that it lessen the letdown of the Clay protagonists

by calling Fillmore as the frailty presidential campaigner. His supplication was successful,

and Fillmore was nominated. To avoid farther contention over bondage or

any other issue, the national convention adopted no platform. At its national

convention the Democratic Party besides avoided doing an issue of bondage.

It nominated US Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan for president and William

O. Butler of Kentucky for frailty president. Cass favored holding the colonists

of new districts decide for themselves whether they would let bondage

or non, a policy subsequently called popular sovereignty. A 3rd party took portion

in the election of 1848. Called the Free-Soil Party, it included Democrats

and Whigs who disagreed with their parties, and emancipationists, who wanted

an immediate terminal to bondage. The Free-Soil Party nominated former president

Martin Van Buren of New York for president and Massachusetts legislator

Charles Francis Adams for frailty president. In the election, Van Buren took

plenty Democratic ballots from Cass in New York to give the province to Taylor,

the Whig. The electoral ballot was 163 for Taylor, 127 for Cass. In the New

York province popular ballot, Taylor got 219,000, Cass got 114,000, and Van

Buren got 120,000.

During the first half of 1850, Fillmore

as frailty president presided over the United States Senate ( the upper chamber

of Congress ) as angry arguments raged between Northern and Southern sectionalists

over the position of bondage in the late acquired lands. His equity

and sense of wit in the chair were non plenty to reconstruct peace among

the contending senators. The antislavery cabal, led by Senator Seward

( the former governor of New York ) and Senator Salmon P. Chase of Ohio,

clashed with the Southerners, led by Senator James M. Mason of Virginia,

Senator Jefferson Davis of M

ississippi, and Senator John C. Calhoun of

South Carolina. Angry words figuratively rocked the Senate hall, as they

did the chamber of the House of Representatives.

Although President Taylor was a Louisiana

slave owner, he leaned more toward Seward & # 8217 ; s antislavery positions. Determined

to continue the Fundamental law of the United States, the president threatened

to direct federal military personnels to protect disputed New Mexico district from an

invasion by proslavery Texans. Southerners countered that, if Taylor followed

through with his menace, the act would be the signal for an armed Southern

rebellion against federal power. Mississippi called for a convention to

meet in June 1850 at Nashville, Tennessee, to see sezession.

The best hope of via media seemed to lie

in a series of declarations drawn up by Senator Henry Clay of Kentucky and

based on steps proposed by representatives from both parties and both

subdivisions. These declarations were referred to a choice commission of 13,

headed by Clay. The commission recommended an omnibus measure, based on Clay & # 8217 ; s

declarations. Harmonizing to the recommended via media, California was to

be admitted as a free province, while the Utah and New Mexico districts

were to be organized without adverting bondage. This meant the districts

were unfastened to all colonists, including slave owners. The measure besides included

a new, tougher Fugitive Slave Law, which required that runaway slaves be

returned to their proprietors. The new jurisprudence had terrible punishments for nonenforcement.

A main grudge of Southerners against the old jurisprudence was that Northerners

would non implement it. Other subdivisions of the measure abolished bondage in the

District of Columbia and settled a boundary difference between Texas and New

Mexico. President Taylor did non portion the fright, held by Clay, Fillmore,

and others who favored via media, that the Union was threatened. He insisted

on the admittance of California as a free province, and he encouraged New Mexico

to follow a free position. Taylor & # 8217 ; s resistance hindered those who favored

the via media. However, he died all of a sudden on July 9, 1850, and Fillmore

took the curse as president.

President Fillmore & # 8217 ; s pick of a Cabinet

showed unmistakably that, as a moderate Whig and a enemy of provincialism,

he favored via media to avoid a national crisis. As his secretary of province,

Fillmore appointed Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, who had appealed

for via media in a famed address on March 7, 1850. Another important

Cabinet assignment was Governor John J. Crittenden of Kentucky, besides a

well-known conciliatory Whig, as lawyer general.

Fillmore made kick his desire for peace

in a message to Congress on August 6, 1850. It was hailed by influential

congressional leaders as a masterstroke of timing and persuasive moderateness.

Aided by the full power and support of Fillmore & # 8217 ; s disposal, Clay & # 8217 ; s

omnibus measure, known as the Compromise of 1850, was split into five separate

steps, all of which were passed by Congress and signed into jurisprudence by Fillmore.

