“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin Essay

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Contrast and compare the two matrimony proposals made to Elizabeth Bennet in the novel: Mr Collins’ proposal to Elizabeth and Darcy’s proposal to Elizabeth

Jane Austen lived in a materialistic universe and this is reflected in her novel. In “Pride and Prejudice” no secret is made of the demand to get married for money. Jane Austen reflects different types of matrimony in her novel. There is materialistic matrimony. brought about entirely for economic grounds. Such would hold been the matrimony between Mr Collins and Elizabeth. Mr Collins’ proposal was fuelled by his ain economic motivations. desire to delight the blue Lady Catherine and by Mrs Bennet’s economic frights that Elizabeth will inherit small money when her male parent dies: non existent feelings or any facet of love. Contrasting this is the ideal matrimony. Marriages ‘rationally founded. ’ based on. ‘excellent apprehension. ’ and. ‘general similarity of feeling and gustatory sensation. ’ ( Chapter 55 ) Such is the matrimony between Darcy and Elizabeth. Although Elizabeth refused Darcy’s foremost proposal. it was finally made because of true emotional feelings. regard and esteem for Elizabeth.

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The chief ground for Mr Collins’ choice of a married woman in Elizabeth is economic convenience. Her farther’s house is entailed to him. By get marrieding Mr Collins. Elizabeth’s household will non be left without a place. Many facets of Mr Collins’s proposal reflect his deficiency of feeling. The first being how the proposal comes approximately. He comes to Hertfordshire. ‘with the design of choosing a married woman. ’ and he ironically feels that his taking one from Longbourn was. ‘disinterested on his ain portion. ’ due to the estate being entailed to him. Any lady signifier Longbourn will do. Elizabeth was non even his first pick. but Jane was believed to be shortly united with Mr Bingley.

He admits to Elizabeth that the house is a motivation for his pick. turn outing that his proposal is dominated by economic convenience non love. His proposal was far from a self-generated act of love. It was planned and his pick designed with Mrs Bennet. Elizabeth was clearly cognizant of his purposes. and tries urgently to avoid being put in a place where they can come out. However one time forced to by her female parent. Elizabeth wishes to. ‘get it over as shortly and softly as possible. ’ Elizabeth evidently does non hold feelings for Mr Collins and takes no pleasance in his proposal.

There is a sense that Mr Collins speaking through a set of words throughout his proposal. He addresses Mrs Bennet with great formality. it gives a sense that he has pre-designed his reference to her. Mr Collins is following the regulations. stating what he is supposed to state ; non what he feels. His whole proposal to Elizabeth gives a sense of an order of service. with a book that could be applied to any character. The address is really impersonal. Mr Collins negotiations of. ‘young ladies. ’ ‘your sex. ’ There is extremely small reference of Elizabeth’s character or Mr Collins’s esteem for it. It feels as though Mr Collins could use his address to anybody. and subsequently does with Charlotte.

The content of Mr Collins’s duologue throughout his proposal is really expressed in its deficiency of feeling. He begins by saying his grounds for matrimony. His first ground it that he feels he should. ‘Sick Equation the illustration of marriage. ’ he believes matrimony will add to his felicity. and Lady Catherine told him. ‘ Mr Collins. you must get married. A reverend like you must get married. ’ Mr Collins wants a good small married woman to utilize as a tool to better his public image. He talks of how a matrimony will delight him. He does non speak bout how the brotherhood between him and Elizabeth will convey him great felicity. It does non count who his bride is. as all he wants is a married woman. to better his position and delight Lady Catherine ; he does non hold to hold feelings for her. It could be said that Mr Collins’s greatest inducement to get married is to delight Lady Catherine.

He is being forced into a proposal by another adult female. non true feelings. Although there is a reference of his feelings. Mr Collins negotiations of how. ’ the force. ; of his fondnesss would overlook the downside to get marrieding Elizabeth. Not how violently he respects and admires her. Darcy’s proposal is a complete contrast in its emotional struggle. The whole proposal is much more dynamic and there are clearly strong emotions and feelings involved. Darcy instantly tells Elizabeth he loves her. Wards are used such as. ‘and agitated mode. ’ ‘the colour rose. ’ ‘became picket with choler. ’ ‘painfully greater. ’ these clearly demonstrate dynamic. strong feelings. They illustrate the greater deepness of experiencing felt throughout Darcy’s proposal than in that of Mr Collins’ .

