Pws Info Letter Essay Research Paper Dear

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Pws Info Letter Essay, Research Paper

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Beloved Parents,

I am composing you because I was informed that you have a kid with the Prader-Willi Syndrome ( PWS ) . I have late been researching this upset and want to give you some information about it that you may non yet cognize and suggestions that may assist in keeping your kid & # 8217 ; s wellness and safety.

Prader-Willi Syndrome is a two-stage non-hereditary familial upset that occurs in both male and females. The first phase is the mutant of cistron look, the 2nd phase starts after the kid is born. It is non really common, merely 1 out of 15,000 people are born with it. It is caused by a familial abnormalcy on the fifteenth chromosome.

On a normal individual, you have 23 braces of chromosomes. In each brace, 1 cistron comes from the female parent, and 1 cistron comes from the male parent. This is how things get passed down from parents to kids ( like oculus colour, tallness, skin tone etc & # 8230 ; ) .

However, in a individual with PWS, the 15th chromosome has been given 2 cistrons from the female parent, and none from the male parent. This is called maternal UPD ( uni-parent disomy ) in which 2 transcripts of the maternal chromosome are inherited with no paternal part. Despite the presence of 2 integral chromosomes, there is a functional abnormalcy in the imprinting that may take to the absence of cistron look from the paternally donated chromosome, ensuing in the

PWS phenotype ( physical trait ) that is common in individuals with PWS.

The physical traits or symptoms of a individual with PWS are due to the abnormalcy in the repletion centre of the encephalon, ( repletion is the sense of being & # 8220 ; full & # 8221 ; after eating, or cognizing when your hungry and when your non ) . Peoples with PWS do non hold the sense of normal repletion, therefore they do non recognize when they are & # 8220 ; full & # 8221 ; from eating. This leads to fleshiness, and uncontrolled feeding wonts. No medicine has been found to handle this job.

This means that people with PWS have to be maintained and controlled their full life, fundamentally they need 24-hour attention. It is indispensable that nutrient consumption is controlled. Besides, they will hold to keep good exerting wonts, at least 30 proceedingss each twenty-four hours. This will non forestall them from being overweight, because of the organic structure composing in PWS: musculuss are little, musculus tone is low and the activity degree is normally below normal. This besides means, that people with PWS have a lower demand for Calories. A normal individual needs the mean 2000 calories a twenty-four hours, but person with PWS merely needs about 1000-1250.

I believe that PWS is a really serious upset that needs to be handled right and given a batch of attention. If you need any more information or aid with your PWS kid, delight experience free to reach Prader-Willi Syndrome Association ( USA ) toll free at 1-800-926-4797.


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