My Mistress

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& # 8217 ; Eyess Are Nothing Like The Sun Essay, Research Paper

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In William Shakespeare & # 8217 ; s sonnet & # 8220 ; My Mistress & # 8217 ; Eyess Are Nothing Like The Sun & # 8221 ; the talker uses a distorted version of the coat of arms technique, which lists and describes every organic structure portion of the kept woman. The talker expresses the thought that his kept woman is non physically beautiful, and she has defects, but he loves her anyway. I believe that the talker expresses this thought in order to state that beauty is merely skin deep, and there is more to a individual than meets the oculus. The beginning of the verse form is misdirecting. It starts out as if the talker is speaking negatively about his kept woman. & # 8220 ; Her eyes are nil like the Sun & # 8221 ; ( 1 ) . The talker is stating that he does non see her eyes to be bright and clear like the Sun. & # 8220 ; Coral is far more ruddy than her lips ruddy & # 8221 ; ( 2 ) . The talker is stating that her lips are pale and that the colour of her lips is non every bit vivacious as coral. & # 8220 ; If snow be white, why so her chests are dun & # 8221 ; ( 3 ) . During this clip period the coveted tegument colour was pale, and the talker says that his kept woman & # 8217 ; chests were a brownish-gray. & # 8220 ; If hairs be wires, black wires grown on her caput & # 8221 ; ( 4 ) . The talker is stating that her hair is non soft, satiny and smooth. The talker goes to the extreme of stating her breath & # 8220 ; reeks. & # 8221 ; When

you hear the word “reeks” you imagine an awful smell and using this to describe her breath creates an image of not wanting to come face to face with her. But as you continue to read, the speaker says that she is a real person and is obtainable, unlike a mystical form such as an angel or goddess. “I grant I never saw a goddess go, / My mistress when she walks treads on the ground” (11-12). The speaker says that he has never seen a goddess, and that his mistress is a real person who walks on the ground instead of floating on air like an angel.Most love poems use descriptions that are unrealistic describing their lovers as flawless, something that is not real. Saying things that make the lover seem like a goddess. “And yet, by heaven, I think my love as fair / As any she belied with false compare” (13-14). The speaker says he is blessed to have this love and does not have to make false illusions of his mistress. The speaker in “My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun” says his true thoughts about his mistress. This allows you to see that she is a real person. “My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun” is an unusual poem. The speaker does not describe his mistress as having qualities of beautiful things. Instead he is drawn to her inner beauty instead of her physical beauty.

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