Mr Collins’ proposal was chiefly fueled by the great convenience in Elizabeth get marrieding Mr Collins. However Darcy’s proposal is really far from convenient. Although technically in the same category. Darcy is viewed to be much above Elizabeth in society and a matrimony between them would non be viewed as thought. Mr Collins is following the regulations in his proposal ; speaking to Mrs Bennet. stating what he is supposed to and trying to delight Lady Catherine. In contrast Darcy is compelled by his feelings to interrupt the regulations. by non making what society expects of him.

Mr Collins’ proposal was greatly fueled by Lady Catherine and his desire to better his standing in society. However Darcy is fueled by his feelings to travel against society and potentially diminish his societal standing. Darcy’s true love for Elizabeth overcomes all the sociable grounds for non get marrieding E. Darcy is a really strong character. nevertheless he struggled. ‘in vain. ’ to get the better of his feelings. Darcy’s feelings managed to get the better of him. Showing their strength and power.

Their proposals act as a great penetration into the character of Mr Collins and Darcy. Mr Collins’ proposal greatly shows what is of import to him. The thing of greatest importance to him. seems to be money and connexions. His public character is really of import. he was to get married to better it and delight Lady Catherine. Mr Collins sees money and high connexions with people such as Lady Catherine as grounds for felicity and why Elizabeth should get married him. He does non look to recognize that non everyone is every bit mercenary as him. Mr Collins is driven into his proposal by economic grounds and Lady Catherine. which seem more of import to him than love.

The importance of high standing people such as Lady Catherine to Mr Collins is besides really evident in his proposal. He is clearly obsessed by her high societal position. He wants to get married because Lady Catherine tells him. ‘A reverend like you must get married. ’ He allows her to take what type of adult female he should get married. a adult female. ‘active and utile. non brought up high. but able to do a little income go a good manner. ’ Lady Catherine tells Mr Collins to take a adult female with these characters. non merely for Mr Collins’ interest but for her ain. Mr Collins allows another woman’s wishes to rule his pick in a married woman. Possibly Lady Catherine’s feelings are more of import to him than his ain or his possible married woman.

One of the greatest things Mr Collins can offer seems to be Lady Catherine. He says to Elizabeth. ‘ I do non think the notice and kindness of Lady Catherine as among the least of the advantages in my power to offer. ’ This once more demonstrates Mr Collins’ deficiency of acknowledgment of the fact that non every one feels high connexion and money to be the greatest importance in life. Equally good as money and connexions Mr Collins’ believes Lady Catherine to be more of import than love.

Mr Collins’ personality traits are besides portrayed really good in his proposals. He is unaffected by Elizabeth’s refusal and continually refuses to accept it. His first reaction is to disregard the refusal. ‘with a formal moving ridge of the manus. He believes. ‘ it is usual with immature ladies to reject the references of the adult male whom they in secret mean to accept. ’ He so goes on to state. ; give me go forth to blandish myself. ; theat he believes Elizabeth’s refusal. ‘ is simply words of class. ’ he clearly has an highly high sentiments and an complete assurance in himself and his state of affairs in life ; he merely can non believe why anyone would non wish to be a portion of that.

Despite great attempts from Elizabeth to convert him otherwise. Mr Collins still leaves his brush iwth Elizabeth. believing. ‘ his proposals will non neglect of being acceptable. ; it is greatly evident that Mr Collins is excessively conceited to accept Elizabeth’s strong refusal. He is deluded plenty to believe himself and Lady Catherine as resistless to Elizabeth. and will non believe it when she manages to revisit them. He goes every bit far as excessively view the refusal as encouragement.

