Nettie Stevens Essay Research Paper Nettie StevensNettie

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Nettie Stevens

Nettie Maria Stevens was born in 1861 in Cavendish, Vermont. She was an American life scientist and geneticist, whose research proved that chromosomes determine the sex of an being. She completed in merely two old ages the four-year class at Westfield Normal School in Massachusetts. Nettie graduated with the highest academic tonss in her category. She recieved her B.A. in 1899 and her M.A. in 1900 at Stanford.

Nettie studied Tenebrio molitor beetles and found that unfertilised eggs in female beetles ever contain an X chromosome. Sperm from male beetles contain either an Ten chromosome or a Y chromosome. She found that eggs fertilized by sperm transporting the X chromosome produce female beetles. The combination of egg and Y-chromosome sperm produce male beetles.

Edmund Beecher Wilson, a life scientist from Columbia University in New York City, made this same find at about the same clip as Nettie. Nettie besides established that chromosomes

exist as mated constructions in organic structure cells.

Nettie Stevens was non credited really good for her find. Alternatively, person else was given the recognition even though Nettie had done all of the work.

Nettie gained ill fame after her decease in 1912, from Thomas Hunt Morgan. He stated:

Modern cytological work involves an elaborateness of item, the significance of which can be appreciated by the specializer entirely ; but Miss Stevens had a shre in a find of importance, and her name will be remembered for this, when the minutiae of elaborate probes that she carried out have become incorporated in the general organic structure of the topic.

Nettie & # 8217 ; s name didn & # 8217 ; t become celebrated and non much recognition was given to her for her finds, but she was given some recognition for what she established.

I think that Nettie Stevens is a superb adult female. She made a really of import find which effects even our lives today. Her part to the universe expanded our cognition of the human organic structure.

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