Meanwhile, the Nashville convention adjourned without taking any action

against the Union.

One of the five steps was the new Fugitive

Slave Law. Fillmore signed and, more of import, enforced the Fugitive Slave

Law, actions that were wholly in maintaining with his conciliatory policy.

As a consequence, he won the hate of the more extremist antislavery group. Seward

and Weed, the antislavery Whig leaders of New York, opposed Fillmore vehemently,

and the president countered by taking pro-Seward people from federal

office. At a Whig convention in Syracuse, New York, declarations were passed Seward & # 8217 ; s extremist place. Thereupon a contingent of Fillmore

conservativists walked out, led by Francis Granger, whose grey hair gave

the name & # 8220 ; Silver Gray Whigs & # 8221 ; to that cabal. This act widened the breach

in the Whig Party, which was besides disintegrating in other parts of the

state on the issue of bondage.

The most of import facet of Fillmore & # 8217 ; s

foreign policy was his countenance of a program to open Japan to universe commercialism,

which had been mostly prohibited there for more than 200 old ages. Influenced

by requests to Congress and other groundss of public involvement, he approved

an expedition to open the & # 8220 ; sealed & # 8221 ; imperium. In January 1852 a naval expedition

was entrusted to Commodore Matthew C. Perry. In July 1853, four months

after Fillmore left the presidential term, Perry arrived in Japan with four ship of the line.

That visit and another visit the undermentioned twelvemonth culminated in a commercial

pact between the United States and Japan.

Fillmore was loath to function a 2nd

term, but participated in the Whig national convention of 1852 because

he wanted to guarantee that the party platform supported the Compromise of

1850. After procuring that, he asked that his name be withdrawn at an opportune

minute and his delegates transferred to Daniel Webster, another rival

for the Whig presidential nomination. However, Fillmore & # 8217 ; s Southern Whig

protagonists, who believed he would win, backed him smartly and ne’er

did retreat his name. They held out for Webster to let go of his delegates.

By the clip Webster did that, it was excessively late. The antislavery Whigs had

secured control of the convention and, mindful of Fillmore & # 8217 ; s enforcement

of the Fugitive Slave Law, they succeeded in holding General Winfield Scott

named the party & # 8217 ; s campaigner. In November, Scott was resolutely defeated

by his Democratic opposition, Franklin Pierce. After the 1852 election the

Whig Party broke up over the slavery issue. By 1856 its topographic point had been

taken by the Republican Party, led by Seward and Weed.

Fillmore turned over the presidential office

to Pierce in March 1853. His married woman died less than a month subsequently, and the

former president returned to his place in Buffalo.

In 1856, Fillmore accepted the presidential

nomination of the American Party, a alliance of Silver Gray Whigs and

Know-Nothings, a close political group opposed to in-migration. In the

1856 national election, contested by the Democrat James Buchanan, the Republican

John C. Fr & # 233 ; mont, and the American Fillmore, Buchanan triumphed by

a little border. Fillmore carried merely the eight electoral ballots of Maryland,

a boundary line slave province. The popular ballot was 1,838,169 for Buchanan, 1,341,264

for Fr & # 233 ; mont, and 874,534 for Fillmore.

Fillmore returned for good to private

life, but he continued to see the political scene with involvement and

anxiousness. Critical events? the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 and the

sezession of the Southern provinces in 1860 and 1861 that led to the eruption

of the Civil War? induced Fillmore to take the platform to plead against

sezession and disunion. Always for conciliation instead than coercion, Fillmore

opposed some of President Lincoln & # 8217 ; s steps. In 1864, when Lincoln ran

for reelection, Fillmore supported General George B. McClellan, the Democratic

campaigner and a conservative. After the war, Fillmore & # 8217 ; s understandings were

with President Andrew Johnson in resistance to the Radical Republicans

in Congress, who inflicted their drastic, punitory Reconstruction policy

on the defeated secessionist provinces.

In 1858, Fillmore remarried. His 2nd

married woman was Mrs. Caroline C. McIntosh of Albany, New York. He continued his

jurisprudence pattern in Buffalo, disrupting it to do two trips to Europe. His

civic involvements included the University of Buffalo, now SUNY Buffalo, and

he was its first Chancellor of the Exchequer. He was a laminitis of the Buffalo Historical

Society and the Buffalo General Hospital, and he was active in other community

undertakings, such as the Natural Science Society. He died in 1874.

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