There are farther facets of his proposal exposing Mr Collins’ character. He explains his 2nd ground for get marrieding as being to ‘ add really greatly to my felicity. ’ This attention deficit disorder to the partial of him as selfish and ego obsessed. He does non do any secret of his motivations for get marrieding as being Lady Catherine and the convenience of a matrimony between him and a lady from Longbourn. He is once more excessively deluded to see that stating this would non affect Elizabeth and says. ‘I flatter myself it will non drop me in your regard. ’ There is a sense that he has such a high sentiment of himself. he feels that it does non count what he says. Elizabeth will desire to get married him. He is even deluded plenty to believe Elizabeth should be thankful for his proposal he speaks to Elizabeth with great disdain and fails to recognize that this may displease her ; non promote her to get married him.

He tells Elizabeth that her. ‘ with and vivacity. ’ will be. ‘ tempered with the silence and regard which her rank will necessarily excite. ’ when speaking about Lady Cather. Implying that Elizabeth should be highly intimidated by person such as Lady Cather. He subsequently goes on to minimize Elizabeth by stating her. ‘ Your part is unhappily so little that it will in all likeliness undo the effects of your comeliness and good-humored makings. ; he is clearly excessively deluded and foolish to recognize abuses are non the manner to a woman’s bosom.

Much of Darcy’ character is besides revealed in his proposal. He is clearly non used to experiencing the manner that he feels. He foremost. ‘sat down for a few minutes. ’ so ‘walked about the room. ’ He is apparently incognizant of how to cover with this state of affairs. He came toward Elizabeth. ‘in an agitated mode. ’ Darcy is far form his usual character of cool calm. He has clearly been moved by seeable feelings ; unlike Mr Collins.

Darcy shows that money and position are of import to him every bit good. He says. ‘In vain I have struggled ; and ‘in malice of all his enterprises. ; Darcy can non get the better of his feelings and must show them to E. Unlike Mr Collins Darcy negotiations of his great fondnesss for Elizabeth. However merely as Mr Collins Darcy besides negotiations of money and connexions. His address is described as being. ‘ non more facile on the topic of tenderness than of pride. ; although money and position are doubtless really of import to Darcy. unlike Mr Collins. he proves that love and felicity are more of import to him.

Darcy is portrayed as being really honest. He gives Elizabeth the full narrative of his fondnesss ; the good and the bad. He makes non try to deny his actions in seeking to divide Mr Bingly from Elizabeth’s sister. even though he must be cognizant that it will damage Elizabeth’s sentiment of him. The fact that Darcy is willing to give Elizabeth the full narrative. reflects the openness and extent of Darcy’s feelings for Elizabeth.

Darcy is much more realistic and down to earth than Mr Collins. He is non excessively deluded to recognize that the abuses of Elizabeth’s household will damage her pride and upset her. However Darcy respects Elizabeth. and feels it better to give her the full narrative. Darcy is non excessively conceited to hear Elizabeth’s refusal. He accepts it and is clearly moved by it. His. ‘ skin color became pale with choler. ’ and he struggles. ‘ for the visual aspect of calm. ’ He stops Elizabeth and. ‘hastily left the room. ’ Despite his higher position than Mr Collins. Darcy is non excessively self absorbed as to non believe Elizabeth’s rejection as being existent.

Darcy his giving everything to E. He gives her the full narrative. He shows her all his feelings ; and vulnerably puts his full ego out on the line. By exposing himself so openly. he wants the great gift of love and felicity. However Mr Collins’ proposal in comparing is really superficial. He is non seeking for lover or a joyous brotherhood between adult male and married woman. but egotistically. and improved societal standing for himself.

Equally good as contrasts some similarities can be found between eh two proposals. Both Mr Collins and Darcy assume a positive result to their proposal and an credence of their offer. It is evident that Mr Collins is so ceratin of credence. as he is os greatly conceited and believes that what he can offer will be inescapably alluring to Elizabeth ; she will non be able to decline. However there is a sense that Darcy’s premise is based on other grounds. It feels as though. Darcy’s feelings are so strong and have been so overmastering that he has non thought of refusal. Possibly he feels that it would non be possible for him to experience so strongly for her. if Elizabeth did non experience the same. Although he assumes acceptance. when Darcy is faced with refusal he accepts it really rapidly. unlike Mr Collins.

In their proposals both Mr Collins and Darcy inflict hurting on Elizabeth’s pride by reminding her of her vulnerable societal state of affairs. Mr Collins is willing to over look Elizabeth’s hapless luck. Darcy has been forced by his true love to get the better of his inquiry about Elizabeth’s societal standing. Mr Collins sees economic grounds. his high connexions. his ability to better. Elizabeth’s societal standing. and his chance to better his societal position by obtaining a married woman. as grounds for matrimony. non the chance of love and felicity. Darcy nevertheless does non seek to utilize his ability to better Elizabeth’s economic state of affairs as grounds for her accepting his manus. Darcy sees the questionable economic and societal state of affairs as a ground for non get marrieding Elizabeth. In contrast to Mr Collins he sees the potency for love and felicity as the fuel for matrimony. non money. It is because of this that he is able to get the better of his pride and propose.

We can besides obtain many facets of Elizabeth’s character. from her behaviour during and reaction to the two different proposals. Elizabeth is clearly really reasonable. When Mr Collins presses for clip entirely with Elizabeth she instantly knows what is traveling on. and tries urgently to avoid it. Unlike possibly some of her younger sisters she is non naif. and does non merely want for male company. Elizabeth subsequently goes on to plus the sense of her character. by reacting to Mr Collins’ pathetic premises that Elizabeth’s refusals is merely portion of a game that many immature adult females play. by stating. ‘I do guarantee you that I am non one of those immature ladies. ( if such immature ladies that are ) who are so audacious as to put on the line at that place felicity on the opportunity of being asked a 2nd clip. ’ Elizabeth is clearly excessively reasonable to play such games. She is non so stupid as to put on the line true love and felicity. and possibly excessively reasonable to see how anyone could be so insensible as to make so.

Equally good as reasonable Elizabeth comes across as really civil and degree headed. She does non do a scene. does non aloud decline Mr Collins and revoke his abuses. In stead she wishes to complete the ordeal as rapidly and. ‘as softly as possible. ’ At first Mr Collins’ declaration of his love makes Elizabeth. ‘so near express joying that she could non utilize the short intermission he allowed in any effort to halt him further. ’ this reflects Elizabeth’s visible radiation spirited character and good sense of wit. Despite Mr Collins’ changeless disbelieve of the world of Elizabeth’s refusal. Elizabeth still remains unagitated and civil. She does non look as crabbed and is possibly reasonable plenty to recognize that going disquieted and excited will non assist the state of affairs. She attempts to fault her refusal on herself and deficiency of ability to delight Lady Catherine. She says to Mr Collins. ‘ were your friend Lady Catherine to cognize me. I am persuaded she would happen me in every regard ailment qualified. ’ She does non personally insult Mr Collins. but alternatively efforts to happen alibi for her denying his proposal. This once more reflects her civil character.

It seems as though Elizabeth does non like dissing confrontations with people. She is despairing to go forth her brush with Mr Collins under good conditions. However Mr Collins continues to prevail in his proposal. Despite efforts to stay civil. as Mr Collins continues to recycle the world of her refusal Elizabeth becomes more agitated. She cries to Mr Collins. ‘with some heat. your puzzle me extremely. ’ Elizabeth is apparently excessively reasonable for such folly and cockamamie games ; and they clearly agitate her. However alternatively of abuses. Elizabeth reverts to her trade grade sarcasm as she becomes more angry. It is a contemplation on her good nature a strength that she remains so unagitated during such an exasperating ordeal.

Elizabeth’s connexion in mind and sense with her male parent is revealed at the terminal of the proposal. Elizabeth acknowledges that she will non be able to convert Mr Collins and instantly thinks of her male parent. Sh knows that his character is merely every bit reasonable as her ain. and unlike her female parent. her male parent will non do her marry such an obsurd adult male.

Many of the facet of Elizabeth’s character are besides revealed in Darcy’s proposal. As with Mr Collins Elizabeth did non desire to see Md. However this is due to her disfavor of his character ; non even her sense could anticipate this proposal. After Darcy beings his proposal. he views Elizabeth’s silence as. ‘sufficient encouragement. ’ to go on. This agin reflects Elizabeth’s strength of character. She is clearly recognized by Darcy as a adult female with strong head and sentiments.

Elizabeth ‘was at first sorry for the hurting he was to have. ’ This shows that Elizabeth is a compassionate character. Although she deeply disfavors Darcy ; she is non so vindictive as to wish to bring down any hurting on him. Elizabeth obviously feels much more emotion throughout Darcy’s proposals. Phrases are used such as. ‘color rose into her cheeks. ’ ‘she was roused to bitternesss. ’ ‘she lost all compassion in choler. ’ However despite heightened emotions. Elizabeth still tries to stay patients and composed. It is clear the Elizabeth feels much more for Darcy. She is much more personal in her responses to him. She Darcy. ‘I have ne’er desired you good sentiment. ’ She makes no secret of her disfavor for him.

She informs Darcy that it is non merely his proposal on which her. ‘dislike was founded. ’ Elizabeth is clearly really passionate about Darcy. even if she does non like him. She is insulted by him. and can non stay so civil as with Mr Collins. She can non brush off Darcy’s abuses as she can with Mr Collins. This is all because she feels for Darcy and does non for Mr Collins. Elizabeth clearly cares deeply for her household. as she peculiarly struggles for calm. after Darcy confirms his actions doing injury to Elizabeth’s sister Jane.

Equally good as the creditable facets of her character. Elizabeth’s greatest mistake is besides displayed. Her mistake being bias. She bases her deep. deep disfavor of Darcy. on the sentiments she formed of him after their first meeting. In her concluding duologue of Darcy’s proposal Elizabeth says. ‘from the first minute I may about state. of my familiarity with you. your manners affecting me with the fullest belief of your haughtiness. your amour propre. and your selfish contempt. Because of this sentiment Elizabeth automatically believes Wickham’s narrative. The believe of his narrative. hyperbolic Elizabeth’s bad sentiment of Darcy. and greatly fueled her disfavor. Elizabeth does non even think to see her position of Darcy may be wrong. She does non waver in firing her abuses at him and shows great bias towards him.

Elizabeth does non admit the feelings of either of the work forces suggesting to her. She knows she will non do Mr Collins happy. Elizabeth believes that after Darcy has exposed his love to Elizabeth he. ‘can have small trouble in get the better ofing it. ’ Elizabeth appears wholly nescient to the splash she has cause in d. The reflects her modestness. She does non hold an over hyperbolic image of herself and is excessively reasonable to experience that work forces should ever fall in love with her.

Throughout both proposals. despite being annoyed. enraged and injury. Elizabeth ever tries to retains her calm. Although this is a virtue to her strength of character. it could besides be interpreted in a different manner. Possibly Elizabeth attempts to remains unagitated because she cares aobut what others think of her. She does non desire to be viewed as crabbed or hot headed. Alternatively as the civil reasonable character. that she is.

I feel the greatest testimonial to Elizabeth’s strength of character. is her refusal of both proposals. She proves herself to be. much wiser and much more confident than Charlotte Lucas. who accept Mr Collins’ proposal. Elizabeth will non merely get married for convince and the safe entail of Longbourn. Elizabeth shows that she is excessively strong to be swayed into credence. by a rich hubby and a munificent being. Unlike Mr Collins. Mrs Bennet and Charlotte Lucas. Elizabeth proves that love and felicity are the most of import thing to her. non economic system and position ; love will be the lone ground why she will get married.

Typically. Mrs Bennet is reflected really severely in her effort of lucifer devising. In treatment with Mr Collins. Mrs Bennett assumes that Elizabeth will accept Mr Collins’ proposals. This shows that both experience money and connexions are suited grounds for accepting a matrimony. The both assume that Elizabeth besides views position as more of import than love. Mrs Bennett does non believe to see the feelings of her girl. She overlooks Elizabeth’s uncomfortableness and annoyance. and continues to coerce Elizabeth into clip entirely with Mr Collins. This implies that to Mrs Bennett improved societal connexions. the secure cognition that her house will stay in her household. are more of import than the feelings of her household. This is subsequently supported by Mrs Bennett’s reaction to Elizabeth’s refusal.

She refuses to speak to Elizabeth for what she has done. This probes that Mrs Bennett attaches a greater value to position. than to love and enjoyment of her household. There is a sense that she wishes to be the foreman. Whatever she tells her kids to make is right and must be done. However she does non hold the humor or mind to command such control. Alternatively. merely as a kid. she sulks when her authorization is non followed. Elizabeth care of a civil mode throughout the proposals. shows that she is more gregariously acceptable than her female parent. Despite Mrs Bennett’s changeless efforts to better her societal standing.

One of the Jane Austen’s greatest fast ones. is her ability to accommodate her book to act upon the reader into experiencing what she wants them to experience. This is really evident in the two proposals. For Mr Collins’ proposals. Jane Austen includes the full duologue of his declaration. This has great consequence. By including the full book of Mr Collins’ duologue it enhances the consequence that Mr Collins is speaking through a book. You get the full spirit of his pre-designed address ; and the extent of his deficiency of feeling.

Jane Austen uses the opposiet tactic accomplishing an opposite consequence for Darcy’s proposal. She does non compose the full duologue of Darcy’s proposal. Alternatively she depicts the events in a narrative signifier. This helps to keep the reader like towards d. Elizabeth’s mistake is prejudice and Darcy’ is pride. Due to his nature and the society hie lives in Darcy will necessarily damage Elizabeth’s pride with insults towards her position. However these are non included in the duologue. So the reader comes to esteem Darcy for stating a true narrative of his love ; but without disliking him for rude conceited comments. as with Mr Collins.

There is a farther consequence signifier the auctorial remarks. The stoping to Mr Collins’ proposal. leaves a definite conclusiveness to the state of affairs. Although Mr Collins leaves convinced they will get married. Elizabeth knows otherwise. She will use to her male parent. who will do no uncertainty of the fact that Elizabeth does non wish to accept Mr Collins’s proposals. Elizabeth does non reflect on his proposal ; and there is no inquiry that she does non experience for Mr Collins. However with Darcy it is different. Elizabeth is decidedly moved by his proposal. She ‘sat down and cried for half and hr. ’ She considered her meeting with Darcy. ‘in really agitated contemplations until the sound of Lady Catherine’s passenger car. ’ There is no sense of conclusiveness to Darcy’s proposal or Elizabeth’s feelings. As the reader is cognizant that Elizabeth’s passionate hatred is founded on bias. you can non assist but inquire that if she were to over come her mistake. her passion towards Darcy might alter.

It is clear through the proposals that adult females did non ever have a really high standing. For some adult females were merely interchangeable. For illustration when Mr Collins finds that Jane is taken he instantly travel his matrimonial involvements to Elizabeth. It appears that adult females did non ever have a high plenty standing to even take their spouse in matrimony. Some adult females were forced into matrimony non by love or pick. but by household and the force per unit area to increase or keep a societal repute. For illustration Mrs Bennett efforts to coerce Elizabeth into get marrieding Mr Collins. . It is non all adult females who have Elizabeth’s strength of character non to be pushed. for illustration Charlotte did non. It appears that adult females could sometimes be the victim of emotional blackmail.

For illustration Mr Collins tires to convert Elizabeth to get married him by stating her that it is improbable any one else will offer. as her. ‘portion is unhappily so little. ’ Mr Collins’ proposal besides suggests that what adult females said in answer to a proposal did non ever affair. Mr Collins eventually resigns himself to stating that even if Elizabeth continues to decline. her female parent will guarantee a matrimony. However Darcy’s proposal contradicts this. Darcy takes note and respects Elizabeth’s refusal. He make no efforts to corrupt or coerce her as he realises she does non love him.

Both proposals reflect the great importance of money and category when it comes to marriage. Mr Collins’ proposal was fueled by economic and societal grounds. It appears that to some these are significant adequate grounds for matrimony. Mr Collins tells. ‘your parts is unhappily so little that it will in all likeliness undo the effects of your comeliness and good-humored makings. ’ This implies that many would experience. category many would experience. category. money and connexions to be more of import than esteem of the other. when in hunt of a bride. Even Darcy who feels genuine love for Elizabeth. must advert money. In the society of the clip. money and category are such of import issues that Darcy can non allow them get away when suggesting. Although it is revealed that money is really of import when it comes to marriage. it is besides evident that true gentlemen such a Mr Darcy will non bechance to snobbery. they can get the better of economic state of affairss. because they have the right moral understand to cognize that love is most of import.

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